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Everything posted by corta765

  1. Exactly. Its about market more then anything. The Bills will get at least two night games plus one or two at 4, but expect them to be against opponents that draw on TV.
  2. I am just saying enough time has passed to let the trial run go again. Also with the team ascending and getting national attention you don't get to control that as much. If the media wants it at night its happening. The big difference was everyone knew the Bills got into the playoffs on luck and the NFL basically said show us your for real. It took a year extra but they have now. Prior to that every playoff team had received at least two night games going back to forever.
  3. So I cover this pretty extensively once we hit the offseason but lets have fun now. Any team that has made the playoffs at least gets a MNF and typically one other night game. After that it is based off market, interest, stars, success etc.. The Bills of 2018 were the first time in forever a team that made the playoffs only got singular night game and it was the NFL basically saying we don't think you actually are that good even though you made the playoffs. The Bills home and away schedule is pretty much set to this next year: Home: Jets, Pats, Phins, Chiefs, Chargers, Seahawks, Rams, and AFC N equal which most likely will be the Steelers baring a collapse on their part Away: Jets, Pats, Phins, Broncos, Raiders, 49ers, Cardinals, and AFC South which should be the Titans if everything stays as is (MAYBE Colts if they win out and Titans lose out) Looking at the caliber of opponents and the amount of star type players Buffalo will certainly be getting at least two night games and a a few 4 PM games given the West coast opponents. My guess just based off of who we have is something like this: SNF: home vs Seahawks MNF: at NYJ TNF: home vs Pats 4:25 games- Chiefs, 49ers & Raiders Yes I am calling for 6 games to be not at 1:00pm, but Buffalo has proved they are a team and next year IF Brady leaves they will be the favorites for the AFC East. Any major matchup that is not 1:00pm will be against major markets or draws. A MNF game that is Bills Cardinals would actually be really fun but your not going to get enough market. I could see the Bills re-matching PIT at home on national TV, but the NFL/TV networks tend to protect certain teams and I just can't see them letting the Steelers get one of their night matchups be Buffalo unless it is flexed again. They've hosted at home in 16 and 18 with nothing bad happening and national media saying it was a great environment. I think mgmt is probably less skiddish now. Remember when they took over in 2014 it was just a little over a year plus from two people dying in the parking lots. I don't blame them for being nervous
  4. This is why I hate Steeler fans. I know they have a solid base with a good amount of diehards, my brother in law and boss both really love the steelers. BUT They are honest to a fault with their team also and never would do this crap. BUT then you get the bandwagoners who like the Steelers because they been good forever and just jump on arrogantly for the ride. These fans I loathe and the Steelers I've found have the most of them. She's lucky you were the one that said that, I was suppose to be there but we had to cancel due to my son being sick. I would've been rentlessly hard with taunts. If she knew an ounce of football she'd know how fortunate the Steelers are to have been in SB's at least once ever decade since 1970 and how rare that level of success is and to just appreciate what they've had forever.
  5. Yea I know my history pretty well on the Bills and there def were lean year. It's too bad Ralph wouldn't pay Chuck Knox it absolutely spiraled the team faster. Had the NFL expanded the playoffs earlier I think the 70s Bills would've had a few more appearances but such is life. It was cool hearing Collinsworth say that about Allen. I think he himself probably undersold Allen in his own head, but virtually anyone who has met the guy after has said the same. Def agree with the Wilson comparison. Rus really didn't find his true elite play until after the SB appearances ironically. I see some Big Ben too where he was OK for PIT for 2-3 years before taking that next leap. I wouldn't be surprised if realistically its around year 4 Allen truly finds himself just given what he needs to learn given his raw background. Given Pitttsburgh's LACK of offense the Bills played a very straight forward game. Move the ball and score enough points so you have the lead. PIT was not gonna be able to get past 13-14 pts so truthfully running the clock was smarter then hurry up even if it meant lack of points. I agree the offense looks better when they are more creative but given the pressure issues against BAL and PIT's strength on D being the front 7 it was a smart move for this game. Long term yea I think the offense is better for running a quasi no huddle attack. Screens idk wtf these idiots are doing. The one to Singletary got blown up for one yard... and then we took a 10 yard penalty. I think teams found ways to cover the sweeps better and as the offense has found other things that work they have left that in their tool chest. My wife and I were hoping McKenzie would've got one of those jet sweep tosses, but if you do not use it a ton it becomes a weapon again in the future.
  6. Right? That's what I thought because they typically send Poyer down a lot to help with the run or just hit people in general haha
  7. Its hard because it looks like Poyer expect Hyde to got with Hurst and then realizes it too late.
  8. My bad. I guess just in general I think Hyde has been slightly below what we have seen. Like I said still love the dude and trust him but also wouldn't be surprised if he has a ding on him. Dang it you found the special prize! Virgil where's your write up, have you been too busy celebrating and breaking tables?
