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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. Idk man he has been huuugggee supporters of theirs over the years. Pats are great. Agreed. But sometimes the commentary is nauseating.
  2. More like 12 and 4 but point taken and it sucks. Edit...your point doesnt suck...that the Pats never suck...sucks
  3. Dont forget the incriminating pics of McD he must have in order to still be on a goddamned NFL roster.
  4. Look...at...the....tape??? Is the tape really necessary? If Peterman were here when McD got here and not his pick his ass would have been gone last year. Unreal.
  5. Yep and be careful Putzerman's relatives are out in full force to defend Jeebus-man I agree they deserve blame...but Peterman deserves blame for not quitting after realizing he is the worst QB of all time. Yes...all time.
  6. Hi redneck. I think Allen would NOT have thrown a pick six followed by another pick to seal the game. This is Peterman 's MO. Get over it. Your guy Peterman will never be good.
  7. Yes you could say that but you would be wrong. Allen was garbage today but never as detrimental to the team as Peterman was. Seriously are you related to Peterman? I ask because it seams insane that an impartial viewer would defend a QB who has 4 or so ints in 2 to 3 quarters of play this year...oh and he threw 5...FIVE...in one half last year.
  8. Yeah no knock on religion but I dont think God cares about football...or at least I hope He doesn't.
  9. Yeah. And I am saying Peterman !@#$ed the whole team and pissed the game away. End of the day he had the ball 2 times at the end and first gave away the lead and then gave away the game. Single handedly. Peterman lost this game.
  10. I would worry the most that McD would keep him on the team due to their shared love of Jeebus. That seems like a good way to determine a player's abilities.
  11. I guess that is this closest we'll get to him admitting he sucks. What a weird response.
  12. Actually pasta guy its simplistic and idiotic to think the QB that gift wrapped, first the lead, and then the win, is anything less than the reason the Bill's lost. The team had a tie game and 2 throws later had a deficit and then a loss. Face the facts...Peterman sucks. How can you possibly defend him? Are you related to him?
  13. Sorry you are totally right. Peterman is awesome and the best QB on the team. Are you serious? This little meaningless point aside do you REALLY think Peterman is a viable QB in the NFL?
  14. I am more on the "wait and see" train but if Peterman remains on this roster this team has zero clue regarding offensive talent.
  15. His biggest problem is he is NOT an NFL QB....but he is STILL on an NFL roster. Unbelieveable.
  16. D doing it's part....man if we had even a below average O we could be probably winning...probably
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