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Everything posted by Nineforty

  1. Graphic. And disgusting. But recommend watching.
  2. I get what you are saying, but I don't view this through a strict prism of "politics". Treason transcends politics. Sedition transcends politics. And his other traitorous actions started in 2016. Anyone that doesn't see it has had their head in the sand. So this isn't about blue vs. red, conservative vs. liberal, it is simply about being extremely worried for the rule of law and our country under the leadership of a traitor. and the fact that 75 million people voted for one is just simply, exhausting, maddening, sad.
  3. incoming hot take: Deshaun Watson is the new Matthew Stafford (but with running skills in addition to other skills). I feel like many lump him in the Elite category, and I'm not there. -Fantasy football stud maybe skewing some peoples thoughts? -Bill O'Brien/lack of deep playoff success that isn't all Watson's faults maybe skewing my thoughts too far...
  4. If you'd like me to answer sincerely, it was not easy. and it is mostly based on their continued support of Donald J. Trump. Not about being a Republican. Not about being conservative. It is about their continued support for a racist and a traitor. in the last 4 years, it also revealed ugliness in their character regarding race, money, fear of losing their place as a white male. But for me, it is about Donald J. Trump. Anyone that continues to support him at this moment is dead to me forever. Sorry if that bothers you. I would never write someone off over politics alone. A mentor and favorite family member is conservative/lifelong republican. I respect them. I love them. But do you really think this moment in history isn't consequential enough to have these negative consequences? I don't invoke the civil war because I want one, I just want to make the point that that moment tore apart families and friends. lines were drawn. I believe this to be a line drawing moment. Sorry you disagree. And you are god damned right I am angry.
  5. Go ***** yourself. delete yourself. you are an idiot. ignoreeee.
  6. I have anger for a specific group of people that helped lead us to this moment. this foreseeable moment. and I am no better than someone trying to overthrow an election? And damn right why wouldn't I be angry or hate trump supporters? Why wouldn't I clap back at someone that isn't American who is telling us we take sedition too seriously? ***** you. "..may be bad people.." okay.
  7. then stay the ***** out of the conversation and don't chime in stating that we take sedition and coup attempts too seriously. you are a child. or troll? either way, shut the ***** up.
  8. it is not a libtard fantasy to state that every seditionist that participated and Donald J. Trump is an accomplice to murder
  9. Again, for the people in the back. protesting for equality, good. being a domestic terrorist trying to overturn an election, bad. rioting/looting = bad. protesting equality = good trespassing, sedition, domestic terrorism = very very bad
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/08/politics/capitol-police-officer-killed/index.html https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/07/barr-trump-committed-betrayal-of-his-office-455812 "betrayal of his office" - traitor, Bill Barr. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/some-trump-officials-are-so-horrified-by-the-capitol-riot-that-they-plan-to-refuse-instructions-that-they-think-will-put-the-us-at-risk-report-says/ar-BB1cAi0C "some Trump officials are so horrified by the Capitol riot that they plan to refuse instructions that they think will put the US at risk, report says"
  11. I don't want unity with trump supporters. I want them to be shamed. I want to rub their nose in their own piss to teach them a lesson. so it doesn't happen again. I want unity with any sane conservatives. ones that do not live in some weird alternate reality. they exist. I interact with them. Some are friends. They do not live in the WBEN/WSJ/FOX NEWS/PARLER echo chamber of bull####.. They may dabble, but they think for themselves. and most see Trump for being the traitor that he is. And those current Trump supporters, are irredeemable. Forever.
  12. Can't believe this turns into a BLM thing. Or anyone can allow the comparison. It's whataboutism at its best. One set of protests were principally and mostly about lack of equality. The other group were seditionists trying to overthrow an election result, thus a coup attempt. Traitors.
  13. Yeah treasonous President, sedition in the capitol. Taking it way too serious, I am. Whataboutism. You sir are not a patriot. You can go ***** yourself and shut the ***** up. People like you need to be shamed for the rest of your life. Your comments in this thread show who you are. And for that, I say you are not an American I want in this ***** country. You don't deserve this country. Shut th e ***** up. Comparing them is the dumbest ***** thing ever. One was sedition and treason. That ends the conversation. So sit down and shut the ***** up because we are going to shame you for the rest of your life. Your dishonor will be carried til you take your last breath for the words you right in this thread.
  14. I checked all the poker news sites to see of the Governor mentioned online poker in addition to online sports betting. Did not find anything but optimistic speculation. Which is something haha
  15. you are not a terrorist. but you own some responsibility. for the rest of your ***** life. I hope your grandkids piss on your grave in disgust.
  16. it does not efing matter. this was foreseeable. if you doubt that, get your head out of the sand. i've written off a best friend and a favorite uncle for life. they don't support terrorism or what is going on right now (presumably), but I hold them equally responsible. ***** them forever. dead to me.
  17. Hope you all ***** pleased with your ***** support of a traitor. ***** you all. forever.
  18. i imagine it is a spectrum and will continue to go back and forth over time. right now, holding way down. olinemen getting away with more I surmise. if that goes too far one way, they can easily balance it out with more flags/holding calls. like baseball curating the competition with rules/ball manipulation, etc.
  19. I view them as two separate entities. Great regular season. great accomplishments. nothing, not even a 50-0 loss to Indy would change that for me. or the fondness I will have for this season.
  20. I feel like D Henry isn't getting enough recognition. Not saying he should win, but I've only seen or heard his mentioned by a couple. 2k yards. I know that gets into the MVP vs. OPOY debate. A Peterson won over P Manning into 2012. Maybe Rodgers/Mahomes/Allen all had better seasons than Manning. Too lazy to look further. Barnwell, fwiw, brings up this point, which I had not previously thought about (he has Josh at 3rd in MVP behind Mahomes and Rodgers): "Allen has added more value with his legs than his counterparts, but he also has more turnovers (14) than Mahomes and Rodgers combined (11)." https://www.espn.com/nfl/insider/story/_/id/30647071/nfl-awards-2020-picks-mvp-best-rookies-offensive-defensive-players-year-top-coaches
  21. When will schedule be announced? Best guess or past years any indication?
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