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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Everything posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. Yep. It’s because he is bad. It’s not awesome though.
  2. This is incorrect. There was a blitz coming from Allen’s left. He should have thrown to the empty space they created, which was the wide open Beasley for the first down. The play should have taken place with 50 seconds remaining.
  3. Some people were actually calling for DK unlike those others
  4. Historically? for who? Every successful coach got their job after someone else was fired. But that's not the point. I never said fire everybody.
  5. C'mon you know they're just gonna draft a DE in the first.
  6. See that's where we differ. You see it as some coaching stuff to clean up. I see it as a consistent pattern of sub-high school level clock management.
  7. I'm rooting for the Seahawks right now. It's pretty fun.
  8. It's amazing what a good QB and competent coach will do to your perception.
  9. Why are you defending that mess yesterday? oh wait, you can't so it''s just personal insults.
  10. one timeout left. clock running, one minute left. down by 3. just outside FG range. that's a lot of similarities.
  11. It's the exact situation of the game ending yesterday. It's not too much work. edit: I forgot to add two SUCCESSFUL plays as opposed to a pass out of bounds.
  12. one minute left. plenty of time left. they just ran two plays in the exact amount of time it took us to run one.
  13. They drafted a bad quarterback. A year later they drafted another bad quarterback, but this time they were determined to let him sit and learn for a while. Problem is, they only had QB A to start in the meantime while QB B learned from a former WR coach. We are just witnessing the end result of all that mess and the people who put it all together.
  14. Good for you He will be fired eventually. They might waste another year or two unfortunately.
  15. Hmm seems pretty easy to just not do what you didn't plan to do. This is the equivalent of not fouling at the end of a one-point basketball game then saying "our plan WASN'T to not foul. We need to work on that."
  16. Why do you need a TO for a fg attempt? They would have had 60 seconds and no timeouts. 3rd and 4. If you get the first down, spike the ball. If it's incomplete, you're in the same position as what ended up happening except you have 50 seconds. They also used a TO AFTER the 2 minute warning, while the clock was stopped, and immediately before giving up the big play to Landry.
  17. Why not take a timeout after singletary doesn't get out of bounds?
  18. If a basketball coach wasted possessions because he failed to run the 2 for 1 at the end of qtr/half/game he would be considered unfit to coach high school. That is where I am with McDermott.
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