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Everything posted by corta765

  1. Remember as fans we think our better players are notable big guys, but on the league landscape due to our lack of success they go unnoticed. Shady was a name because of what he had done, Kyle Williams became one league wide. Out of the guys you listed only Tre, Hyde, & Gore really generate any name brand attention national media wise. I don't disagree that the media ignores Buffalo, but I made a post heading into this season after Shady was cut saying he was the last of name brand guys that were really well known nationally. This team will have to win a bunch for more players to get the attention they deserve fair or not.
  2. One of the things I like with the NFL is the fact its not an East v West conference setup and the divisions are a little unique across the board. Having gone to Miami twice I would hate to lose that.
  3. not happening any time soon. NFL's one helmet rule has made that a non-existent chance. The Bills prefer having white helmets so they can do the standing buffalo look. Red would severely limit their options. I think if that ever changes you would see red from time to time even though I don't get the big deal to use red and think people are FAR too nostalgic.
  4. I've heard that myself and they would have to make some big changes to make that fly. Agreed. It's why I want the league to downsize divisions to just two and make the playoff field have a greater importance. It is asinine that a team with a better record goes on the road in the playoffs because of a division win by a crappy team.
  5. I just can't see the NFL eliminating divisions I think they like the rivalries they make and for owners they like the guarantee of revenue it brings knowing they get a home game in the playoffs. I actually do agree with your proposal though of no divisions just conference.
  6. The NFL would never approve killing the NFC crossover game down to just 1. You see the ratings when Brady plays Rodgers etc.. that won't ever be stopped.
  7. With the talk of a possible London team and many proposals for divisional changes I wanted to explain an idea I had which in my eyes would completely balance the league and the playoffs. It looks like this: AFC East: BUF, NE, MIA, NYJ, PIT, CIN, CLE, BAL AFC West: KC, OAK, DEN, LAC, IND, HOU, TEN, JAX NFC East: PHI, DAL, NYG, WAS, ATL, TB, CAR, NOLA NFC West: SEA, ARZ, LAR, SF, DET, GB, MIN, CHI Schedule wise it works like this you play everyone in your division once with a single additional game against your former division rival (aka BUF would play NE, MIA, NYJ on a rotating basis). Then you would crossover against the other division playing four of the teams there and the next season playing the four you didn't. And with the NFC we would do it the same way the NFL does with four team a year rotating. For the playoffs division winners are guaranteed homefield, but the top two records get the bye. So potentially the top two teams in each conference could be from the same division. Here are the advantages: -Far more balanced schedule where you play 75% of your conference yearly -Better chance for bigger matchups on a more routine basis -Playoffs would finally allow wildcards to host playoff games again -You would never see an 8-8 7-9 division champion again -Rivalries would be created with Buffalo playing close foes like PIT and CLE yearly and same for other matchups It looks like if a team moves to London it probably is coming from the AFC. If the Jags or Chargers move you would just switch MIA into their place. Probably not the fairest thing for the Phins but that is a casualty of the NFL's obsession to go to London.
  8. From what I have read players and families are pretty open to living there. The greater issue the tax difference between the UK and the US. I believe Peter King of NBC said the NFL would have to consider a bit of tax relief for players in the UK so the franchise was not so far behind the 8 ball.
  9. That’s my tough part. On days like the Dolphins a week ago the stadium is amazing to be in. BUT having attended the snow bowl vs IND and countless crappy rain games it gets old fast. Retractable or Glass like MIN is my pick. The people who say footballs a game in the elements I asked how many games you actually have went to when it’s bad. As much fun as that’s Colts game was in 17 I never want to be in that again. I feel like many people pro outdoor don’t go to nearly as many games as they act like but maybe that’s just me
  10. If you honestly think he’s a disappointment your standards are impossible for QB. If I draft a QB #1 overall and this is his accomplishments I’m pretty happy: SB appearance 4x Pro Bowl Passing yards leader in 1994 2x Division Titles 4x Playoff appearances in 8 years as starter (I don’t count the year Brady took over) 5 of 8 season .500 or better 2x 4000 yd seasons something a Bills QB hasn’t done in forever Virtually no team would pass up that type of guarantee at QB for a decade compared to the alternative. Drew Bledsoe is IMO the standard for what you can reasonably hope for from a #1 overall pick at QB. Productive, wins, SB, and a decade of stability. With today’s rules and inflated numbers people unfairly look at the past and criticize. Bledsoe was a top 10 guy for his time and when the Bills got him the hype was legitimate given his track record up to that point. As others have pointed out also he was a Pro Bowler when it was a true honor not half the leagues QB get the invite due to everyone declining it.
