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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Everything posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. The play is a problem, but the decision not to call a timeout is inexcusable. If they use that final timeout (should have had 2 btw) they have plenty of time to huddle up like they wanted to. Then, they either have an incomplete pass or a first down. They can spike it or have their FG team ready to run out. You don't need to save a timeout. It's a borderline fireable offense, and I hesitate to say borderline because it's not the first completely idiotic move McDermott has made.
  2. I doubt we win both of the next two. I think the most likely record for the Bills when they play the Steelers is 7-6. edit: and I could see PIT splitting with cleveland, making them 8-5. Would still be a big game for WC.
  3. Did they? I'll go back and re-watch, but I'm pretty sure they wasted at least 30 seconds huddling up for 3rd and 4. Threw it out of bounds, then sent out the kicker with a timeout in their pocket. That's inexcusable before you mention they wasted a timeout on defense immediately after the 2 min warning and immediately before giving up the big play to Landry. I guess I'm not as upset about wasting seemingly critical timeouts on defense if they're not even going to use them. Edit: Just watched again. I see what you mean. But, the timeout didn't even stop the clock, much like the first one used after the two minute warning. Very poor management.
  4. They had a timeout and instead let 30 seconds run off. They kicked that final field goal with a timeout in their pocket. Whose fault is that? Allen is 0-16 on passes 30 yards or more in the air.
  5. More dead cap if they do that. Because they needed to lock him up for 3 years apparently.
  6. How do you feel about the end of today's game? Specifically, wasting 30 seconds before the 3rd and 4 play.
  7. The more I step back and think logically about that last sequence today the less sense it makes. So no, it's not just people being emotional after a loss. Many posters including myself have been concerned with McDermott's decision making for a long long time.
  8. wrong, letting the clock run down shows they weren't even playing for the first down. You also don't have to kick it there especially if you don't waste time and timeouts.
  9. Usually it's a choice between going for the tie or going for the win. But choosing a 53 yarder, (choosing not forced to go for it since they had plenty of time) is in essence choosing the loss over going for the win.
  10. I'll be calling for McDermott's head from here on out. I didn't trust him with game management since his first season, but that final drive was disgusting an inexcusable.
  11. No idea. I just know McDermott isn't winning us a superbowl with his ultra-conservative philosophy.
  12. I would. And I would support the mystery box coach, because McDermott is never winning a super bowl in this league. Imagine being a Browns fan watching our last drive. "Oh they're gonna just kick it! hahahah, ok"
  13. Or if they even TRIED to get the TD in regulation. He would have had 301.
  14. Yep, I've been off the McDermott wagon since that moment. He had some red flags before that too. Obviously since then he has shown it again and again and again.
  15. would be nice to have two timeouts. McDermott continues to waste them on defense.
  16. Yeah but he hasn't hit ona sigle one ALL SEASON. Are you complaining about the play call if the play works?
  17. Daboll should know Allen can't throw deep. I blame him too.
  18. wait, what are the Browns doing right now? Don't they know you should waste the final possession before the half?
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