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Tyrod's friend

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Everything posted by Tyrod's friend

  1. Perhaps (not according to JJ's chart, but whatever) they can get that much and if that's the case - well, duh, yeah the Broncos would love two 1s for their 5.. But of course that's not what Chuck Wagon was saying.
  2. I'm missing the reason why the Denver Broncos need to move down 7 spots. Are they getting something they need there, other than essentially two second round picks? I can see why the Giants move to #5. That gets them the guard.
  3. What the signings say to me is that the Giants can move to 12, get McGlinchey, draft a Center in the second round and have their entire line remade.
  4. Meanwhile the Jets presumably signed the 19th best center in the game, two backup quarterbacks and one good cornerback. NYC is a pit of ineptitude. starting with the Mayor and going all the way to the corner hot dog. Any place that Sabrett's is actually advertised instead of hidden ... how can you do that to your stomach?
  5. It strikes me that the Bills could pull a Redskin here (Griffin/Cousins); draft Mike White in the 4th (or Insert Your Favorite Here) and simply not bother with a retread backup from any other team. I pretty much would prefer to have a "proven" guy in camp, but ... I keep coming back to White saying what a good connection he had with the team, and us not being in any hurry to get another player. The team has already shown it's not throwing money around (no surprise there; Beane said he would not be a FA player and was going to key on college seniors). Wouldn't upset me for second if he did.
  6. Great. So this means the Patriots will get Gisele and AJ's wife?
  7. Sure; he could take up some things from Matt Moore, AJM, and if he's around, BH. And no, I don't think for a second that AJM could be that guy. If any of these guys are on the field, for any reason, I want them to be able to win a game and of those three names, two have proven to be effective off the bench. I'll let you guess who isn't. If you start from a position of "who will be the franchise guy" and are looking at those names, you've got the wrong question.
  8. how is that important? the stat, I mean. Not to get on you here, or anything. I'm a big Mason Rudolph guy. I watched a Waldman flick about him questioning his "internal processing film" - and it got me to questioning. NFL QB isn't about the 70 yard bomb. You throw that pass twice, MAYBE, three times a game. It's deciding and delivering quickly the 20-25 yard pass, which happens 25 to 30 times a game. It's like the 40 yard. The single two most important times are the 10 yard and 20 yard splits. Football isn't played by long distances.
  9. I get it. But there are people here talking about the "potential" of McCarron. WTF cares what he can be? In Buffalo the other QBs are around to watch. I want a tutor, somebody who in TC will show the guy how it's done and ultimately step aside.
  10. So you wouldn't want a guy intimately familiar with the Erhardt-Perkins offense - which is what our OC will bring - to become suddenly available to help our new QB? Brian Hoyer is not the long term solution here and at best he's a 3 game starter. But in the QB lounge? I'd take him over ANYONE. I think it's a gift. What am I missing here?
  11. You think? Anyplace he goes to, he's gonna be at best 2nd target if not 4th. Here he'd be the man for his last go-round in the NFL. There's a lot to be said for being the biggest fish even if it's a small pond.
  12. teams that know something about throwing the ball thought enough of him to keep him around. If the likes of Andy Reid, Frank Reich and Sean Payton saw clear to giving him $21MM to hold a clipboard, who am I to say no?
  13. There really isn't any knock. The worst thing people say is that he is a "system QB". But they fail to acknowledge that the "system" he ran was the most complicated in college football. He floats the ball on occasion, but he has more than enough arm to make downfield throws. But the problem is that "mock" drafts and analysts are stuck on players that fumble a lot, have concussion background/health issues, or play in Montana most of the time (but had the good graces to have been coached by someone that once said hello to an NFL QB). Pay no attention to 70% completion rates, limited interceptions, and big games in Bowl competition here boys. Line yourself up for a guy that has real leadership issues instead or played his ball at USC.
