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Everything posted by Nineforty

  1. I've been thinking about this aspect a lot in a macro sense. As someone who (usually), to a detriment, questions everything, I've found myself responding to others in conversation about Bills decisions with something along the lines of, "who am I to question them at this point?"...which I get is kind of lame in this Hot Take world, but I've settled into the trust tree nicely. I am enjoying the ride, however long this lasts. Now, that doesn't mean we can't get into the weeds, I think that's why we're here (and I need reminding)... but I just wanted to state how weird and how foreign a feeling it is. For the longest time, I wanted a coach or team that did the little things. Things like finding a left footed punter because maybe it's 0.35% harder to catch the ball as a return man with it spinning the other way. And I think it is clear we have a GM/Coach tandem dedicated to that philosophy and... I don't know what to do with my hands.
  2. I believe this is too harsh. doesn't mean I'm not down with drafting another one or upgrading. but you are wrong in my opinion about him "needing to go". I believe he is an asset to this offense, albeit, a weapon with flaws.
  3. Did you watch last night? Curious. Watching that game cemented it for me that the dolphins are not that good. Decent. But do not scare me. Fair point about how it would suck to "let them in", so to speak and then lose to them. But shouldn't change one wanting to still face easiest opponent, which I happen to believe is by far Miami. Good thing bad mojo isn't a real thing.
  4. Just stumbled onto a somewhat recent video of those guys playing a few songs, each in their own bubble. Tiny desk maybe.. Was crazy, awesome. Reminded me of bubble boy/seinfeld
  5. No. 86 for Miami gave Gilmore a nice stiff arm then a borderline punch/stiff arm. Was niceee
  6. unrelated, but if you see Putin, kick him in the nuts for me. then maybe a little novichok to his face.
  7. I always forget that Pegula is on team Flip Phone like myself.
  8. https://podbay.fm/p/pardon-my-take/e/1607671006 Bills talk at 36:45ish. They've been craving a Bills home game. "...Bills fans are essential workers. Ill just say it. Bills fans are essential workers. They make my Sunday's that much better..." And Pinto Ron with a shoutout.
  9. thanks again for the heads up about the spanish language channel. I learned that 1st and 10 is 1° y 10. the degree symbol was used for "2nd" and "3rd" and "4th". the symbol seems more efficient than the english system lol. that was my take away.
  10. the NBC sports app on my xbox worked for that Steelers Wednesday game. I tried it again on Sunday for the SNF and it would not let me watch through my directv login. I enjoyed the spanish language broadcast. antenna as a backup.
  11. You feign really well being a reasonable person who would listen to counter arguments. But these past 4 years (And scrolling through your comments/history) have taught me otherwise. Irredeemable. Like my previously favorite Uncle who i told to go to hell. Or a previous best friend. Go to hell. Lines been drawn. You are not worth it. Will try, oh how I try, to focus on the one's worth redeeming.
  12. there is a difference between religious freedom and religious privilege. your lack of understanding the difference is comical, mostly due to the fervor with which you speak. the justices no doubt understand this difference but still voted as they did. 3 of which were placed by a treasonous president. You like to say the Russian/Trump connections were a farce. They were not. That's not even getting to China, Israel, UAE, and last, BUT DEFINITELY not least, Saudi Arabia. But I'm getting off topic. ***** you. There, I'm back.
  13. anyone remember one run in particular, I think it was Moss because it felt like he was past the offensive line before the ball was even snapped. I don't think it was anything more than a 7 yard gain, but I remember thinking he shot out of a cannon on that one particular play as it stood out to me from all other of the runs.
  14. I think we run them enough for it to be a concern to a DC. But just one of many things they must prepare for so I don't wanna overstate it. Didn't we run 2 or 3 in this past game?
  15. I just discovered this as well. The online activation still works if you have the NBS Sports app. I have it on my xbox and i went through the activation process using my directv login and am able to watch the game on that app.
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