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Everything posted by corta765

  1. Agreed. My wife and I had to do a fertility specialist after we couldn’t get pregnant. We were in that quadrant of they couldn’t say why we weren’t pregnant and thankfully her dr after a year of trying said to see them. The fertility specialist people were truly amazing and gave us a sense of comfort. We ended up miscarrying 6 months after being with them (which is the single worst thing I’ve ever experienced and seen my wife go through and wouldn’t wish in my worst enemy. But because of that they were able to get her levels in check and we conceived naturally 5 months later. Their faces when we told them were pure joy and they were excited as us that the things they did helped. We never had to go the Ivf route but we have close friends who will be after 4 years plus of trying. Like you said I can’t imagine how they feel because we are a good story for them they’ve have countless other who didn’t get that who they have to break the news to.
  2. I have no clue looking back on my early 20s how we would get there at 7 sun or snow and drink and party until 12:45 and then go to the game. These days we are far tamer and just do 9-12:30 so we can get in for kickoff. Ive never had a problem with how people party but like you said I DO have a problem when people party past their limits and stuff like you said occurs. I won’t even consider bringing my son to a game until he is 10 because of this and I think fan behavior has gotten better compared to 5-7 years ago. The KC home opener in 2012 some drunkhead passed out behind my wife and his gum fell onto a little bit of her hair. Thank god we got it out with ease but it was an unnecessary rude thing to have been part of. I agree with this to an extent. Bills tailgating is an Alamo to the league of corporate controlled everything. People are stunned with how loose and natural our tailgating is compared to the cookie cutter BS that other teams force on their fans.
  3. New Orleans followed by Seattle. Ever since the Saints won the SB their fans have become unsufferable and walk around with an arrogance that they have 6 SB rings and are God’s gift to earth as a fanbase. I think there media actively wanted/wants Brees to win another title and they effectively created the stupid new rule that exists when every other team subject to bad calls moved on. I think the fanbase is scum and I cannot wait until NOLA is an afterthought. Seattle fans are pretty much the same and they are straight up off putting elitist with their fandom. I use to hate Dallas but they have become kind of a joke these days because they haven’t won anything so I find them more comical then annoying. AFC wise I could write a dissertation on why Steeler fans are by far the worst in the NFL and guarantee Id at least have you considering them.
  4. I was NOT team Allen I wanted Rosen if we couldn’t get Baker or Darnold. I was actually so mad they picked Allen I left the draft party I was at. I really didn’t think he would do much. The Minnesota game changed it all for me and I’ve been all for him since then. I am not sure if he will be an all time great but I absolutely think he is talented enough to bring a title to buffalo.
  5. I’ve said overall I love what Daboll has been doing and the offense is lightyears ahead of last year’s disaster. Yards per game their up to 8th in the league which is kinda stunning. i just didn’t like that when they had success smashing the ball in the middle and when Allen has shown success at mid range passes and play action, the play of choice is a sweep which starts yards back. For basically three straight drives the Bills defense couldn’t read Cincy because of the play action. They seemed off footed a bit and it’s the first time all year a team has had consecutive times worth of success vs the defense which is a minor concern. I’m sure the defense themselves didn’t like the fact that Cincy has 3 straight drives were they put up 17 pts and 164 yards after holding them up until that point. Had Buffalo not gotten a TD and only a FG, Cincy has the game tied. They got beat a little and that’s ok no team is perfect.
