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Everything posted by BananaB

  1. When I watch college football I rarely see any problems, I don’t understand how the guys in the NFL are so !@#$ing bad. Some **** just blows your !@#$ing mind.
  2. The young WRs who are making impacts around the league all have quality veterans around them. Benjamin and Holmes are nowhere near quality. But yes, Zay has been pretty disappointing. Our whole WR unit is a !@#$ing joke really.
  3. I’m more worried about the unit as a whole, way too much inexperience. Allen I think will be alright. He’s the only guy on offender who shows any promise right now. These young WRs need a decent veteran WRs infront of them. The pressure on Allen will continue until we find a guy who can play. Look at all the young WRs who make impacts throughout the league, they all have something common and it’s a experienced vet around them. And Kelvin Benjamin isn’t that vet, to be honest he should be used at a pass catching TE. Might be a way for him to improve his pay because he’s gonna be on the FA market a while after the Bills let him go.
  4. I’m sure you could find 5 CFL wrs that could improve this group
  5. No difference. Benjamin is terrible, might as well cut ties with him. Can’t have you 1 dropping that many balls
  6. Refs are bad all over the NFL, today it was terrible in GB. They got away with everything
  7. All QBs do that, he’s just getting pressured more then most so you see it every other play. I seen a video on it once, QBs are taught to spin when forced out of the pocket on their blindside to keep the ball away from any rushers coming from backside
  8. The holding has been ridiculous, but what do ya expect the Packers been complaining about the refs for 3 weeks. The NFL loves them, they are gonna get the calls
  9. Without Tre this team does not go to the playoffs last year. I’m glad we got that monkey off our back... No surprise KC is scoring a lot of points, they do it at the start of every season. I remember Hunt getting all the hype for the Chiefs at the start of the season last year.
  10. I see David Carr is still making excuses why he was a ****ty player. Little brother Derek had no problem being tossed to the wolves. The minute you read or hear this you know they never watched the Bills play last year.
  11. Considering we probably have the worst offensive squad in the league Allen played pretty well. If you are worried after one game your expectations are kind of ridiculous. Rookies make mistakes, that’s just how it is. Now it’s all about Josh improving on them.
  12. All these tweets is kind of embarrassing more then anything for Zay.... He had rough year last season but I still think he can be a quality player for us.
  13. I’m starting to believe the blizzard may of helped Peterman out. The game was pretty slow that day
  14. Until you find a QB it gonna be hard to have productive WRs. Until you get an Oline, it’s gonna be hard for a QB to have a lot of success. WR is the least of my worries right now, every year young WRs step up. The ones that do normally have a decent QB throwing them the ball.
  15. After watching Sunday, I really don’t want to see anymore Peterman ever. Cut him and bring a legit backup in who can help Josh on the sidelines like I seen McCown doing last night. Landry Jones and Matt Moore would be the obvious guys to call at this point.
  16. At this point it’d Be hard to get these guys to follow Peterman. That’s just how it is. Sure different guys got Cs on their jersey, but everybody knows the QB takes that roll whenever he steps on the field. Practice, preseason is one thing and gameday is really all that matters.
  17. Must be something he learned from Taylor after his year on the bench.
  18. I think it proved Matt Patricia should of never been hired. Too be honest, i’m not sure why Bellichk kept him around for so long. My guess would be Matt having evidence of them cheating in some way.
  19. Good. Kid has 8 picks in about a 100 minutes of play. If the Pats want him, they can have him.
  20. I wanted to give Allen the season like Carr, Newton and Wentz. Petermans second debacle didn’t waste too much time
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