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Everything posted by RichRiderBills

  1. Is everyone forgetting about Matekavich? Hes a beast. Thought Klein played better than most say on here. I thought he looked good. I think we'll be fine. Not worried. My guess is between Dobson, Milano, and Edmunds 1-2 are going to be ok to go, then none of these are serious injuries anyway.
  2. He was an A considering no pre season and chaotic camp.
  3. Man its gotta be kicking too right? This is my biggest concern really.
  4. Man, i know its not perfect but today made me forget about COVID .
  5. Yup and no preseason, crappy crazy camp...division rival...really guys being too hard. The team has looked mostly good.
  6. Its a difficult charge to prove, especially MJ and certain other legal over the counter products. The levels indicating high levels in the blood often subside by the time a test roles around.
  7. Theres no evidence race was a factor . None ...zero nothing.... There are many other ways to be influenced besides alcohol. Drugs and narcotics for one, also illegal. He was effected by drugs. Very simple.
  8. He's done....look at that pic...the eyes...he's in over his head.
  9. NFL players are only obese by clinical definitions. They regularly work their heart and lungs to rates unheard of by normal obese subjects. They dont have the same risks and are actually not obese. In short, most NFL athletes are freaks...and not high risk due to obesity. What is more concerning are the typical high risk factors out there sickle cell and other factors.
  10. There is a lot of play in SS reform. Libertarians are the main component that want to get rid of it. Rand Paul and his gang. Not all conservatives want it gone. Most simply want it to be effective... a./ simply targeting fraud and abuse...few talk about this. (especially for SS-I) b./ Keeping SS, but getting rid of early claims and SS-I for disabilities (Even within this there is play for reform, like say no SS-I before age 50) This would save billions. C./ switching SS to function more like a mutual fund/ stock. The government already has the "TSP" system for employees. This would reward folks who pay in, and not feed the coffers of the greedy government, who uses the money irresponsibly as a de facto tax. If it worked more like a mutual, the hard working folks who pay in, would see reward, as would business who employ people.
  11. Everyone knows the strict gun laws in NY. Nope. Still a felony...plus other charges for trying to bring one on a plane. Completely irresponsible behavior.
  12. What? Like Sammy? Kroft had 6 catches bro. 6....
  13. Then prep for jail, getting fired, or sued because neither society nor the law agree.
  14. Most of you are missing the real point; Even if Rudolph did say a slur it doesnt justify Garret swinging his helmet to try to bash open Rudilph's head. Insults, no matter how hurtful or hateful, dont excuse violence.
  15. Ill give you Gilmore, he wanted top CB money and had been solid, not great. Def seemed a me first guy. Most of us had a blah opinion of him leaving. But turns out he was great. Best CB in the league, best Defensive Player in the league...thats a biting loss....whatever our feelings or justifications were. Woods was a team guy and I never recall this attitude you mention. I remember most bemoaning that you do not let team guys with his ethic walk, and few wanted him gone. The top 3 notion is inherently false, as the Bills could have transition tagged him for top 10. He was productive and steady, but nobody could predict the blow up of that Rams O. We had to draft WRs to replace his loss and give up the farm. We've needed that consistant tough WR for years and neither Watkins or Zay could cut the mustard. As it is now, that 8 million per year was peanuts.
  16. Heres a few that pop in my head: -trading Peters. -Not trading up for Big Ben or Rivers in 2004 draft. -TJ Graham over Russell Wilson 2012. -trading up for Watkins. -Passing on both Mahomes and Watson. -Letting Robert Woods walk. -Letting Gilmour walk.
  17. Stop w/ Shady versus Gore...totally different backs. Gore was a straight ahead 1 cut guy , much better in short yardage or heavy. Buffalo needed this type of player with or without McCoy. Shady is a dancer, a lateral guy, reciever etc...ie Singletary's role.
  18. "Cooler heads shall prevail." Waves hand jedi style.
  19. I dont think it was scripted either, but the brown lego comment was pretty funny.
  20. Hope nothing but the worst for Marshawn. He wasted Buffalo's money, did a hit and run, DUI, gun charges, supports LA gangs, anti-cop, took a knee for the flag, and has been constantly bouncing between being out of shape, blowing off meetings, drug use, and self-centered . Why does he get so much love?
  21. Keeping the ship from falling apart IS prepping for the Texans. The data that resting starters equates to post season success is just not there.
  22. Guys, the more success we have the more " hot take " national media click bait attention we will get. Lebatard is Miami Dolphins homer media...he's a moron. Bomoni jones is usually a decent dude, hes fallen into this mode to save or promote his career Id guess. Sad to see.
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