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Everything posted by Nineforty

  1. A FOREIGN AGENT, NOT A LOBBYIST "Contrary to what you might have read, this is not a FARA case, which is generally treated as a regulation covering certain kinds of lobbying for foreign (including non-governmental, like the political party Paul Manafort hid his work for) entities. Barrack was charged under 18 USC 951, which is about working for a foreign government directly. The statute is sometimes referred to as Espionage Lite, and in this case, the government might believe at least some of the people involved — perhaps Al Malik, who fled the country days after the FBI interviewed him in April 2018 — are spies. By charging 951, though, the government only has to show that the team was ultimately working on orders from government officials without registering, not that someone was secretly reporting to another country’s spying agencies. And this is pretty clearly about a relationship directly with UAE. In addition to Barrack and his employee Matthew Grimes, the indictment describes a chain of command in which several senior Emirati officials convey requests through Rashid Sultan Rashid Al Malik Alshahhi (referred to as Alshahhi in the indictment and as Al Malik here and elsewhere) to Barrack. On the Emirati side, Emirati Official 1 (EO1), is described as someone who, “held a high-ranking position in its armed forces,” but who, given events described in the indictment, must be Dubai’s Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed. Emirati Official 2 (EO2) is described as a “high-ranking official with responsibilities related to national security,” but appears to be National Security Advisor Tahnoun Bin Zayed. Emirati Official 3 (EO3) is described as a member of UAE’s National Security Council. Their orders often get delivered to Al Malik through Emirati Official 4 (EO4), who is described as a government official who reports to EO 2 and EO3. There’s also a diplomat, Emirati Official 5, who asked Barrack to provide insight into the top national security appointments Trump was planning. Basically, this amounts to MbZ tasking EO4 to instruct Al Malik to provide instructions in turn to Barrack. This structure is important, because it demonstrates that Barrack was being directed directly by the UAE government and, starting in October 2016, directly by MbZ himself." https://www.emptywheel.net/2021/07/21/the-big-boss-directing-tom-barracks-actions/
  2. haha dont want to hijack this too much but yes---started it recently and at end of season 2. im always a decade or two behind (just watched pretty much every star trek show for the first time lol).
  3. okay he's not in the government lol.. it changes little to my point. Don't use "tactics" to ignore the issue. Please. and yes, im sure we can agree there on lobbying, no doubt. the point is he was close to Trump. and if you read even a summary review of the actual felonies and charges, you could easily understand the dangers to democracy that Trump brought upon himself and this country. now add in this was a pattern... quote from Roger Stone on Barrack/Trump (2018): "He is the only person I know who the president speaks to as a peer. Barrack is to Trump as Bebe Rebozo was to Nixon, which is the best friend." If you are cool with "espionage-lite" going on all around our commander in chief (and frankly, it being welcomed/encouraged by the former president), so be it. but you sir, are not an American I want to know if that is the case.
  4. a former president's very close friend who also was the inaugaration chair TURNS OUT TO BE AN UNREGISTERED agent of a foreign country. AND GUESS WHAT, that country tried interfering in our 2016 election. no wayyyyyyyyy. wonder what that is all about (hint, $$$). lol... sometimes its not that hard. and what if I told you this was only one of a handful of countries that did something similar to get their hooks in... crazy right? nah. can't be true.
  5. see how they so easily dismiss corruption at the highest levels of our government. one of many instances. and many more to come to light. "I nailed it. . . for the home team..." -Tom Barrack *(the home team is not the United States). Feel free to dismiss this and what it portends to this situation (and the macro, in which then President Trump had a pattern of surrounding his campaign and administration with criminals, grifters, and traitors...hmmm...wonder why) with little thought too.
  6. Just got done reading the godfather for the first time. transitioned over to the sopranos for the first time. good timing.
  7. https://www.espn.com/nfl/insider/story/_/id/31765336/ranking-nfl-top-10-linebackers-2021-execs-coaches-players-make-their-picks
  8. I'm going with something like this too. somehow, Julio is a Bill by drafts end. cap and all other factors that say otherwise be-damned.
  9. are you a member of the Russian Intelligence services? FSB maybe? because sounds like you are spitting Russian talking points. piece of *****. His campaign manager, Paul Manafort passed sensitive internal polling campaign information in 2016 to Konstatin Kilimnik. Who the U.S. Gov't acknowledged as fact YESTERDAY that Kilimnik gave this information to Russian Intelligence services. Don didn't need to be a "Russian Spy" to have colluded/conspired with a foreign nation and sell out America. wake the ***** up.
  10. The lack of holding calls, if it holds up over multiple seasons, definitely should have teams reevaluating their valuations of olinemen
  11. Common bond except half the fan base doesn't identify with it thus fracturing us in this meaningless way
  12. I thought it was close and it sucked because the play didn't go near him in the end.
  13. 100% agree. They come back from commercials right to the snap within a second too much now too.
  14. No doubt good stuff. Warren Sharp always impresses me. I'm pretty sure he is one reason why we lead the league in throwing on 1st down (I think)
  15. Listen to these couple of minutes starting at the time below: 1 hr, 30 minutes, 45 seconds in, Warren Sharp goes off on a tangent about the Bills and there are some interesting nuggets in there I think most fans would find interesting. I enjoy his analysis and his consulting work (and others like him) for teams has shown clear dividends for teams https://podbay.fm/p/pardon-my-take/e/1610685606
  16. this is the way I took it as well. I thought it was an insult to Bob McNair's previous racist comments and for the recent story about his son neglecting the hiring firm's suggestion of hiring a minority as GM. love me some Leslie and hope he gets another HC gig.
  17. Still won a super bowl. And could learn from mistakes. I am not sure I want him coaching in our division. Respectfully.
  18. That was the most hand fighting and jersey pulling allowed in a Bills game that I have noticed in a while. Both teams.
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