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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. Well...it is a Bills message board. So, like, people here like, like the Bills and stuff and junk. Ya know. Like. Maybe you can go back to BBMB and wait for it to make a come back. I guess the argument people are making is what exactly has a 1 and 5 team done to "earn it"?
  2. I agree with all of this but would substitute Nerds for Smarties or Bottlecaps.
  3. I very much want to agree with you both and I hope I am wrong but Allen seems to be struggling to get rid of the ball and seems to make poor decisions. Both thing I hope he outgrows but it is concerning.
  4. Yeah it was a rough day. Almost got the win to get to .500. That would have been awesome and basically overachieving. I would have just been so happy and satisfied to settle for a .500 team. We aren't a 12 and 4 team every year kinda team yet but....some day.
  5. You dont know where the hate comes from? That's basically the issue. Buh bye.
  6. Honestly I dont know who is officially welcome here and who isn't but it just seems like braggy BS to come here and exude excitement over a "huge" win (which is BS since the Pat's just broke a record for 30 something straight games as a favorite) to a fanbase that is essentially in a constant state of abject misery. Pat's guy might be a "good dude" but it's just weird that seemingly his first stop on the victory tour is good ole Bills fan hang out place to rub **** in our faces.
  7. Why in the hell are you on this board? Go celebrate with other Pats "fans". Really kinda weird that you would post here...when the Bills aren't playing the Pats....actually VERY weird.
  8. SVP certainly won't have a bit on it like he did the the Bills mafia and smashing tables. !@#$ Boston. !@#$ the Pats. And why not... !@#$ SVP too!!!
  9. The only way it makes the SB better is if the Pats lose it. How sad is my fandom that my most treasured football experiences in the last 20 years are Pats SB losses?!?!
  10. Infuriatting. I know we aren't supposed to wish for injuries...but I do...I do.
  11. Ok guys who should we NOT cover???? Gronk? Ok, yeah he sucks let him run free.
  12. Man...the life of a Pat's fan: my team trailed for 38 seconds then we took the lead....man that was exhillerating.
  13. Collinsworth said that is why they call Brady the GOAT...apparently Brady has sick moves in the pocket.
  14. 2 fouls...but were there 2 flags? Home cookin
  15. I am so torn on this. It seems like a chicken and egg deal. If Allen was on the Chiefs would he be playing like Mahommes? And vice versa? It's tough. Eyeball test though....Allen seems a tad skiddish and leaves or tries to leave the pocket too soon. Mahommes looks really good but who knows how much his supporting cast is responsible for...
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