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Everything posted by Nineforty

  1. https://heavy.com/sports/buffalo-bills/kurt-warner-josh-allen-qb-review/ Kurt Warner doesn't think Josh can consistently take the layups. Josh gon prove him wrong on this run to a title
  2. to talk as if you know better than our Head Coach and brain trust when it comes to the value of practicing inside or outside...just... i mean, check your ego.
  3. I have heard 'rubber match' in all different kinds of sports and competitive things ftr
  4. was really hoping Arthur Smith hadn't paid his dues to add some comedy to this. looks like he did.
  5. do we want Bass to miss a PAT this weekend to get it out of the way? i think im kidding...
  6. As a braves fan i keep forcing their seasons narratives onto this team in hopes the end result is the same lol... Tre White going down was Acuña who got hurt. The first half of the season they just couldnt get above .500, due to inconsistent play, but you knew the talent was there. Talent is there for the bills too, imo. And then finally, and most importantly, get hot at the right time. Be playing your best ball at the right time. Problem is, you are facing a handful of other teams who are in the same conversation. Sign me up for a bunch of years where automatically in my brain we are at a minimum 1 in 8 odds to win it all. Thats a sweet world to live in. Thanks josh and co.
  7. we rightfully talk about the weather negatively affecting this team. but rarely in the same breath is it mentioned what you specify, how much of a positive his legs are in bad weather. long term speaking, I think Josh Allen in bad weather is a positive for the bills, when comparing directly to most other QB's. I get that we are predicated on being able to throw the ball and we are at our best when we can do that. But to me, they are two separate questions/thoughts. 1. Bad weather does hurt our chances in the sense that we can't run our 'ideal' offense (although the Bills are doing their best to become Multiple) 2. Josh Allen is the quarterback I would say is built best for bad weather in the entire league, when factoring in his legs of course.
  8. Has a win ever felt more polarizing as to how good it was or wasnt? I am in the camp of Josh played a good game. Throwing as well. Not great. Not subpar. Good. And reasonable folks seem to disagree. Idk.
  9. He had a few where he looked like vintage Leveon Bell, showing some patience. Nothing super exaggerated but a few where he paused and reassesed on the fly
  10. Respectfully disagree on the latter.
  11. In a vacuum, i think you are absolutely right. If the decision was based on a longer-view strategy than what it feels like most/all teams operate under (gm lifespans??). And if other realities didnt exist of course, too.
  12. This brought back great/terrible memories of crutching through that loss to the PITT backups back in ... 06? 05? Most fanatic-like thing ive done. Now im one of those "ill be in my bunker alone" guys at 1p. Hope you dont lose the fire! Haha
  13. Zero-six, you've been shot down, life is tough. You're a combat aviator g-d Bills fan! Start acting like one! Remember your training, put some angles between you and your pursuers. Evade and survive and we will bring you home a win.
  14. I thought my Braves were done when Acuña went down. Hoping something similar works out here for the Bills. And then Tre comes back for titles 2 and 3 of course.
  15. i like singletary! but what the heck was that fumble where he just dropped it without contact?!? was he switching hands? i don't remember the play exactly other than he just dropped it lol..been a while since I had seen that in a game.
  16. Im talking specific football situations where he has cost us potential points, namely field goals. He is one of the best at avoidin sacks. To me they can be separated.
  17. Forget stats. He absolutely has to stop taking boneheaded sacks. And i love Josh and think he is great and will win us a super bowl. Ftr.
  18. There are a couple of players on this team i feel that way about. And many in the league. Good thing i dont have to explain myself to you.
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