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Everything posted by ShakAttack

  1. So what? Maybe he is a better leader in the huddle, who cares? I think most players would rather play for a QB that leads by example and that’s Allen.
  2. I gotta say, the way he left it with his team last year, he had to have known he set himself up for a very awkward return to camp this year. I wouldn’t want to be him. But hey, his choices, his actions.
  3. I’d be intrigued to revisit some of the historic notable no-shows to mandatory camp over the years and the ultimately outcome for each of them. I.e. what % of these disgruntled players end up playing for their team when it’s all said and done and the season begins? it SEEMS like the vast majority end up reporting to their teams (and do NOT get traded or hold out the entire season) but also most players hold out due to contract and that’s not the case here, so it’s definitely weird and unusual… making it all the more frustrating. thanks Diggs
  4. I do not know why I’m not surprised, but seriously, what is up with this guy? What is he expecting here? We can’t trade him… we can’t release him… so….
  5. This was the game that proved us right for getting Von Miller. But of course, that was the inevitable tease prior to the usual too good to be true reality.
  6. Pretty good chance somewhere out there is someone with a Bills connection telling them that Hopkins to Bills is a done deal too so… you never know till you know.
  7. It’s people’s defense mechanisms already kicking in because they believe Hopkins will end up somewhere else.
  8. If Josh Allen is Hopkin’s favorite QB, I don’t even know how we can allow this to happen. All indications have been if all things were equal he would play for the Bills and there is no reason we can’t do better than whatever KC is offering. I seriously can’t handle losing to these guys again.
  9. So we’re basically backed into a corner and expected to cut this guy, a potentially great draft pick, over something that wasn’t even true in the end. Pisses me off actually.
  10. my point was more that established players are often traded for 3rd-5th round picks and they almost always offer better value and make more of an impact than players taken in that range that end up being mediocre and/or flat out misses more often than not. If the opportunity ever was there, it’s a way to make the team a lot better than a guy like Dorian Williams ever will.
  11. …And this is why I would have given up a 3rd for DHop all freakin day.
  12. by now, there is probably a laundry list of reasons I could give you. This thread didn’t get up to 235+ pages and hammered up to this very moment for nothing.
  13. At this point it is just cruel if we do not get Hopkins. And as a Bills fan, I have learned to expect cruelty.
  14. Pretty much every game in 2017 by halftime. I wanted the playoffs so badly that I couldn’t handle it anymore and we were right on the borderline at that time. After enduring the 17 year drought (and coming close to ending it multiple times prior to 2017) I think I wanted the playoffs back then more than I want a SB today. Don’t get me wrong though, there is nothing I want more than a Super Bowl now.
  15. Funny thing is, I was wondering about a “what if” last night myself. What if the Ravens never fumble on the 1 yard line against the bengals and we never had to face the Bengals - the team that was clearly our WORST matchup in the nfl - and hosted the Ravens at home in the divisional round instead? We would then move on to play KC on a neutral field, a team that we have actually had success against over the past 2 seasons, and I highly doubt the team would have shown up “tired” or “uninspired” for a rematch against the Chiefs. What might have happened in that scenario? The scenario that SHOULD have happened if not for a VERY lucky break for the Bengals in the WC round? Perhaps the Bills are Super Bowl champions and we never have this conversation about 2017… Never know…
  16. The real question is... Is there anyone Beane would take instead of Jack Campbell if they were to slip to #27? Hmm
  17. Even though we were advised to not expect it before free agency started, I think the arms race in the AFC East has all of us expecting the big "splash" acquisition and if we do not get it, I do believe TBD will implode. There is no sugar coating it; this has been the most frustrating off-season the Beane/Mcdermott era so far. We have been teased by multiple big names and none have panned out for us. We need to give Allen another legitimate weapon on offense because it is not a stretch to predict the Jets, Dolphins and Pats could ALL have Top 10 defenses next season (Jets & Pats already do and Dolphins have the talent ). If it isn't DHop, it has to be SOMEONE better than Davis. And for the record, I would give up a 2nd for Dhop in a heartbeat. I don't know why everyone gets so stuck on these defined values for draft picks. Hopkins gives us a MUCH better chance to WIN NOW than a late 2nd rounder will at least 90% of the time. And isn't "winning" the only thing that matters at the end of the day? Who cares if we are giving up a late 2nd instead of a late 3rd if the guy makes our passing game much harder to defend and puts us back over the top in a division where you've got at LEAST 2 teams with top tier DBs on paper. In other words, we need a pair of top tier WRs to match. Mcdermott & Beane tell us "we don't want Allen to run as much anymore". Okay, so then, help Allen help himself if you want that to change.
  18. So true. It's always "Bills signed _____" with no prior notice or buzz on that specific player. The exception is Mario Williams from several years ago. And that was under a completely different front office. Even Von Miller came out of nowhere; the talk was Chandler Jones, not Von. That said, Dhop posting something with "buffalo soldier" playing in the background is a little different from an article coming out that Bills are interested in DHop, so maybe there's a chance(???)
  19. for reasons like these I keep thinking we HAVE to still be planning a vet signing at LB, but the market is just Bobby Wagner now and that seems like a long shot? IS there anyone else? Myles Jack? Heck I’d honestly take that gladly at this point too
  20. It certainly is strange. Even if we were gung-Ho on Terrell Bernard, how do you not at LEAST bring in a vet to compete for the starting job? The guy is a complete unknown right now. What is going on? Same thing with spending a draft pick on a MLB, it’s still an unproven rookie. Where is the vet signing!??
  21. WR...MLB...RB... I am just amazed that we have not at least added a starter at one of the positions above through free agency. Extremely frustrating. Whatever/whoever we are counting on getting in the draft, that plan better work out, because this could get ugly fast.
  22. That would be so fun if this "other team" gets him instead. Could that be a deal breaker for Aaron Rodgers? Could this entire deal be hinging on whether the Jets are able to sign Lazard!? Man... that would be too funny.
  23. Trade for Cooks if possible and get Bijan/Flowers/Hyatt (in order of preference) in the first round. Want some fire power that can maximize Allen’s talent on offense and challenge these top-end defenses in our division? There’s one path.
  24. I am definitely concerned about them right about now; I was just commenting on the playoff game. I'm also more concerned about the Jets with Aaron Rodgers, but it's pretty close. And the bottom line is, it's going to make KC's path to the 1 seed even easier next season. One thing is for sure, the defenses in our division are going to be TOUGH, so if the Bills ever needed more reason to load up on talent on the offensive side (hopefully including YOUNG talent) this is the time. It has to be now.
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