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Everything posted by warrior9

  1. So you sign Spain for 6-7 a year or this guy for 10-12? I think Thuney next to Dawson and Morse would be unbelievable. I'm sure there are internal debates going on about this. If we can get Spain at 5-6/ yr over 3 years, I think you'd have to do that.
  2. Jimmy G threw less than 20 passes in the last 2 play off games and the top 5 passers this year did not make the playoffs and the top 5 rushing attacks did make the playoffs, I don't know that the league prioritizes passing. In today's NFL, you need to be able to stop the run to win and JP is definitely a liability in the run. This is why I think Shaq is pretty valuable, he was a pretty good run defender this year.
  3. Yeah, did you ever notices he "loses his footing" a lot? It's definitely frustrating and I would not pay him above 6-7 annually. Unless its a 1 year 8-8.5 million dollar prove it deal.
  4. ............ did you watch any football? do you like the Bills? Do you know what assignments are on every play? Did you watch Shaq Lawson play the run? Did you watch Jordan Phillips play the run? Believe it or not, there is more to football than stat sheets and sacks. Star actually had a pretty solid second half of the year. Shaq Lawson played the run VERY well and had a few sacks but played a lot less than Murphy/ Hughes. If our Dline is as bad as you think it is and you still want to resign our worst run defender, I have to question your logic. And then ask the question.... how did we win 10 games if our dline was so bad?
  5. Jeremy and his wife are also really close with a family that lost an 11 year old boy last week to the flu last week. My heart is absolutely crushed for this guy.
  6. Wait! Why not Mahones, Wentz, D. Jones, Mayfield, Hodges?
  7. Wilson did not make Marshawn or Golden Tate or Zach Miller great. marshawn was always very good. Golden Tate left Seattle and has been great, still. Zach Miller went to Seattle after being a second round draft pick. Yeah, that was the a very easy and stretched out talent pool lol
  8. Mahomes, Wentz, Carr, Goff, Mayfield? Maybe switch Wentz and Carr. You gave a top 5 QB, a few middling ones and a horrible QB, that's not really a test?
  9. Didn't say that... It doesn't hurt to be surrounded by talent, though. So you think JA is a bottom 7 QB in the NFL because of Passer Rating? is that what i'm gathering?
  10. That's short sighted. You HAD to play the run against Seattle, you didn't have to against this team. It was a MAJOR focus of that Seattle team which opened up the passing game. Defenses played that team way different than they would this Bills team. Again, it's all in fun speculation. Again, we'll never know but I don't think many QBs did more with less than Josh this year.
  11. Thank you, that's all this thread was trying to suggest.
  12. It's not when all things considered man. Drops, O-Line, RB, etc. I'm not sure if there are stats out there from 2013 about the drops of all teams but I would bet RW didn't have nearly the drops JA did.
  13. Wait, my comparison is not suggesting that he WILL. It's suggesting that he CAN. It's refreshing to know we have a guy on an upward trajectory with similar stats in year two to a top 3-5 QB... that's all.
  14. Baldwin and Tate 1000% start over Brown and Bease. They’ll have their time on the field but those two would probably be 1 and 2. I think ultimately brown and Baldwin would split #2 reps in terms of throwing style. The point is trajectory. Was RW throwing with that much anticipation etc in his second year? Again, he is also 2 years older than Josh in his second year. I posted this because it’s refreshing to know that if we’re patient and let this guy learn and get him some weapons, he can be a stud. they aren’t similar running styles, obviously. They both scramble and make plays off of that... it’s a huge part of both of their games. There is a lot of similarities in how they’re successful. if JA had Marshawn and that line, what could he have done? Obviously we’ll never know but it’s fun to speculate. I think Josh has very very good numbers with an improved line and RB next year.
  15. Luke is trying to take care of his chickens and his bread and his mentals.
  16. I honestly don't think league rankings here mean anything.... leaders vary from year to year as does the field. I'm saying in pure stats, they aren't far off...... that's literally all i'm saying. And RW had quite a bit more help. literally not even close.... there's a full season of stats that are very comparable, not someones ability to jump in shorts.
  17. Russel Wilson MAY have got help from a great offensive line, better weapons, one of the best defenses of our generation and ....... Marshawn Lynch? Maybe that's a reach, though?
  18. Ummmm because we have a QB that has similar if not identical stats to a QB that is currently a top 3 NFL QB and people think Josh isn't the guy. Developmentally we have a QB that seems to be on track for the first time in a decade plus. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH stop it.
  19. I think i'm trying to prove that they are literally comparable in their style of play... especially at that point in their career.
  20. I do not disagree in the slightest. I'm doing this to further prove that I believe we have our guy. I don't think many people do(or could have done) more with less than Josh did.
  21. The Tannehil one is debatable .. I think DH led that team to the play offs. But no, I get it. I agree, I think next year will be a big year for Josh.
  22. Yeah I mean, Golden Tate is a GREAT football player and Doug Baldwin was a very solid NFL receiver for years. I think this is very telling on how well Josh actually played this year with the limitations of his surrounding cast. Golden Tate and Doug Baldwin would be #1 and 2 on this team. Zach Miller would be our starting TE. 8 in the box would make throwing easier, which is my point. Teams stacked the box and put 8 in the box and played man against us (the good defenses that could) because our receivers couldn't get a step on the DBs
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