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Everything posted by Nineforty

  1. They are not the same. Id rather lose without him than win with him.
  2. I hit a road block about halfway through 3rd season. The show is great. But to me, it is tough to watch all the time or to binge. I think its the whole anti-hero thing...idk. I definitely intend to finish it. Just naturally slowing down watching it for some reason... while still acknowledging it is a great show.
  3. in what feels like was 25 years ago, my friend and I would draft teams in madden. He would always complain because I wanted to draft something absurd like 43 rosters spots, and we only played 2 games max with these teams each time. One of my last picks would always be Lee Smith as my 3rd tight end. Which I would sneak in as my 2nd tight end for the elite blocking in two TE sets.... so all that to say I'M IN haha ironically, unironically. just get er done! haha
  4. shortsighted through the prism of one season. the opposite if looking through it from a multiple season standpoint (if picks). fwiw
  5. regular season with Josh set to return, yes. postseason, do we really think Mitch could win it all for us? I did just posit this to a friend who said he thinks Mitch could absolutely win us one. I remain highly skeptical. Would take a hell of a run.
  6. I tinkered with my lineup and now need 24 pts from booker (benched Pittman late; and was considering amari cooper too, who both went over the needed pts) not that anyone should care. Except to remind you of maybe the obvious... dont tinker on a sunday at noon, while under the influence
  7. I think you are confusing this sport with baseball. and how teams are playing right now are quite often not how they are playing at the end of the year. or even a week from now. I think you are overrating that NFC landscape. Just like everyone is underrating the AFC right now. It will ebb and flow throughout this season. as it always does. I get big swings for teams with small windows. we do not have a small window, in my opinion. that said, the diggs trade was a blockbuster and I was on board with that. I guess I am pushing back at the notion that WE HAVE TO do something to keep up with the jones. at the deadline.
  8. I don't believe the Rams are the class of the NFC. And I don't believe Stafford will get them there. And if I'm wrong and they do make it there, and the Bills are there, you are ***** right I'm confident we can beat them with this oline/dline. And who is to say we don't get it figured out by then? Especially in that scenario, we are in the ***** super bowl?!? That said, I'm not against upgrades and giving up mid to late draft picks for depth (or even a 'blockbuster' for the right player/situation), I just wanted to chime in on the one part of your post that I thought was ludicrous.
  9. Who gives a flying F about this?? Seen it a couple of times now. Are you an official protector of the shield? Just go all in and embrace it maybe mildly helping our teams path to a championship. The millionaire with a serious foot injury will be alright. The NFL will survive this.
  10. This news pleases me as a bills fan. That is the only prism I choose to view this through.
  11. Imagine being so upset someone threw a vomiting emoji your way you go find a comment of theirs just to throw a vomit emoji lmao Crazy, right Hurleyburley? Lol
  12. Didnt mcdermott originally say it was about "the numbers" as to why he was inactive? I could see how one would make the leap to 'dog house'or the 'motivation'. But that doesnt make it right either. Especially given the new comments by mcd and it being injury related
  13. Josh would have said "WE still own you..."
  14. I'm not taking a side because I have no idea, but the article did state he felt he was being rushed back too early...
  15. Braves fan here. Don't think it is our year to win it all (although it did not prevent me from putting a bet on 'em and its not out of the realm of possibility). Going with Rays over Giants. Getting 4k DirectV setup today actually. Excited to watch some ALDS and then TNF in my first 4k live tv experience. assuming there are no hiccups, knock on wood.
  16. I've always been hardcore about receiving the ball to start the 2nd half. And still am. BUT... against KC I think there is the potential for the psychological effect of going down early. Consciously or unconsciously. But since this can't be proved and is just a feeling, I really won't care either way when it comes down to it.
  17. that's fair if that is how you feel. I just read this article, and I have no problem with E Sanders saying what he said. And neither does he. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/01/27/emmanuel-sanders-on-ben-roethlisberger-that-bridge-was-burnt/
  18. That is my go-to celebration in Fifa after scoring hahaha
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