  6. Yep and they will lose to the Top 5 teams if they do. But for their worst game they still put up 21 and I have to believe they will be far sharper
  7. I did this two weeks ago after the Jets game. Game day I can’t think rationally but next day after is a healthy reflection point. Here are my thoughts: 1. 3-0 is 3-0 regardless of how dirty or ugly. The goal with the first three games was 3-0 and they did it. They have a big test Sunday and the Titans are no joke but worst case scenario Buffalo is 3-2 opening up a three game home stand while 2-2 in conference. That still gives you a sizeable chance to make the dance. 2. This was the worst game they played all year as a team. Even element of the team had its issue. On offense fumbles and Allen’s ball control, the defense got frazzled by play action, Dabol got far too cute in the 3rd quarter, and in general the team in the second half lightened up on the peddle. I don’t know if they read too much of their own headlines or had the Pats on their mind but the entire team had its hipcups. That said they deserve credit for not being rattled when they went down 17-14 and the entire team making the plays to win. 3. We Live and Die By His Arm. Allen has certainly established a new floor for what to expect from him. This was his worst game of the three yet I still found myself crediting Allen for getting the W. We have to accept that the bonehead Hero plays will never leave completely because the positives he makes when he is trying to make a play out weigh the bad. The Giants game showed I think a strong game by Josh where he can maintain from the show risky plays and just dominate. I am fine with this being his new floor as long as the better games out weigh the ones like this. He has yet to have a game like Minnesota or Miami last year where he is the best player period which has me excited because it’s comjng. 4. Daboll overall has been good. I hated the focus on jet sweeps yesterday, it’s a gadget play not one we should do regularly. But I feel he has done a great job keeping defenses on their toes with formations and personal and really having a solid feel for what areas of a defense he can attack with the offense. 5. Is it me or has Ed Oliver been quiet? Perhaps it is hype in preseason or just that DTs aren’t always present but I feel maybe I expected more plays. The Jets game he was quite noticeable but since then I think he’s been an afterthought. He hasn’t been bad but I wonder if he is going through some early rookie adjustment. 6. Harrison Phillips has been tremendous at batting passes and altering the pocket. His growth is noticeable and he should be a great partner for Oliver long term. 7. The Offense is close to hitting over 30 pts plus. The offense is a work in progress but you can see the potential. In every game Buffalo has left points on the table for various reasons. If it was the end of the season it would be a real concern but right now compared to last year it seems like more of an offense finding it’s way. I expect we will have less penalties and turnovers that stop points and Josh will hit the downfield receiver more regularly. 8. Felicano is an important cog to on the offesnevie line. His absence was noticeable and I hope he is back for the Pats. Go bills!
  8. I deleted my twitter account 6 months again and I’ve been better for it. People are just straight asses and say stuff that in person they wouldn’t. I will say the fan base is fickle that they want and expect success yet the patience isn’t there at points when our starting QB himself hasn’t even played a full season combined yet despite he leading them to be3-0.
  9. I felt the same way. I walked away thinking that even if this season does amount to 8-8 the organization as a whole feels farrr more stable then at any point I can remember as an adult (31 they have been bad forever). in fairness to the Jets though if you switched roster between buffalo and NY I feel the expectations would’ve been the same and that the media created these heightened goals. Buffalos roster was always ahead by a bit and while similar the Jets roster in buffalo would’ve had more tempered expectations like you saw from the media with the Bills. Realistically the media wants one if not both NYC teams to do well it’s hell marketability. So of course once the Jets got Bell and Mosley plus Darnolds possible growth it setup a nightmare scenario where if things went sideways the fall was going to be harder then maybe it really is. Such is life for big market teams they will pump you up big but when you fall it’s a canyon. There is no rational reason Buffalo shouldn’t have had an equal number of night games like the Jets at 2-3 other then market, but the dysfunction shines greater now with the attention.
  10. The INT called back its hard to know what it is if the WR/TE is allowed to run his actual route. Kinda butterfly effect, but yea even in a perfect world Allen has 1 INT on the day. I just hope he smartens up on the throws like Maye they won’t all be drops
  11. They finished 7/17 but second half I thought they tightened. Agreed though it is an area to improve
  12. Absolutely that would be wild. I’m trying not to overact to the Titans because it is shocking but that happens a lot weeks 1-2-3 with weird upsets. Their Defense is legit it’s the offense I guess I still doubt haha
