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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Everything posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. Huh? yeah it's still terrible on deep balls. Did you mean to say Boast?
  2. Anyone think that deep pass was going to be on target? ANYONE?
  3. What? you don't have a good track record of calling ppl that name.
  4. ok time will tell. EJ deep balls were out of bounds. Allen's are ALL 3 yards over/underthrown. Still incomplete.
  5. Did you see the opening drive they had 2 weeks to plan? Don't hold your breath.
  6. Not at all. I’ve had plenty of second chances. One professionally of note, but I wound never say I deserved it.
  7. Why does he deserve another chance? After that video and rookie year. There are thousands of potential receivers waiting for a chance.
  8. Huh? I heard Mahomes’ good play is the result of his weapons.
  9. Two years sitting before playing? Wonder why some had a problem with the pick.
  10. That's reasonable. I'm on record saying I would have taken DK 1st overall. DT and guard can be shored up in a number of ways. Just look at Spain, Bates, Feliciano, Harrison Phillips, Jordan Phillips. #1 WR with his size/speed combo is hard to find. edit: I think they had a great draft otherwise. Swap DK for Ford and it would have been amazing IMO
  11. With Darnold's signing bonus I hope he's at least heading to meatpacking.
  12. Fair enough, I could make an argument, but don't want to hijack the thread.
  13. After all the offseason signings? and Bates looks good. People on here were telling me there's no room at WR with Brown/Beasley signings. Why does that logic not extend to Oline? Not to mention Zay and Foster not showing up.
  14. Wrong Also, what about the first one from the game winning drive?
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