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Everything posted by CaptnCoke11

  1. Yeah Baltimore is pretty bad but to be fair Buffalo isn’t exactly Shangri La
  2. I don’t think Holmes is a lock by any means. I can easily see them keeping Streeter or Riley over him
  3. Can we please retire the term ‘draft capital’ for gods sake? Please?
  4. Oh wow people actually think Atlanta is going to trade him ?
  5. Yep everyone’s out to get the Bills.. cancel the radio, internet, TV, phone.. hek don’t give the kids lunch money anymore either.
  6. Because some people eat those slogans up. Same people that think nicknames are cool for players
  7. NHL draft.. about as exciting as a root canal
  8. Should just trade him now then since he bought a house
  9. No.. They are doing it on purpose to piss off the comp pick nazis like you
  10. Rotoworld doesn’t break news.. They just rehash off other sources and post to their site
  11. This is a case of “i know the name let’s sign him”
  12. Vetern WR for sure will be added before training camp I’d imagine.
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