  13. I was in no condition to post yesterday after the win considering everything and the fact I had a lot of alcohol flowing haha. Additionally the next morning is a much more rational mindset. So here we go: 1. Josh Allen- It all starts and ends here. On the grades posted today here on TBD I have him a B-. The big thing is I liked the fact he worked the middle and things low all over. Truthfully his worst play was the dropped INT by Marcus Maye. That’s the hero ball he cannot throw. Both picks were bad luck not his fault and I only blame him for the first fumble. But long view he stayed in pocket better, his vision improved finding WR especially when it really mattered in the fourth, and he won the game with his arm on a great throw to Brown which is far more sustainable compared to him running for 100 yds. I am very excited to see what he does next week with the jitters out of his system and an easier defense to play against. 2. Offense In General- it’s weird to say I liked the offense when they only scored 17 pts and had 4 turnovers... but I liked the offense. The Bills moved the ball all game which was much better then last year. It’s one game but I do see them moving into being a mid tier offense with how they structured everything especially against a good Jets D. Robert Foster was quiet and it didn’t seem like he was on the field much, I could be wrong but thought that was interesting. John Brown seemed to get better as the game progressed and I look forward to seeing him throughout the season and now Daboll uses him. The one thing I do not understand is fans who are mad the bills came out throwing. Yes Singletary did great once they used him, but part of their game plan was to keep the Jets off balance by throwing and attacking their weak corners. The other thing is if Josh really becomes the guy I want him throwing a lot. Your not beating the Pats or KC sheltering your QB. I think the fact the offense is trusted in his hands this much and that he did throw 37 times is a major positive not a cause for concern. 3. Defense- Pretty simple they looked great and might be the best the unit has been since the 99 squad. The talent and depth is noticeable and for year 3 of the scheme it’s firing at all cylinders. They still got beat a little on screens to RBs and WRs but not nearly as bad as in the past and if the goal is to eliminate big plays then I’ll allow those. Milano seemed decent although he did get beat a few times down low in coverage which I think is just rust coming off. Jerry Hughes seems poised for 12-15 sacks and some all pro praise he finally deserves. I also appreciated his lack of bonehead penalties at inopportune times. 4. Winning is all and nothing else. Regardless of how pretty or ugly it gets the Bills are 1 win down with 9 to go to be a safe spot for the playoffs. 5. McDs Culture Push Deserves Credit- I was truly impressed that the entire team didn’t cave when it was 16-0 and instead came back firing. They say a team takes its coaches personality and you gotta like what he is doing. 6. Leslie Frazier Playing Calling Was Superb- I hope the Bills can keep him for awhile because the guys on D really like him and play so well for him. I thought he did a great job with adjustments and I liked the blitzing aggression especially at the end. 7. Next Few Weeks- You never underlook an opponent, the Bills need to clean up the turnovers, and there are other things to fix. But the Giants and Bengals offer two straight very winnable games. It feels like the Pats and Titans back to back are going to present the first true tests of the season. I hope again the Giants and the Bengals they refine themselves to a high level because if you can get a victory in one of Pats or Titans your hopefully 4-1 at the bye with a real solid look at the playoffs. I am excited to see where this team goes and if Allen can build off the positives of yesterday
  14. B- 3 of the 4 turnovers in the first half I don’t pin on Allen. Both INTs were bad luck/Beasley has to catch that and the Morse fumble they should Williams for the Jets made a great individual effort on Morse who looked rusty. I thought Allen actually moved the offense pretty well and I liked his willingness to find his guys for 5-7 yard gains. His final drive he was spectacular and the TD throw isn’t getting enough credit considering it was 3rd and 4 and he put it right on the money. I thought his running was smart not hero ball. The offense would’ve had a FG on the one run had they not got a taunting penalty I didn’t like the Marcus Maye almost INT, but the INT that got called back for penalty you can’t judge because it’s different play and throw if the player isn’t held. Overall solid with poise not great but showed some nice signs of progression with a few plays of growth like the sack fumble or Mayes almost INT you don’t want to see.
  15. My wife and I are throwing our 7th annual Bills party which we have 40-50 people come over with TVs outside, jersey giveaways, and tons of food and beer. We kinda go nuts and it’s awesome. Every time the Bills score shout song is played and if they win we run down the street with the flag with the shout song. Only year we didn’t do week 1 was 2015 when we demolished Miami week 3 instead. We are 3-3 and hoping to stay above .500, go Bills!
  16. Over the years I’ve come to firmly believe Brandon pushed the Sammy trade more then anyone
  17. I 100% think higher of the Jets for having Bell. They have a better RB then Buffalo who will help their young QB in spades. The Bills would’ve been better with Antonio Brown at WR. That’s not even debateable. Back in the 90s when the Bills has great teams they were respected for having top players. Fast fact great players want to play with great players it’s why Lofton came to the Bills when they were good. Buffalo fair or not has an image problem enough just because of the location. Tim Graham’s article with The Athletic highlighted this. Cleveland just added ODB who makes that offense decidedly better. Buffalo has made the playoffs more recently, had better seasons in general, and has a lot of similar talent in places. Yet because Baker became a stud guys will play there. Who on this offense right now is a guy that a great offensive player would want to play with? Maybe Allen takes that next step and creates that buzz you want. Winning is easier when the pool of players is greater to help. McCoy was a guy who gave you a bit of that and was a recruiting tool for other good players out there.Things get tougher to improve next year if another step forward is not made and some players don’t emerge on the national landscape.
