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Everything posted by warrior9

  1. Are the White on White's with the standing buffalo the best Uni's in the NFL?
  2. I think the problem with evaluating from an All-22 perspective is..... We don't and will never know play calls and supposed assignments. We can guess, sure. Take QB and LB for example. But we will never know Josh's first read to where he delivers the ball. "Look Josh missed this wide open reciever!" But we will never know if the play was "Ok, let's go read one, read two, nothing there, we're moving out of the pocket now" By the same account. "Tremaine missed the A gap here and they ran right at him." We will never know if Star/Oliver/Phillips actually had a stunt and were A gap responsible on that play.
  3. This is correct. As talented as he is... receivers don't make or break teams in the NFL.. Offensive lines and QB's do. I've never understood paying big money for receivers
  4. The play calling is abysmal and very predictable. It's very basic and it doesn't help Josh or any RB/WR. We do very little to get our play makers in space. John Brown is constantly running comebacks and out routes. He never has any YAC. We are not putting him in space. We are not getting Beasley into space. We need more mesh concepts, pick plays, zone sitting, etc. It's just not there.
  5. It's easy to target Daboll when you call a WR screen 1 yard outside the offensive tackle on 3rd and 9 in the redzone. Or when you have small, fast receivers and the mesh concept is not ran more than 2 times a game. Or when a slant is rarely called with Duke Williams. Or when your TE's rarely sit in pockets in the middle of a zone defense. Or when you run #20 only when there is FB in front of him with 2 TE's.
  6. You know.... i think this is a cool story bro... but i'm going to call my friend that's an expert on cool stories just so that I know what i'm dealing with here.
  7. I still can't believe Donnel Pumphrey didn't make it in the NFL... I think he has the career rushing record for FBS Also noticed Cyril Richardson was drafted. There is some talent in the XFL.. much more than AAF
  8. I don't get this Levi Wallace wasn't good against Miami. Are people referring to the 3-4 catches he gave up? Preston Williams had 6 catches for 82 yards for ****s sake. If that's what gets you upset............. I mean, how did you survive the past 20 years? he gave up 2 comebacks and a 30 yard pass.. it's going to happen in the NFL.
  9. It won't break out if Daboll keeps calling off tackle WR screens on 3rd and 9 inside the 20
  10. We're 5-1. Josh has 62% completion percentage and there have been many drops (at LEAST 5 by Knox this year)...... We're fine. (Although, the play calling at times is like............... head scratching) like the 3rd and nine screen right off tackle.. that's NOT JA's fault
  11. Levi got beat on one deep ball and the others were 6-9 yard comebacks. I'm not worried about him. Players get beat sometimes, that's football. It's one game and he's been very very good, if not great in the other games.
  12. Isn't this true in literally every sport ever in the history of mankind?
  13. "and um like.... and um like.... and um like....and um like....and um like....and um like....and um like....and um like...." - Ellis Lankster
  14. I gotta say this warms my heart - seriously - mods would have so much less work if folks had the moxie to cowboy up and say "yeah, too far, sorry!" more often. All is good my guy! Zero hard feelings... it's the internet and we all over react to a Bills loss, especially.
  15. It's not hard when you attacked me for saying he's not the problem and has had a good season and called me Mrs. Dawkins, shared links, called him a liability, etc etc.
  16. He was caught in bad position a few times this game but I thought each time he was able to correct it throughout the play and make up for it. Everyone gets beat but his effort to keep playing from whistle to whistle has been awesome. I also think people forget that he had Jurrell Casey lined up in a 3I basically all game and that JC is an absolute monster.
  17. Were you not telling me just last week that he is a "consistent liability" ? Then proceeded to share links about how bad he was and call me Mrs. Dawkins? I think calling someone "consistent liability" is more than saying he's inconsistent. EDIT: Sorry, you said he's good just for LT Depth or LG.
  18. He's also not the reason Zay doesn't fight for the ball or play defender.
  19. I'm not disagreeing with you at all.... As long as that call is consistent (as rare as it may be), i'm fine with it. It happens and its a rule they're implementing. Not all players are intentionally trying to hit a player in the head when they do it.... it's still a penalty.
  20. You've seen a player flipped into a QB's knees before?
  21. Yeah I was wondering about that too.. Similar to the "blocking into the punt returner" penalty. That flag is picked up. I guess the intent doesn't matter when it comes to QB's. That's a VERY rare play to happen and I'd be interested to see if the league keeps it consistent if it does happen again. I have no problem with that being a penalty if its consistent. They're simply trying to take low hits to the QB out of that game at all costs.
  22. Lol blown coverage? He beat the guy off the line and inside on a slant... on the 6 yard line......? Explain "blown coverage" please
  23. I agree.. As Oliver, Edmunds, Milano, Wallace, even Murphy keep progressing.... we're going to keep getting better.... I didn't like Trent Murphy because I initially thought he was brought in to get sacks. Now I realize that he's not being asked to be a pass rushing specialist, he's play his part and has been above average against the run. I think he's finally feeling caught up from his ACL and all those injuries last year.
  24. Based on everything we know of McDermott. I'd be absolutely SHOCKED if he doesn't help his assistants get HC jobs. Your goal as a boss is to set up people you care about for success and help them achieve their goals.. I don't think Frazier gets snagged and I don't think Daboll has done enough yet. However, I can see Ken Dorsey getting an OC job or a college job some where.
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