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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. Let's hope. Also Watson seems to have taken a little bit of a beating. Maybe he will be sore and decide to sit it out next week
  2. Not sure it matters but kinda hope Texans win heading into next week...maybe lose a little focus? I feel like if they lose and fall to 1 and 4 they will be even hungrier. Again, not sure this even matters at the pro level....but humans gonna human.
  3. For me personally I would love to be the current Rams but I think we just need to be patient and see where this goes (and keep discussing). I would !@#$ing love for Allen and the Bills to turn into a juggernaut on both sides of the ball but I think right now this rebuild and (oh god) process is in its infancy. This could be a season we look back on and say "remember when we all thought Allen would suck and McBeane would get canned"? Or we could be saying "holcomb, flutie/johnson, bledsoe, Losman, ej, allen...man why cant the Bill's get a QB?!"
  4. I think the D is trending well and I hope they go after a ton of O next year. Personally I am trying to temper my feelings until after this season and offseason to see what happens. BUT....I get the frustration. BUT ALSO....Bills won! Let it carry your week. Mondays are better after they win lol
  5. But this regime has been here for just over a season...not much time to evaluate their success or failure.
  6. I think it is a mix of the Bills being bad and Vegas hoping the Bills cover the spread as most casual bettors probably would take most opponents to cover against the Bills. This is a guess though as I dont know anything about gambling lol.
  7. I literally posted it and then saw you beat me to it lol sorry. I would probably take Watson overall too but I do like Allen's measurables. It can come in handy at times.
  8. Not to defend it too much but the poster said "in those situations". I dont think they were saying Allen is better than Watson....but 4th and inches I would take Allen too.
  9. I swear some fans of this team would complain about a Super Bowl win because the win wasn't how they wanted it to be (600 yards passing, blow out, analytics, RPOs). Enjoy a God damn win.
  10. More than mine...yes...more than people working in the NFL? Not a chance. Just saying.
  11. Oh is your buddy on the Dolphins' staff? Coooollll
  12. Now can the O get a drive and points? D has done their job all game. Time for some reciprication.
  13. I will take a lead at half with how the season has gone but Bills should be up 10 to 0 at least if ST could even be average.
  14. I believe wegmans borrowed from dibellas or at one time was affiliated. I find that the people who work at dibellas are better at making subs that dont fall apart. ..wegs seems to be all high school kids who dont give a damn about the art of the sub!
  15. This is what has me torn too. There is nothing like on the job training but I wonder what mental (and physical) toll it might take for Allen to be out there and performing poorly an getting hit and sacked on most dropbacks. I know some say you cant ruin a QB....but life changes people all the time. Heck look at marriage...it can beat people down and change them. Let's hope Allen's marriage to the Bills goes well lol
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