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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. I think Edmunds has incredible potential but keep in mind, if i showed you any players highlights reel you would be all excited. Imagine if this was a reel of all his missed assignments. Highlight reels are the most biased way to judge a player.
  2. I wasnt saying it was just buffalo's issue but Cleveland and Chicago have a very active rail system into downtown, Pittsburgh and St Louis are effectively landlocked, yes they have rivers to cross. Detroit i dont know as well.
  3. Considering that city lies on Lake Erie, unless you are going to boat into downtown, traffic egress in/out of Buffalo is more difficult than most cities Yes but they all didnt arrive within an hour of each other and they all didnt leave at the same time either. It would be like Foxboro.
  4. McD & Beanes first year was a total waste of time in terms of rebuilding, we were in salary cap hell and had to cut the excess fat. The NEXt year is when we started the rebuild by selecting your hopeful franchise QB. This year is the START of the payoff for cutting excess fat in year 1 & 2. Probably half of our team will be new starters. I dont expect much this season because of it. But next year, year 4, Allen now with some real experience and knows his teammates, is when we have the roster and coaches in place for a yea and THAT should be the year where we see exactly what we have been building for.
  5. Stevie Johnson dropping easy TDs Kelvin Benjamin standing after catching a ball Zay Zones drops after ball hits him in the chest
  6. Look what the mighty Bills coaching staff did to JP Losman, he actually had a good full second year but each progressive he he got worse and worse
  7. I disagree with a lot of your post but mostly with what i bolded. Speaking of turning things around magically,you do realize we are probably going to have 8 new starters on Offensive, effectively an entire new line as for as coaches and players that have been together. Allen is going to have 75% turnover on his receivers, going to have to work with an entirely new line. If he doesnt incredibly progress for the firs half of the season I wont be shocked. Plus likely have between 1-3 new starters on defense. Yes I can definitely envision him "magically" turning it around in his fourth year.
  8. Between Melvin Gordon and Zeke maybe our trade value in McCoy/Gore has gone up
  9. AGREED 100%, it is very vague.. l also hate it because the Pats have perfected it, they k now all the rules cold and how far to bend them, know which refs are more or less likely to call them.
  10. The sure looks like a borer line pick play, makes it a more difficult cal with all the snow
  11. That was a highly enjoyable, fun game to watch. Probably Nathan Peterman's "best " game as a pro. Winning QB Joe Webb at the end of the game, file that somewhere for a trivia question.
  12. You are correct in terms of running, Fltuie was a "scrappy" runner good to allude a tackle of two and maybe get 10 yards. When Allen sees a clearing, the man has shocking speed and can rip of 20-50 yards at a clip. His acceleration is extraordinary, he gets up to speed very quickly and just like his powerful arm, it looks fairly effortless when he runs. I thin Allen was "timed" at over 20 mph after three steps in one of this runs. His big legs gobble up ground quickly.
  13. What "Josh Allen Leap Challenge", no such thing but hey you wanted to make a thread about it.
  14. I agree, i can definitely see him marrying his current girlfriend ending up as a "dork dad", the direct opposite of Ken Stabler. Good points but Stabler was not a 1st ballot HOF, his came decades after he stopped playing and posthumously.
  15. Lamar Jackson, like so many other run first QB is quickly diagnosed how to defend. How did he do in the playoffs? J Allen certainly has some questions about his ability to be an accurate NFL QB but there is no doubt that he has tremendous upside. J Allen may turn into a great QB, I dont think Lamar ever will.
  16. One last note on Belichek that we are all forgetting. I recall very vividly Belichek on a boat talking with the blowhard Jimmie Johnson, Bleichek said one very important thing, "you cant fix stupid" (or something close to that), in other words get smart players. The PAts put a premium on smart and hard working players. Kyle Van Noy said after the super bowl that everyone on the defense know how to play multiple positions and know the system inside and out. Look at the Bills, you realize last year we started 11 different rookies last year? How are you going to implement anything close to what the Pats do when you start 11 different rookies. Not even in the same universe.
  17. Maybe it is brilliance, then again as I wrote earlier it is consistency and having Brady. Hell look at the Bills, they will be spending the next few years getting Josh Allen how to read defenses, how in the world could the Bills even contemplate doing what the Pats do, it is impossible. Brady has seen every imaginable defense thrown against him multiple times, he makes head coach style decisions at the line of scrimmage. That is one reason why even at his advanced age he is still an incredibly effective QB. Take Brady out of the equation and lets see what happens with the Pats. Belichek a genius, maybe, but i think it has a lot more to do with consistency which ties into the number one most important position in football, QB and Brady, sadly is the GOAT.
  18. Solid points. I am not so sure I am buying everything you write, that Belichek is some kinds of demi-god that is so vastly superior to the entire NFL, esp with the way players/coaches constantly move around. There is no "magic" to what Belichek has been doing, it is called hard work. His two other huge benefits are 1) consistency which ties into 2) Brady. imagine every year for the past 18? the NFLs number one concern, the QB, is an afterthought for the pats. they have 95% certainty that Brady will finish the season, and to top it of he gives them a home town discount. Talk about incredible benefit, that is as powerful as any.
  19. Not so sure about that. We have almost an entirely new offensive line, new WRs , TEs, i think the Bills could be very very shakey on offense for mutliple weeks to start the season, sure hope I am wrong. I dont think a rookie Ed Oliver is well suited to stop the run, esp versus brady/belichek. Edmunds improvement is extremely critical, that i agree with, let see if it happens. Yes other players can improve, hopefully. At the same time, the PAts O line should be stronger and they added real depth.
  20. Answer: no legit ref does I remember that game vividly, i can still recall how dismal and depressing it was to watch the end. Little did I know the real Pats nightmare was yet to begin.
  21. Because now Belichek learned the Bills cant atop the run. It isnt exactly rocket science. Do you really think belichek will do much different in the next Bills match up, as I have stated several times the Pats have gotten stronger in the run dept and what have we done to shore up our run d? next to nothing, got a rd 1 arguably undersized penetrating DT, the Pats will either run right through the gap Oliver leaves in his wake or will blow him out. We have quick mostly rangey LBers more effective in the pass defense. Next game versus the Pats I believe are are going to have to prove that we can stop their run. Leslie Frazier has a very tough assignment.
  22. That is true but honestly, did you really think the Bills had any chance? I didnt. Pats were in control the entire game. And we did next to nothing to shore up our run defense this year. Pats get their 1st rd O Lineman back this year, added O line in the draft and a RB. Sorry but I dont see how we are going to be able to stop them running right up our gut like they did the last game for 274 yards.
  23. "Thompson would have been drafted in the top half of the draft if he would have come out this year, but in a deep safety class, he chose to potentially rise to the top of the next year’s class." Yeah i would take a shot on this one.
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