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Everything posted by buffblue

  1. Not sure why anyone would ever think they did. The Chargers flat out suck
  2. Only when Miami does something good lol
  3. The Chargers should be flat out embarrassed with their defensive effort. I can't imagine how sick to my stomach I would be if Brandon Staley was my head coach
  4. There is no doubt Kevin Harlan is rooting for Miami lol
  5. Good challenge by numbnuts Staley. He should be proud of his defense
  6. Far better weapons combined with an extremely QB friendly offensive system that doesn't require him to make plays on his own. I will say however that he is clearly getting the job done for what Miami needs out of him
  7. The Chargers are just bad. What a joke the way they finished that half
  8. Totally agree. His voice is absolutely grating
  9. Yep. We heard all off-season yet again about how stacked their team is on both sides of the ball. Then the games start
  10. Seems Corral just decided not to show up for work with the Patriots. This should probably close the book on his illustrious career https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.boston.com/sports/new-england-patriots/2023/09/09/patriots-matt-corral-placed-on-exempt-left-squad-list-nfl-rumors-analysis/%3famp=1
  11. A bit premature for this imo. It's game 1 and they play in a far weaker division. A loss to the NFC Lions without 2 of their 3 best players on opening night doesn't seem that consequential
  12. It's interesting that Dion had to lose 40 pounds to get down to 330. When the Bills took him from Temple he was playing at 315 at guard. It's good that he's committed to his diet, but he could stand to lose another 10-15 lbs imo. He was a well above average LT during his rookie season of 2017 playing at the reduced weight.
  13. Came across this earlier today and thought I'd share. Not sure a resolution is coming by Monday night, if at all https://www.nexttv.com/news/how-ready-is-charter-to-let-disney-and-espn-walk-its-already-funneling-monday-night-football-fans-to-fubo-and-youtube-tv
  14. Except that Josh was bigger and a superior athlete with better intangibles coming out. He also played in a more pro-style offense at Wyoming than Corral at Ole Miss, who was propped up by Lane Kiffin's one read attack
  15. Yeah, I live in Charlotte and follow the Panthers pretty closely. Admittedly Corral hasn't had a huge body of work (and he got injured his rookie year), but I have seen all of his action in preseason games. He has honestly looked completely lost every time he's on the field. The book on him coming out was great arm and athleticism, but also lacking in many of other attributes necessary to be a functional qb. So far that has proven to be highly accurate. He played in a very simplistic offense in college and has struggled mightily adapting. Corral panics and gets happy feet in the face of pressure or when he doesn't understand what the defense is showing. He'll give up on plays prematurely and deliver inaccurate passes because of poor mechanics. From my viewpoint he is just overwhelmed and lacks confidence. I guess some team will take a chance on him because there's no harm in trying, but I don't see him turning into a successful reclamation project.
  16. Matt Corral is not close to being a good prospect. He's been absolutely atrocious in every opportunity he got with the Panthers. Zero pocket presence and accuracy and terrible at reading NFL defenses. Hard pass
  17. And right after drafting a DE in the 1st round 😡
  18. I think Rudolph is better than Kyle Allen. Not saying much I know, and their career stats are similar. He throws a better deep ball for sure. Grasping for straws here
  19. This is 100 percent correct. Buffalo is one of the best hockey markets in the country and always #1 in the ratings. The team is becoming good again. If Pegula does sell it would be to a local interest. The idea of the Sabres leaving Buffalo is way more of a nothingburger than the Bills prior to the stadium agreement. And a Bills relocation was always highly unlikely itself.
  20. Yes, as in Burrow, Brady, and Wilson (at the time a franchise QB). Had those guys not been around, their teams would've never made it to the Super Bowl anyway. If your team does have a stud at quarterback, a highly paid top tier RB is a luxury but hardly a necessity. There is almost no circumstance from my view where I would ever consider parting with high draft picks or giving huge money to a running back.
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