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Everything posted by CaptnCoke11

  1. Just some quick reads on different scouting reports all seem pretty positive. Good pick
  2. No playoffs now cause they didn’t get their 5th round WR.. Cancel the season, return the season tickets, cancel the internet, no lunch money for the kids Monday for school.
  3. Take best players left. I don’t care what position. Don’t care if it’s three more DBs
  4. Love seeing grown men cry over late round draft picks.. pretty pathetic
  5. “Slightly more athletic” Bahahahahahaha is this guy serious?
  6. You know he’s been working with Palmer in the offseason.. supposedly he got the footwork issue resolved. I’ll take the wait and see approach. Kid was never a polished prospect.
  7. I’m taking a shot on Deon Cain if I’m Buffalo
  8. This guy is a total tool. He has that face you just wanna punch.
  9. I know.. Phillips is only three inches taller and plays a different technique of DT but they are clones..
  10. Whoever the media told me to like I’ll like damnit!!!
  11. Pretty sad isn’t it? Some people are just complete idiots
  12. They were waiting for someone in the media to tell them how to feel.. Just like it tells them who’s good and who’s not.
  13. Awwww did someone poo poo on your Friday draft plans?
  14. This isn’t a shocking development. Most people wanted to part with all of it to trade to #2
  15. And you’d be sitting here today calling them idiots If they waited and missed out..
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