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Everything posted by corta765

  1. I would also freeze a ton of my sperm and get a Vasectomy. No way you pinning that kid on me
  2. 2. I am confident they will beat Dallas, Steelers, and the Jets. I think they will play well against NE and BAL and at the end of the season people will have some true belief Buffalo has turned the corner and Allen is the guy. I have a weird confidence with this group and they seem to be hitting stride when they need to. I wouldn't be shocked if they beat NE or BAL compared to many. My only concern is injury related because those happen.
  3. Well we did in 80 for beating the Fish finally and yea few division clinchers.
  4. That is kind of my point. In the end we probably are not getting to tear down goal posts but for those of us who were just too young to remember the glory days and our only playoff memories until 2017 were Flutie and Music City right now is a fun time to dream and have fun a little bit. Also this season is relatively light on expectations so assuming they clinch a berth you can just enjoy it. Next year will be decidedly different
  5. A playoff berth truly earned not lucked into for those of us 31 or younger feels pretty similar. This season is the best I can remember minus 1999 which I remember a little but I was 11 for. Unfortunately I remember the entire music city miracle game ugh
  6. Hmm this is a good point. We have a little time to figure it out, but I say we just take the one ?
  7. I won't be there lol We did it in the 80s lets have some fun and take home free goal post
  8. After beating the Ravens will be 10-3 and we need to tear down the goal posts. Consider this an early invite/ notification to take over the field Update: We are no longer tearing down the goal posts thanks to our franchises moronic decision to wear red uniforms again
  9. Cowboys for two reasons -I want them in a good mood coming into Thanksgiving. I am a hyper believer that a team off a win is easier then one off of a loss in most situations this being a big one -Dallas beating NE means we are only one game behind for the division. While unlikely, I am not closing the division door until it is closed and this is the first time in forever I remember the Bills being remotely close to the division even if its a low probability Otherwise I actually would prefer NE because Dallas fans will be beyond obnoxious if they win and I hate Jerry because he will be just as bad
  10. Man you have really found a dark place the last few weeks
  11. Bills 23 Broncos 14 Tight game like many have said with the Bills getting out to a 7-0 lead early thanks to a Singletary TD from 20 yards out, with Denver tying it early 2nd. Buffalo goes 3 and out and the faithful get nervous but a Tre White pick 6 gets Buffalo up 14-7. The offense moves the ball to get a late FG to make it 17-7 at half. 3rd quarter Buffalo gets another FG to make it 20-7 but Denver responds with a TD drive to make it tight at 20-14 at the end of the 3rd. After trading drives with 6 minutes to go the offense gets into the Broncos end with a Beasley 30 yard catch and run and ice the game with a FG. Allen: 19-28 230 yds 1 TD 38 yds rush Singletary: 109 yds 14 att 42 yds rec 1 TD Beasley: 85 yds 6 rec
  12. Colts loss it big and helps Bills playoff chances given their schedule. Frank is a good guy and I wish him well.. but not at the Bills expense.
  13. I've sat there before this time of the year and given the forecast you will probably want to layer. I typically would wear a long underwear style shirt with a hoodie then a jacket and jersey. The cold doesn't bother my lower half as much so I usually just wore a good pair of socks and jeans. It really depends how your tolerate cold. It is colder up there and the wind is more noticeable. If the sun is out though it shouldn't be too bad. Overall dress for being in 30 degree weather with precipitation for 3 hours plus. Whatever that means to you is the best way to go.
  14. We are burning the city to the f*cking ground. We don't need water let the mofo burn!
  15. God I hope not we are going to the game with the goal of being back in Buffalo by 8-9 pm... so its probably going to be a SNF game haha
  16. I was always a Gilmore fan, but during that last season I was pretty harsh on him. In retrospect though after reading and hearing how much turmoil that 2016 team had and how poorly they were coached/managed I can't say I blame him for preserving himself for the future.
  17. everyone knows its all about turning it on in the second half ayooooo!
  18. Right and they wasted a ton of time besides a poor play call. That’s a high risk play in terms of success when a run or short pass gets the 1st and keeps the drive going. It was atrocious situational football.
  19. This is a very optimistic take. Thing is I'm tired of people saying patience and "its year blank of the rebuild". It's been 20 years with this franchise spinning its tires I don't blame people for being restless when the offense has stalled since the bye and the QB looks like the advanced version of Tyrod Taylor. Sure I'm willing to say Allen is a 3 year project at QB, but by the same token when you see other QBs who need far less time to develop and offenses far more cohesive in less time then Buffalo it offers so hard questions.
  20. This times a million. If they properly manage the end of the game and Singletary is getting 20-22 carries my concerns with coaching are gone and I'm looking a player execution. But I felt despite the mistakes of the players the coaches hamstrung their ability to win. They have fixed this before so I will give them benefit of the doubt while keeping in mind this.