  11. I mean 10-11 games are against teams we are even or better then sooo yea not bad
  12. 2018 Minnesota. Vikings would’ve made the playoffs with that win and no one gave the Bills a chance to win. This coaching staff seems to get 1-2 wins yearly you don’t expect so I wouldn’t freak out yet.
  13. Seemed like it. And wasn’t a shot at Bills fans if you went to that rain fest props to you Hyde said he took a wrong angle which allowed it. That said they were not good but it is one game
  14. I’ve been doing this for the season with the goal of giving 24 hours to calm and have rational thoughts not impulsive. Here’s the eagles version: 1. The game and momentum something I’m not a big believer in swung in 7:38 seconds. Up until the Allen fumble the Bills seemed to be fighting toe to toe with Philly and you felt pretty decent about winning. Then in 7:38 from the end of the first to 9:15 left in the third the Allen fumbles Philly scores and instead of feeling good with a 7-3 halftime lead your down 11-7 thanks to the missed FG by Hasuchka. By this point the Eagles smell blood and you could see the defense we’re back on their heels. Then Sanders TD 17-7 and it’s bad. To the offense credit they did get a TD to get it back to 17-13 and you could see the energy was back in the crowd and team. But the dagger came on the Jeffery 38 yard catch. In a season where a sequence like above they had made the stop or turnover the wilted. If at home I could feel the energy die the stadium looked like a black hole of emptiness after that. It didn’t take that long but that 7 minute stretch saw Buffalo go from a 7-3 halftime lead to trailing 24-13 with an energy killing play at that moment. It felt like this season we’ve played with fire with situations like this and I think they just finally got burned against an Eagles team that desperately needed and wanted this game. 2. For a team that had a bye two weeks ago I am incredibly disappointed in the entire group as a whole. Against Miami they came out very flat and yesterday they wilted in the 2nd half. Perhaps it’s me maybe someone can explain so sports science on byes having negative effects, but I have been very disappointed in how unprepared they’ve seemed after the bye. 3. DaBoll I want to show where I have to graded him in three chunks for the season before analyzing. Games 1-3: A Thought he was very good at creating plays that maximized our players and exposing matchups Games 4-5: B He still did some exposing of matchups but started being slightly predictable with play calls Games 6-7: D- Both games he was farrr too cute with his play calls with very little creativity and goes to the well far too many times on calls that did work. I have been a supporter of DaBoll this season and think in general he has done a nice job moving Allen from a brash talented rookie into at least a somewhat serviceable starter who can make some plays. Let’s not underscore how hard that is and how many teams fail to even make that step. I want more from the offense and Allen which I’ll touch in below but I will give credit for where it’s due. That said Madden gamers have put together more creative less predictable game plans compared to him the last two weeks. Yesterday when the defense is bleeding having a bad day and it’s 24-13 why are you not running the ball? Why are you not doing screens to Singletary is they are hitting you so hard up front? For gosh sakes we scored a TD because of this. In the 12 plays Buffalo had after it was 24-13 before the Eagles got their last TD the Bills passed on 8 of them being sacked once with one Allen scramble and two runs. The pressure Allen has seen the last two weeks I thought DaBoll had done a good job scheming from pre bye. Next week is a big test for him as much as it is for the team. 3. On the fourth down failed pass to John Brown a lot of people got on Allen including myself but post game Brown said he ran the wrong route. It was suppose to be a comeback route which had he done its 1st in goal. Instead he ran the post and the past was just behind. 4. The defense is very good it’s not elite and that’s fine. Elite is used wayyyy to widely in sports. A defense that is elite dominate happens every few years. The last truly elite defense I remember seeing where they never had a bad day was Seattle in 2013. This Patriots defense is close but I do want to see what happens against some better opponents. The Bills defense finally got worn down yesterday and I don’t want to say there not still really good. I think in the second half of the season they will have another game like this and also have a few games where they don’t allow more then 13 pts. They are missing that game breaking pass rusher and the DT spot hurts without Harry. But I think when the season ends they still are top 5 in almost all categories and the rushing issues are a blip not a trend. 5. Was it me or did the crowd not seem into it? It looked like a miserable day to be outside and compared to every other home game the crowd seemed lackluster throughout. Not a slight more a question if you were there. 6. Matt Milano balled out. He and Jordan Phillips were the two defenders throughout who kept making plays . Great finds by Beane. 7. After 8 weeks of games coaches have enough film to start attacking in both sides of the ball how they see fit. I believe one reason the last two weeks Buffalo has faced what feels like an uphill climb is the season has hit the point where teams can really start game planning at certain things because enough film exists to show the flaws. Allen is facing a lot more 3-4 rushes which leaves a lot of men in coverage. Against Miami he figured it out and closed the day well. The Eagles front 7 though is much better and the offense never could win at the point of attack to do much. 8. Allen. The fumble was a killer, but otherwise he was like the rest of the team and overmatched by the end. This is the first game I think his o line let him down, but we are getting to the point we’re I understand fans wanting more. He has taken the step from raw rookie that’s flawed to an Ok starter. His numbers are Tyrod in a nutshell 2 TD 200 yds 20-30 yds rushing weekly with a bit better 4th quarter composure. At some point we want him to take that leap to breaking a defense when everything on your team isn’t going well. Not a ton of guys can do that but he also was drafted top ten. I don’t care about him breaking 300 yds as much as he has not had a game like at Miami last year where he was unstoppable and there best player on either team. The longer the season goes without this the louder the unrest feeling many fans have will increase for him to do more. I think his best play is to come still, but he failed both tests this year so the question remains. 9. In closing I am happy to see the fanbase is not satisfied with 5-2 and just making the playoffs. I am happy expectations are higher like they should be. For far too long I think Buffalo settled for break the drought or just make it. We should want more as fans and it’s refreshing to see mostly well thought out feelings by fans on here.
