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Buckeye Eric

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Everything posted by Buckeye Eric

  1. Vermeil and Shottenheimer are over-the-hill. Haslett has proiven nothing in N.O. Fisher is the only one mentioned worth considering. Odds are, however, that MM will still be the HC and TD the GM.
  2. Sure! Hey, why not hire Chuck Knox? I hear he is available. One has to get tired about all this discussion over hiring over-the-hill retreads. The bottom line is you do not fire someone unless you know you can get someone better. Bringing in coaches like Hasslet, who should be available, does not improve this team, better play from the players does.
  3. "The Buffalo Bills are on the board, and there has been a trade, sending the 12th pick overall to ..."
  4. Biggest Battles Aren't on Field Part of this story is at the end of the article.
  5. They should stay away from anyone named Williams, except if their first name is Roy. The bottom line is if he is there and the Bills take him he will be a bust. IN fact, the team should just trade its 1st round pick from this point forward.
  6. If a player needs to be coached on how to make a big play I do not what him on our team.
  7. It is all about experience. Holcomb has bveen in the league for 10 years and that is what seperates him from Losman, not talent.
  8. I think there were a bunch of posters on this board early this season that still were trashing TD for not taking Tice over Williams. Knowing the character of a coach going in is about easy as being able to predict that Ricky Williams would choose ganja over football.
  9. Bollar has one more season than JP. Up until last week there were questions about if Bollar will be around next year. One simply can not compare them with a snapshot taken today.
  10. I recall vividly that with time running down in the game during the final drive the ball was placed on the line by a ref. One of the Giants kicked it. Some would say accidently, but I would say purposefully. Not only did 10 seconds run off the clock while the ball was recovered and replaced, but a delay of game penalty should have been called. The Bills should have had more time to run another play and had a shorter FG attempt.
  11. Since none of us were there for the interview, there is the possibility that the Sullivan switched the sail/winds phrase around himself.
  12. Over the last 25 years not one QB Heisman trophy winner has been to the SB. What makes everyone think that Lienart will be any different? Look at this stellar list. 1971 Pat Sullivan 1984 Doug Flutie 1986 Vinny Testaverde 1990 Ty Detmer 1992 Gino Torretta 1993 Charlie Ward 1996 Danny Wuerffel 2000 Chris Weinke 2001 Eric Crouch 2002 Carson Palmer 2003 Jason White 2004 Matt Leinart Actually, to make the SB you may wish to pick another Heisman candidate: Doug Williams 4th in voting Dan Marino 4th & 9th Steve Young 2nd Jim McMahon 3rd Troy Aikman 3rd Steve McNair 3rd Payton Manning 2nd & 6th & 8th (he should be there this year) Donovan McNabb 5th
  13. This team can not afford paying any of the three players you list. They are going to want astronomical dollars, will hold out and provide nothing for their first season. QB and RB debates would cause great internal problems ala the RJ and DF debate. The wisest thing for this team to do would be to trade a top 5 pick for a proven vet and additional draft picks.
  14. The idea of having Marv come back in any capacity is pure fantasy.
  15. A guy spends 30 years at GM and has his health care benefits taken away. Loyalty doesn't means anymore folks. That's life.
  16. So, how does any team know if a coordinator may be a good HC unless they are given the chance? Picking a HC is like taking a QB in the first round. Chance are more likely that they will not be productive. It is easy to have 20-20 hindsight and to say the team messed up by passing over Lewis, Fox, or Tice. However, a team is just as likely to take a HC with experience and have them flop as well.
  17. I concur with some others. It looks like it has never been seen any game action and looks in pristine shape for being 45 years old.
  18. Um, this is a stupid assessment. Doesn't a team need to have a passing game in order to achieve anything? If the ball doesn't get thrown to him, or anyone on the team for that matter, how can one achieve?
  19. In the 2nd Round Nick Mangold - C, Ohio State 6-4 | Weight: 290
  20. Bill Belichek was run out of Cleveland because he gave the Browns no personality, made fundemental coaching errors, couldn't make mid-game adjustments, and was horrible with the media. Frankly, he was fired because he could not coach.
  21. This reminds me of Chris Speilman interviewing for the HC of the Buckeyes although he had no previous coaching experience, at any level. He basically said that he didn't want to coach unless he was the HC. He got his chance with the Destroyers in the AFL, and proceeded to win just one game.
  22. I think WM would be better if he had a line on front of him that could block.
  23. The problem is not so much McNally. TD wrongly assumed that McNally would be able to be able to turn Lead like Bennie Anderson into Gold. Even the worlds best chemists can only turn Lead into Fools Gold.
  24. I think JJ's status as a genius is the result f being at the right place and the right time. He took over a Cowboys team that already had talent. He went to Miami and fell on his face.
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