  14. With the amount of money we have to spend, there's no reason not to be able to get whatever player (outside of Cousins) that the team wants. If we don't sign Trumaine Johnson, it's because people that write the checks say you are wrong or Tru wanted to live closer to his homies or whatever. It's not about dollars. Especially now that the $20MM guys are all signed.
  15. We are going into free agency with $40,000,000. I'm at a loss as to why having a veteran QB around is seen as bad thing. Write the veteran a check, tell your bright shiny new QB he has to beat him out in camp and either he does beat him out in year 1 or he doesn't. On some levels it almost seems like we're going to have a hard time spending to our cap.
  16. The Jets now have two QBs. Denver just committed $36MM to Case Keenum and are not desperate as they once were. Arizona is behind us, which leaves Miami. It is entirely possible that only 2 QBs are drafted in front of us. 2017: You're nuts or in serious denial. DeShaun Watson was playing at an MVP level before being injured. 2016: Prescott has arguably outplayed Wentz; he's DEFINITELY outplayed Goff; so your truly, truly splitting hairs here. Prescott was picked in the 4th round and the leading case for my argument. 2015: I missed this year, and it is a point in your favor. 2014: I might be wrong, but the two best QBs ranked were picked 1-2, Manziel and Bortles. Carr was taken in the 2nd round, as was Garafolo. 2013: Smith and EJM both considered the best of a bad lot. But again, the second one taken and taken in the 2nd round was best. Here's what I notice: that the ranking is what you should avoid. Teams gave up tons to get the likes of Trubisky, Mahomes, Bortles, Manziel, Sanchez, Locker, Gabbert. Hell, all the twisting and turning over the two can't miss guys between Rivers and Manning and the best of them all was taken in the second round. I can't recall if anyone twisted themselves to get to the can't miss prospects of Leinart and Young - I do know Bills fans were ALL over themselves because we didn't reach to get Leinart - and Jay Cutler delivered more over his career. 1-2 of Luck and Griffin, and one team RUINED itself over that trade. Of course, leaving behind the 4th round Wilson. Trading up to get the guy is more often than not a mistake, especially at QB. Al. Most. Al.Ways.
  17. Sort of a Minnesota/Philly thing going on ... two or three good starting QBs, none of whom are expensive.
  18. Well, there is no arguing that if you need a QB you should go get one so I'm not sure where you are going with that statement. But moves made out of desperation are rarely strong plays. This is a good, not great, class of QBs. Moving up to #5 or #3 or #1 doesn't get you a clear cut, no-****-nobody's-arguing better choice. And there are huge, huge opportunity costs to move up. End of the day, this management has been moving like a surgeon so I'm not concerned one way or the other. So EoD, I guess. Cheers. Mostly I'd agree. But I think this too: most of the bad moves happen when you have management acting like their hair is on fire and they are making decisions on draft day. It's awfully, awfully clear that we have a team in place that knows exactly what they are doing. It might not work out whatever they do and I'm fine with that. Personally I have a hard on for Mason Rudolph and if we don't take him at 12 he's gone to Baltimore or Miami or San Diego or New Orleans. I digress. We're at 12 so they can move up if that's what's necessary at the time. #BeanesGotBalls
  19. There are examples of draft trades made that nearly EXACTLY represent the chart. I'm talking, LAST YEAR and 2016. Browns trade with Texans. Bills trade with Chiefs, depending on how you want to value a next year's pick. #10 to #27 Seahawks to Falcons pick, pretty darned close. #26 to #31 In 2016, a trade between Tenn and Cleveland pretty much exact to the chart, moving a #8 for a #15. In 2016, a trade between Bears and Bucs. It gets hard to value picks that are out of the first round or that consider next year's pick because you are getting into salary cap issues, into NPR of assets and the such. But most 1st round moves are pretty close to the JJ chart. So please, stop already. You are embarrassing yourself. What you proposed is pretty idiotic. What I did at least reaches the realm of what is probable.
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