  15. I agree with everything you said 100% but this part especially. I’ve gotten so fed up with people who think 1:00 games are the best and don’t realize how much a slap in the face it is that the Bills only primetime game is Thanksgiving when even the Dolphins got a MNF. You should want attention you should want primetime because it means you matter and your team is respected for being good. Today was my worst fears come true which is that they are a paper tiger currently and that against a big boy with some national weight they can’t hack it. It’s exhausting to go 20 years now where the show constantly keeps dropping. Just as how last week I kept saying a win wasn’t just a win, how it happened mattered the same can be said about how they lossed. They will probably be around 7-3/8-2 come Dallas but again that will be the measuring stick which now I’m coming to dread.
  16. I’m a big train enthusiast and it’s been that way since the 50s. Gov has prioritized air and auto big time despite the advantage of rail. The sad thing about that train line next to the stadium is it no longer exists past Orchard Park. In the late 90s some local leaders had the idea of keeping the line intact which goes wayyy into the southern tier so the train could stop at the Bills games from both directions and also bring trains out to kissing bridge or just Fall Foliage rides and also provide people in the Southern Tier rides into Buffalo. Sadly that project died due to the RR not needing the line nor carrying about it and the state not prioritizing it high enough to save. Ironically now with the development downtown in Buffalo and the regionalization of the team to Rochester and Ontario they have wasted a great resource to move people to all the things I listed. end of my non bills related comment
  17. Wasn’t talk here are the pictures of the proposed train station. These days that train line is out of service and it would cost a bit to get the line reactivated, but I do believe if they were to keep the stadium where it is a train station may be reconsidered.
  18. maybe we should be like them given the success their harshness has brought lol
  19. Ohhh yea. 53 yarder to freakin Nelson “I drop everything but of course he caught that ball” Aghlor. At 6-6 I distinctly remember saying realistically that game was the season and they should win. Instead in typical fashion for that season the defense couldn’t get out of their own way allowing Philly to get up early and making a ton of mistakes. I want to say Corey Graham has a nightmare-esq day that really hurt them. Fletcher Cox destroyed our O-line and Tyrod couldn’t do a thing in the 4th. The 2015 defense wasn’t much less talented then this one but they were sooo undisciplined and did not play as a unit (thanks Rex!) And yea Shady was beyond pissed after the game.
  20. don’t disagree like I said get to 6 within the next two weeks it’d be huge. Ive liked Allen’s growth this season and anyone who denies it just doesn’t like him. But it is mid season and I just want to see a game or two this year where it’s his game all day. Would make me feel even better with him. That said the last two weeks his decision making has been spot on which is very encouraging.
  21. that’s basically what I’m saying can he elevate to the point the majority of the game he is good not just in patches.
  22. just partially rational ? I actually agree with this to an extent. In the first half the offense scored on 3/5 possssions yet the D allowed two drives 75 yards each back to back for TDs. For a D that was lights out all year make a stop to get the ball back so the offense can keep adding.
  23. We look like a joke for the antics we do not booing a crappy first half
  24. Sorry but no I booed and they deserved it. Against one of the two worst teams in football the entire team was a tire fire that took until the 4th quarter to get fixed. Expectations are higher and if you play better it isn’t a problem. But their first half play was straight up embarrassing especially considering the opponent. No one was asking for 55-10 but the game should’ve been over at halftime not trailing to freakin Miami
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