  21. didn’t say it was over and can them tomorrow. McD rebounded from the Peterman mess quite well in 2017 so he has shown the capacity to do so. By the same token that was a blunder to the level of every former HC we got rid of. Can’t be ignored and it brings up valid questions on their coaching abilities. Where they go from here is up to McD and it could be a blip or it could be part of a trend. I’m not going to ignore or give a pass to that bad of a coaching moment. like I said further down we have twenty years plus of failure or pessimism so it takes a toll. For the record I still think McD can get them to the playoffs and I wouldn’t be stunned if they upset a good team on the way to doing that.
  22. 1. Yesterday was a foundation shaking moment with the coaching staff that questions a bit the long term viability of this staff. You play to win you don’t play to tie. On the final drive the offense is moving and the moment they hit FG range the coaching staff panicked. The NFL is an offense driven attack league and you are rewarded for doing so. To not go for the win was as bad as Rex punting agaisnt Miami. Long term the defense will not be great with free agency, salary cap, age etc that set in. Your going to have to win with your QB and scoring. My faith is still with this coaching staff but it is a bit shaken at this point. 2. Cole Beasley had his best game to this point and he and Josh seem to finally have some chemistry. It’s take a bit compared to Allen and J Brown but it’s good to see that improvement has come. If the Bills have any hope of the playoffs moving forward they need Beasley their to help. 3. Against the 30th ranked rushing defense that was your plan? It’s maddening that a player like Singletary gets just 8 rushes against that defense. If they loss but ran Singletary 25 times I honestly would be less mad then 8 carries. This feels like Chan and CJ Spiller all over again. 4. The offense in general cannot get out of its own way. They should be scoring 20+ pts a game yet they take a penalty, Miss a FG, drop a ball, Miss a throw etc it’s tiresome. Their not bad their inconsistent which is almost worse. It was easier last year just to say they suck and best of luck Josh. This year they do have some talent and I’m losing hair with the mistakes they make. 5. Allen was ok. He had his misses, he had his plays, idk what to say anymore. The coaching staff seems to want him as just a game manager and by removing the hero ball quality the offense is less dynamic. They drafted him to make plays and instead have neutered him down to never taking shots. Why bother cutting Tyrod if this is what to ur comfortable with. 6. This is less game more Bills in general. It has been a long twenty years now of the team not taking that next step not making the statement and instead ripping your heart in pieces in front of you. The shadow that haunts all of us that exists because of these years grew larger yesterday and feels more unavoidable. You know when your franchise has it’s turning point moment and that you can buy into really believing the bigger days are coming. I think to the Seahawks and Wilson knocking off NE at home in 2012 as their big break through. Fans for weeks have battled over the value of a win because we haven’t had this moment. For a organization in year 3 I think you hope it happens soon. By the same point it’s so tough being a fan and I don’t blame anyone with unrest/fear/disappointment with the team. Lucy has pulled that football from us soo many times, how can you not feel the shadow of past failures in 2011 or 08 creep closer especially after yesterday’s disaster. Assuming the Bills do what they should against MIA/DEN they have four games in a row with that chance that maybe things are finally different and you can turn that corner a bit. By the same token they’ve created a situation where many doubt if the Dallas game even matters to the extend it does now. It’s just become so hard in ways to have fun and believe when the amount of evidence for years makes you want to say no. 7. Tre White passed hit top WR test. In his first two years when he faced the likes of AJ Green or Keenan Allen they beat him for one or two big plays. Not yesterday. The all pro press is real and deserved and I’m happy for Tre. 8. Robert Foster is looking more and more like just another guy who had a few nice moments. It’s disappointing because I loved his play last year and he felt like such a possible focal point to the offense. Overall I think this regime has done a great job drafting, but Foster was that offensive possible gem you hoped turned into the guy especially with how many other skill position offensive guys haven’t worked out. 9. If you went to the game what was it like attending and the stadium?
  23. The goal is for the Bills to be no longer "Under The Radar" and a team that is a contender. You are not a contender when your "Under the Radar' and a fixture on the 1:00 pm Sunday spot your an after thought. Peter King actually speculated that SF/LA would be flexed to Sunday night to replace the Bears Chiefs given Chicago's struggles and BUF/NE would be the Saturday night game given the power of NE's name and the Bills most likely be relevant enough to make the game matter.
  24. Buffalo has nothing in common with NYC or Miami which is part of the fun. Back in the Marino Kelly days it was the blue collar vs the beach people and it was awesome. Rivalries in generally are highly overrated and only matter if your winning which goes back to my point of the NFL is more interesting with the divisions in a slightly strange structure the a basic boring regional one which every other sport does.
  25. Honestly I have no desire for this at any point. I get why some do but I like having the division where you can travel to Boston NYC or Miami. Going to PIT CLE DET is like visiting Buffalo which I don't need to do regularly.
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