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The Firebaugh Kid

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Everything posted by The Firebaugh Kid

  1. I fully expect Wilkins to be a bill if we miss out on Oliver
  2. Darrell Henderson Id guess would be a round 3/4 guy they had in for a visit. 8.2 ypc NCAA record
  3. Aaron Williams returning a botched field goal for a td against Arizona was amazing. Loved 23. Also, Drayton Florences pick 6 against NE in 2011. The stadium went absolutely apeshit. Its THE reason I go to the NE game every year....hoping for another miracle.
  4. Soon we will forget The leap in Minnesota Playoffs here we come
  5. Youre starting to sway me Ill admit. After years of Gronk eating us alive I would love to have the next Gronk here. Still think its Ed Oliver tho if available. And a trade up for Noah F or Nkeal Harry in later 1st round.
  6. I stand firmly with this take. Josh is a dangerous man.
  7. Which will open up big plays over the top. This is going to be a fun year
  8. Sounds like Jordan Phillips. Sign me up in a trade down if Oliver is gone at #9.
  9. Giants are taking Haskins. Its really up to 7 and 8 if we land Oliver.
  10. I absolutely love where this team is headed. They are building a true contender. Im all about Ed Oliver at #9.
  11. Oliver or bust for me. The guy is special. Character is not that much of a red flag to me. I see a small town guy with big time talent whod fit right in and make this a top 5 defense.
  12. This is a perfect fit. I absolutely love Oliver.
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