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Everything posted by buffblue

  1. I am a big fan of day drinking as well
  2. How many of these guys have been the difference makers in their team reaching the Super Bowl? Exactly zero. It's not hard to figure out why. The only teams that foolishly waste big money on the position are the ones who lack a long term, franchise qb. Without one of those, you're not winning anything regardless of how good your running back room may be.
  3. He's shown very little, and the poor decision to get out of his lane resulted in the long return by the Bears. I don't see a reason for Shorter to be on the 53 other than the Bills spent a 5th on him
  4. Lol I was literally thinking the same thing earlier
  5. Chris Brown and Steve Tasker are pretty bad. Brown is passable I guess, but Tasker is an absolutely awful listen. He's stunk as a sideline reporter, color analyst, and now radio host
  6. Of course it is. I just don't think trading for Jonathan Taylor is the missing ingredient to Miami actually winning a chip, because of the reasons I previously mentioned.
  7. To add to my previous post, it makes even less sense when you have an injury prone QB who may be one bad hit away from retirement and an iffy oline. If those question marks didn't exist then maybe you could make a more compelling case to make the trade. I mean, what is wrong with Mostert, Wilson, and now Achane? Seems Miami was able to run it effectively at times last year and McDaniel too often got away from it. It's rare imo that a RB is going to put a team over the top, and I certainly don't think Taylor would do that for the Dolphins. If Miami does in fact make this deal it seems they are headed down the Rams path where anything less than an immediate Super Bowl victory will be a failure because they are mortgaging their long term future.
  8. Wouldn't mind it either. Taylor is no doubt a great player, but it just seems like bad juju to continually build your team only through blockbuster trades. They routinely disregard cost controlled assets which is usually not a way to sustain your franchise for long term success. For every Tyreek Hill there is a Bradley Chubb. I think Miami's reckless approach is eventually going to burn them, and there is no guarantee of short term success either. Bottom line is that giving up a 1st AND paying a big contract to a RB would be a highly questionable decision
  9. I can see a 16-13 type of game going either way. This matchup has all the makings of an ugly slugfest
  10. Allen was fine. One of the only guys not to worry about
  11. No doubt he looked great. The quick twitch movement to separate at his size is very impressive
  12. We are what we are at DL and CB. I think we can get by in those areas. MLB and OT are flat out frightening right now. Add backup QB as well to a lesser degree
  13. Half agree. Isabella should stay, but Shorter has almost zero chance of ever becoming a contributor imo
  14. That about sums it up. I will retain hope that Dawkins can return to decent form because he has proven it in the past. But there are definite concerns here. None of them are shocking in any way
  15. Dawkins has never been exactly svelte. It seems it is finally catching up to him as he approaches 30. But hey, he's the Schnowman so it's all good
  16. Keep Isabella, then Shakir. Shorter doesn't even factor into the equation for me. A slow, underachieving college receiver who was highly unproductive does not inspire confidence to succeed at the NFL level
  17. It feels as though he was drafted in the 13th round. I literally forgot he exists
  18. There's literally no one I hate more than these rednecks. Even preseason gets me riled up about the Pittsburgh hillbillies lol
  19. This is vomit inducing. Preseason excuse just doesn't feel right here. We have major, gigantic holes at several positional areas right now
  20. Um, that was totally his fault. There was nothing available. He was lucky the first guy didn't pick it off
  21. And they are wrong. He has his faults as a player. But the notion by Edmunds haters that his departure with no replacement on hand is somehow addition by subtraction is completely ludicrous
  22. Is he? The Jets might want to figure out how to beat the Patriots first before you can guarantee slotting them ahead. It's only been 8 years. They're still a clown show until proven otherwise
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