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Everything posted by BrotherChazz

  1. Home, with my phone off and my computer off. At least until they pick. I hate when twitter spoils things early. It's like watching a TV show after someone ruined it already.
  2. Wow, crazy! Never woulda guessed it!
  3. Stumbled across this on reddit. If you're sick of the QB talk need a good laugh, this is for you. Searched and didn't see it posted...so hopefully it wasn't! Here's the link....preview below....you're welcome. https://www.reddit.com/r/buffalobills/comments/8eodu1/after_10s_of_hours_of_reading_other_peoples/ It is one of the best kept secrets in the league that the Bills are going to be in the market for a Quarterback in this draft (don't ask me how I figured that out). As the NFL Draft is quickly approaching, I have spent countless hours scouting other people's scouting reports of the top quarterbacks in this draft. With great power comes great responsibility, so I am ready to share my thoughts on potential Quarterbacks the Bills may target. *To remove potential bias, I will sort the Quarterbacks in alphabetical order of the second letter of their first name. **Pro Comparison does not necessarily mean a comparison to a Pro Player, it just means its an awesome comparison. Baker Mayfield School: Oklahoma Height: ~4'12" Stats: Look them up yourself they really aren't that hard to find Pros: Despite his small stature, Baker Mayfield is exceptionally accurate. He is very good at throwing the rock to people who then catch the ball and get first downs and touchdowns. Baker Mayfield is a born winner and I've never seen anyone win a championship by losing games. Cons: Now that Verne Troyer is dead, Baker Mayfield is the shortest man alive. That makes it hard for him to see people running down the field. Along with that, Mayfield was arrested in college for attempting to run from the cops. The most disturbing part is that a Heisman winning, soon to be professional athlete, did not even come close to outrunning a middle aged cop. While people will compare him to Johnny Manziel for that incident, he and Manziel play a very different style and its a lazy comparison. Pro Comparison: Billy Manziel.
  4. Predict who will go with the first 5 picks (1 point for every correct player, 2 points for player and team) 1. Browns - Darnold 2. Bills - Rosen 3. Jets - Mayfield 4. Browns - Barkley 5. Giants - Chubb 6. How many trades will occur during the first round? 4 7. How many quarterbacks will go in the first round? 6 8. Of the Big 4 QB’s, who will be the last one drafted? Allen 9. Which LB will get drafted first? Smith 10. Which player in attendance will fall out of the first round (1 point for every correct answer. Minus 1 point for each incorrect) Griffin, Guice 11. Will the Bills make a trade in the first round? If yes, with who and to where? (1 point for each correct answer) Yes, Giants at 2. 12. Who will the Bills take with their first pick? Rosen 13. Will the Patriots trade up? No 14. Who will the Patriots take with their first round pick? Miller 15. Who will the Dolphins take with their first round pick? Vea Tie Break Question: Name 5 players the Bills will draft (most correct wins the tie-break if it occurs) Rosen, Ragnow, Penny, Warner, Dawson
  5. You don't hear "Baker Mayfield" and "big" in the same sentence too often.
  6. Enter snarky reply for cheap likes early in thread here.
  7. No way Malik Jefferson lasts till 5. He's a day 2 pick.
  8. Oh I know full well we'll have lots of Angry threads on Thursday...but hey, at least it'll be slightly more concrete! PS - If we draft Josh Allen. I'm not even coming here. LOL
  9. Hopefully the price drops a bit with Denver and the Colts wanting to move back. Indy seems to be more uppity about what they expect in return. Stick with 5, don't let anyone else jump ahead.
  10. Never heard of him...but he made some nice grabs on passes thrown behind him on the highlight real.
  11. I used the mobile ticket for both the Chargers game and the playoff game last year. Really wasn't a big deal...
  12. I always like hosting the Phins late in the season!
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