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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. For the decade of the 80's, interest rates never dipped below 10%. Peaked at 16% in 1981. Ah, the good old days! But yeah, Williamsville at 3% annual property tax rate does has 2-3 times higher property taxes than a lot of places in the country. As much as it pains me to say this (having grown up in OP kicking your ass in Lax on a regular basis) Williamsville has great schools. Sometimes you do get what you pay for. I looked it up in the Erie County data base. They paid just over $1,000 for 2020. Are there two places to pay property taxes in the City of Buffalo?
  2. The city of Buffalo's property taxes are half the rate of Williamsville. Where I live, my 2 bedroom condo for $500k would cost $200k in Buffalo. But I can also charge four times as much for my services and have access to 10 times as many clients. So there's trade offs in anything. You can get a lot of house for your money in WNY, even with recent property value increases. And with interest rates being what they are now, the 3% annual property tax is negligible compared to the savings on the the monthly interest rate. Imagine buying a home when interest rates were double digits and paid monthly? Jesus.
  3. You wrote that your total payment on a 750k house is the same as the total payment on a 400k house in Buffalo. For that to be true the property tax rate would have to be 87%. But the tax rate in Buffalo is 1.8%. Idk man, maybe your parents were being assessed for a 400k house?
  4. A 400k house in Buffalo (at 15 years, 25% down and 2.35 interest) is about $2,500 per month after taxes. A 750K home in Maryland (at 15 years, 25% down and 2.35 interest) is around $4,500 per month after taxes... That's 2,000 more per month buddy. At 30 years the Buffalo home is $1,700 less per month. Are you really trying to make us believe that the cost of property tax in Buffalo on a 400k house is as much as the mortgage on a 350k house with interest? It actually looks like Buffalo homes for 300k have 250% lower taxes than Annapolis MD home for 300k. https://www.redfin.com/NY/Buffalo/35-Cheltenham-Dr-14216/home/79325783 Buffalo - $98 per month https://www.redfin.com/MD/Annapolis/622-Wye-Island-Ct-21401/home/10452733A Annapolis - $268 per month
  5. There's really no way to have a reasonable conversation in this forum. It is easy to create posts motivated by blame and ridicule. It's not just encouraged, it's a behaviour pattern. Stepping away from the environment that brings out the worst in people is the only thing that has ever worked for me.
  6. I heard an interview where Marv said that Jimbo was always lobbying to get Tasker snaps at wr. But he was too valuable to the Special Teams.
  7. From a team dynamics standpoint, I wonder if he came out to his team first?
  8. Washington F.C. has two things going for it. F.C. is in the name of some of the most famous other football teams i.e. Liverpool F.C. Which could help the NFL's marketing efforts to increase popularity in European soccer markets... And F.C. is an homage to D.C in the name of thier city.
  9. Yeah, No. Josh said they decided as a team to keep their decisions about the vaccine in house and that they wouldn't be talking about it publicly. I didn't hear Josh call the players union names and threaten to retire after saying he refused to follow NFL policy.
  10. Yeah, the sacrifice unvaccinated players are being asked to make is nothing compared to what Marines go through. And they probably get paid less in one year than what Beasley makes in one practice.
  11. That is a valid point you bring up. It just occurred to me that the guy played on a broken leg, and probably took lots of pain meds to get through. Then he shows up to mini-camp touting a broken tooth and takes to Twitter with emotionally charged posts. I'm not trying to attack the content of his comments by suggesting he's high. Rather I'm expressing concern for the guy's well being. I hope he's not addicted to anything, but if that has anything to do with his behavior I hope he gets help...
  12. Opioid addiction is no joke. If Cole's outburst has anything to do with emotional swings from substances, I hope he gets help. I know from personal experience how hard they are to kick after serious injury, and how bad the emotional swings are. I can't help but wonder...
  13. I think this thread has been mostly civil, while allowing posters to express vast disagreements. I actually try to stay out of the politics board, because it is not a place where civility is bred. I got sucked in over the past year because I had more time on my hands, but over the last few months have been posting there less and less.
  14. Yeah, Bease is vocalizing what went unspoken last season. Not a great position to put the team in.
  15. You seem to be missing the obvious. There's not just one unvaccinated player. It's all the unvaccinated players being restricted from situations that increase the potential to transmit the disease to all of the other unvaccinated payers. I wonder if Tommy Sweeney got Covid from a teammate last year who was just as adamant as Beasley about not following the protocols outside the building?
  16. There is a way to do that. You state why you think the current protocols are wrong, the negative effect they have and then you offer an alternative solution that has better outcomes. And then there's what Cole Beasley did. Which is call names, throw a tantrum, say he's not going to follow the rules and then threaten to quit.
  17. I did miss that... I really don't like the distraction this is causing, but calling for him to be cut because of his emotional comments is an emotional reaction at this point. My hope is that he comes to his senses and realizes that playing in the NFL requires tremendous sacrifice. And that the amount of discomfort and restriction from the protocols he's subjected to is minute compared to what many other professions endure, and certainly minimal compared to being deployed overseas. I really wish he had stuck to his guns when he said he'd be back on social media next year. I don't like potential this has to turn into a greater distraction... At the same time, he has the right to use his platform to say whatever he wants... When the rubber hits the road is if / when he actively flaunts the protocols and his actions, not his words, are in violation of NFL Covid policy. At that point, it stops being about his freedom and becomes about him being a literal danger to his team. No, it has nothing to do with him not taking the vaccine and everything to do with him telling the NFL he refuses to follow the rules for vaccinated players.
  18. You missed the whole thing where he said he won't follow the NFL Covid protocols put in place even if he has to retire.
  19. I'm going to guess that it will coincide with overall death rates. More people died of Covid in the US in one year than the total amount of US soldiers that died during both WWI and WWII. So if / when the number of fatalities lower to flu like rather than world war like, is probably when the restrictions will be gone... We just don't know when that will be.
  20. Absolutely. I personally hope he takes some deep breaths, and realizes that the team is bigger than he is. But if he wants to retire over the Coivd restrictions no one is going to force him to play.
  21. Why should he have to wear a helmet on the field if he doesn't want to? Why should he he not smoke crack before the game if he doesn't want to? Because he has a contract that says he'll follow the rules that have been put in place to protect him and his teammates.
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