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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. Everyone knows the immigration policy since Reagan has been to look the other way to undocumented immigrants working. Look at the benefit to the economy of Georgia! Clearly the majority of immigrants come here to work and support there family honestly. If Federal and state governments had truly wanted to put an end to undocumented immigration they would have gone after the employers. But they didn't, because cheap labor is pro-Capitalist... The lucrative nature of the illicit drug trade has always been the major problem at the heart of violent crime. I'm glad marijuana is being legalized and taxed, and the best thing that could happen to the problem of violent crime is a massive reduction in demand of harder drugs. And more solid employment opportunities for young people from areas effected by gangs.
  2. His pro day results aren't listed in any of the data bases. Which probably means he didn't workout, and so 0.0 probably got plugged in except for height and weight.
  3. Hopefully a full camp and lots of voluntary team workouts can reduce that.
  4. Everyone is counting Wildgoose out. There were several CB's left on the board with high grades, but the Bills went with the the Big 10 prospect. At nearly 200lbs, he'll be the most physical of our corners. And he is not limited to the slot. He's the same height and has the same speed as Tre White. And played outside CB as well as slot at Wisconsin. I think there will be a Wildgoose chase for cb 2.
  5. The fact that you guys even noticed the shoe and pant combo produces a lot of questions.
  6. Yeah, that photo was not photoshopped. Rousseau is a GIANT.
  7. Cause that one time he scored a TD in the Ralph when no one covered him? He did look fast on that play.
  8. I like #96! Dr. Sack, Boogie Basham... People can dust off their old Reuban Brown jerseys for Spencer Brown... How is #32 Wildgoose not going to become a fan favorite?
  9. I thought there was a small chance that the Bills could have traded Edmunds for something like a 1st + 4th to a team in need of a starting MLB, like WFT. Then taken someone like Jamin Davis or Zaven Collins to replace him in order to reduce the cap hit... Instead they decided to effectively replace their older vet starters at DE once Josh's 2nd contact kicks in. Tre is much more effective when he has better D-Line play in front of him.
  10. You don't seem to understand that millions of hard working black families were deprived of billions of dollars of generational wealth after Brown v. Board of Education due to racist mortgage and property tax laws. Families that made all the right choices.
  11. You understand that you are not a system, right? But it seems like you are taking personally when someone says that mortgage policy, or property taxes, or the criminal justice system were setup for racist purposes.
  12. They are using AWS technology to measure top speed. The highest ever measured is in the 22 mph range. It is also possible to deduce mph from game film look at individual frames per second. If I have time later in the week I may take a look and see where his top gear hits.
  13. I think having Breida, Moss and Motor all active will depend on whether they find a gunner to take Taiwan Jones' responsibility who is also a position player backup. Maybe Wildgoose?
  14. There's another old school wr he reminds me of who had game breaking speed, but only ran a 4.49 at his combine.... Marquez's highlights remind me of James Jett.
  15. If Beane never wanted to take a RB in the 1st he did a good job motivating other teams to take RB. 5 QB's and 2 RB's meant a really good player was going to be available at 30.
  16. Anderson said he's just as comfortable playing Center as G, and got half of the practice snaps in college at Center.
  17. I was interested in Hamlin, but when I read his pro day results I totally deleted him for being way too slow... I read his 40 as 4.95. So when we drafted him I couldn't believe it, and then I learned I'm slightly dyslexic.
  18. Anybody else hear John Warrow's question to Brandon Beane about whether he they are picking up Edmunds & Josh's 5th year option? ***** classic.
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