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Everything posted by Nineforty

  1. For me it's a spectrum, not two boxes we all fit in. At different points in my life I've been at different ends of the spectrum. And currently, I'm somewhere in the middle, which won't win you any Takies. But I try to fall in the middle. Not just for the sake of being in the middle, but because some new ideas are great, and some are trash. Some theories need time to prove themselves, or show themselves as frauds.
  2. live on Colbert. very creative what they do. watch it if you're into cool things.
  3. he's my guilty pleasure artist. I don't listen to this style of music a whole lot but he's uber talented.
  4. Maybe being the HC and attaining that goal (if it is one) is on par with the money, in regards to happiness. We remember the coaches that take their shot and flame out. And there is more flameouts than success stories of course. But I bet most don't regret taking their shot. Just a guess.
  5. Also, I think McD does great job of getting them mentally prepared too. How do I know? I don't. So I wouldn't offer it on a forum or anywhere.
  6. Fair enough. There are things I believe that cannot be proven, ie, clutch-ability. And even what you said. Just wondering if it's worth sharing or pointing out when it can't be proven. Like those that believe in Jeebus or any other prophet or god.
  7. how do you arrive at an answer as to whether or not your rationale for a loss is correct? faith?
  8. Trump is a god damned traitor. Anyone that doesn't see that is my enemy.
  9. I'm a braves fan. I'm admittedly the old man yelling at the clouds when it comes to bat-flipping and showing up the pitcher. Our team has one of the most aggressive bat-flippers in the game. When he hits an important home run and my friend texts me saying "LFGOOOOOOO!!!!!", I respond saying, "PULL THAT M%@$$@$r". So to answer your question, yes. It matters not who this happened to. My opinion is based on the video and evidence. Reasonable people can disagree on this.
  10. I'm more with Ethan on this one. if anything, the guy who stuck his leg out should've been ejected. that started the process where Bridgewater stumbled and twisted. I truly don't think intent to injure was there (or think it was dirty). Watching it again at normal speed just now and I stand by that. https://sports.yahoo.com/video/falcons-charles-harris-ejected-hit-042509779.html
  11. Can we trust a guy who jacks off into very expensive shoes? (mark leibovich's book)
  12. I think there is an argument Josh is better than any running back in short yard situations. Part of that being there are so many looks they can give. You put a big back in on short yardage, we are not as multiple. But leaves us open to critical injury to our QB, I will give you that. But I say it's worth it.
  13. Would you prefer the Patriots have won and be closer to us for the division? Motivation is not measurable and plays a part, sure. But........
  14. I used to want primetime games. Somewhere along the way, the 1pm start and routine that develops superseded the big lights. I used to care what national audience thought of us too.
  15. A lot of factors. I choose to give the most weight to 'the way the game played out' factor. Go for 2 because probability favored KC driving some and kicking a FG. Now you have a chance down 8. Am I very mad? No. Is it why we lost? No. But these things can be the difference and I feel we went against the odds. Jmo
  16. We should have went for 2 to make it a 5 point game, 23-18. My thought process: The thought of us scoring to make it 23-17, kicking off, stopping them before field goal range (and with time left), then driving down the field for a TD all seemed less probable (the stopping KC part), I thought KC would AT LEAST get a field goal with 5 minutes left or whatever it was (or drain the whole clock). So if we score and go for two, to make it 23-18, we can survive a KC field goal, being down 8 (26-18) with at least a chance. (this obviously isnt the reason we lost... I just thought in the moment we should've went for 2)
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