  18. My point is not that the Bills don’t have star power it’s that because it’s Buffalo and because there has been such a lack of success it’s overlooked in spades. I agree we have a lot of great players on defense and Allen possibly could be a stud at QB. But the NFL is driven by star players who typically are QB WR TE RB and with the release of McCoy Buffalo just removed the last that they had of that. As I said it was the right move to release him, but if the Bills don’t make the post season they move right back to being an irrelevant franchise in the NFL. As a fan part of the fun of cheering for a team is having guys like a McCoy who bring some of that attention. With all due respect to Beasley and J. Brown look at what things were like for the 30 mins Antonio Browns crazy self was thought to be on the team. The goal is always to win and Super bowl first, but it’s nice to also have guys like a McCoy ODB Bell etc who actually have some name brand too.
  19. McCoys release marks the last gasp of the big name players Doug Whaley has a role in bringing in to try and build the team. Going back to Mario Williams the Bills for a period brought in through mostly free agency a bunch of players who were name brand established players to try and build with including McCoy, Harvin, Incognito, former coach Rex Ryan, and in the draft the hype of Sammy Watkins who at the time of his drafting was a massive name. Unfortunately most of these moves came at too high of a price with very little result and the franchise certainly seems to be in a stronger healthier place now then at any point back then. But McCoy was a really good player for his time here minus his last season where he struggled a bit. Fair or not McCoys name helped bring the Bills relevance to a team that needs it. As a fan the one part that is hard being a Bills fan is unless we are consistently winning your pushed to the back of the pack due to the market we’re in. Robert Woods and Gilmore were just as good of players here as they are in their current spots, but only when the market changes to the bigger cities do they get the credit due to the Bills lack of success. Tre White is as good of a CB as Xavier Howard yet because he plays in Buffalo not Miami the narrative is different. McCoys departure effectively removes the last big name that brings relevancy to the franchise for right now. Winning is the end all cure for everything and if the Bills win 10 games, some of the names like Oliver White Milano Edmunds and Allen will bring that recognition back. As a fan I understand McCoy leaving and think it was a good move for the Bills future. I will miss though the attention he did bring across the league for a franchise that regularly is forgotten about.
  20. I can tell you that the busses while a nice cheap way to get to practice are not the fastest. Your better off parking for $5-$10 nearby if you want to be there earlier or get to Mendon even earlier because an hour before practice the busses become a zoo
  21. It wasn’t my F it moment but it was probably the hardest reality check I ever had as a Bills fan (being 31I don’t remember much of the early 90s for the bigger reality checks we had). If an NFL team ever wants a look at how quickly the goodwill from an exciting offseason can go away the 2012 Bills Jets disaster is pretty solid proof. Just about everyone jumped off that bus after the game. I remember distinctly that virtually every national analyst had the Bills as one of the two WC teams thanks to Mario, Fitz play, CJs emergence, and a young team that added a lot of good talent like Gilmore and Dareus. Even Jerry Sullivan had them 10-6 in his preview and a playoff team. The defeating feeling of watching that game and going from yea they definitely are a playoff team to dear god they’ll be lucky if they win 5 games was unnerving to this day. I had tickets to the home opener against KC the next week which I wanted to give away and would’ve had it not been for my wife who loves the Bills to an undying point who made us go. The season was encapsulated 6 weeks later when they pissed away an easy win against the Titans before the bye which would’ve got them to 4-3 with a solid look at the playoffs still. Those Chan teams collapsed under the lightest pressure in 2011 & 2012 and the opener in 2012 pretty much defined that time period. This opener reminds me far more of 2014 where we know the talent is there on the team and it’s a strong opponent that is a good measuring stick.
  22. My flight to Cleveland is sold out... because I'm driving ayooooo!!!!!
  23. I will say this for that short period of time he was here TBD was probably more entertaining than at any point previously in a pure chaos type way.
  24. For good food go to the Pittsford Pub its fantastic with a great patio
  25. It's a cool hole in the wall bar that defiently is good for a summer visit. Cash only but they have an ATM and you can get food from Hungrys next door... yes that really is the name haha
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