  9. The page has been turned, the stone has been written on, and peace has been restored. Ladies and gentleman the Bills made the playoffs for the second time in three years and as one of the many who are part of the lost generation (aka drought years) I have peace with a new era and leaving that past behind. Growing up as a child (born 1988) I have very vague memories of the Bills doing well. My first playoff memory was Flutie in 98 losing in Miami. I tried ripping my Dolphin playing cards up I was so mad. Then 99 happened with the music city miracle. I watched religiously the 1990 highlight video its 58 minutes long on VHS at my grandparents and the comeback game which my grandfather recorded on VHS. But again this was a past I like many my age know small pieces of and seem truthfully more legend then reality because I wasn't old enough minus the end to truly live it. 2004 felt forever like the demarcation line as the team truly turned from being relevant and competent in many aspects to a shell of itself which was worse then a national joke of losing SBs because the team didn't matter. The team moving mattered and man did the national media like to bring that up. I was and am an optimist and I never completely believed they would move but I may have been lying knowing how much that would've hurt. I don't need to recap the blunder of the drought, but until 2014 what an awful uncertainty it was and hard way to be a fan. Terry and Kims arrival in 2014 did feel like a new day, going to games became just having fun and cheering your team, not going because you were not sure what the future would give. By the same token the only way to truly reset the dye was winning and playoffs. Simple as that. 2017 was magical for everyone because it was the death of an awful streak that ruined the ability to have fun and be in the dance. That week from clinching against MIA right through JAX was the most fun as a Bills fan I had, but you did wonder where we were headed as it was more luck to be in then skill. 2019 though was slaying the dragon that still existed. You can finally believe that the best days are ahead, that the Bills will get more right then wrong not the opposite, that the idea of Buffalo being a consistent winning team is the norm and acceptable not a dream. The future is not written but the past certainly plays a role in dictating your feelings on what it may be. In 2017 it was tears and jubilation, this is more gratification and a quiet excitement of where we go. To every Bills fan congrats and lets start circling those bigger wagons the next month here! On to thoughts: 1. Tre White is a national brand. I am so happy for Tre that he finally is getting the credit and exposure that has ignored for far to long. He will be getting a massive contract coming up and he deserves every dollar. Tre just seems like a generally great dude which is really fun to have, but his skills are tremendous. How the Bills managed to let go of the other best CB in football and get his equal who is a happier cheaper version I still will not understand. 2. Shaq Lawson has been superb the last year and half, but Jordan Phillips is the guy I care more about resigning. I actually think the Bills will resign both of them as they have a lot of space and Lawson has matured into a dependable good player and leader. But Phillips really has solidified the middle since coming here and between him, Oliver, and Harrison I love our DT position moving forward. If Phillips does not make the Pro Bowl it will be incredibly unfortunate as he and Tre Day are the two guys from this defense who truly deserve their spots on that team. Adam Gase letting go of Phillips is still mind blowing but it is also the reason the Jets are 5-9. 3. Josh Allen is a true gamer and the confidence he gives in crunch time as pretty cool. For as much as I am a numbers guy the eye test is equally as important with how a player composes himself on the field and as the pressure cooks up. Say what you want about Brady but the guy in his career was terrifying anytime things got tight and I have always respected his ability to not sweat a moment when things got tight. Allen shows a lot of that to me and as the stage has expanded this year he has passed some good size tests whether it was Dallas on Thanksgiving or against PIT on SNF. He has not been perfect either as BAL he was off a bit and the first Pats game seemed too much for him in the 1st half. But the progress is certainly there and as things got more intense he has gotten steadier for the most part. One of the coolest things about making the playoffs is the Bills have a playoff birth with a QB leading them that they drafted and identified. That is a very very important thing that I do not want to undersell. 4. Cole Beasley is either very good or very bad. The last two weeks he has been dreadful with ill time drops and an INT that is on him. People can say the throw could've been better etc... but I go back to where I was last year when Clay dropped Allens pass. It was a good enough pass for an NFL WR/TE to make the catch and they should make it. If you are not confident for the love of god don't go for it because the moment it gets fumbled its getting picked 95% of the time. Beasley started the year decent and then went cold from TEN - WSH getting just 91 yards for 11 catches although he did have 3 TD's. In the 4 game stretch of CLE - DAL he had 20 catches, 298 yds, and 2 TDs. Now the last two weeks he has just 5 catches for 35 yards a TD and INT. He is vital to this offense being more productive and I do not think it is mistake that the best stretch the offense has had during the MIA-DEN-DAL stretch he was a big part of. Allen seems to avoid him if he makes a mistake early on which I understand a bit but it then hems the offense back. If there is one thing I want from the offense before the playoffs it is to get Beasley more consistently involved and for Cole to get his head together himself and be more dependable. 5. The Bills infuriated me and then made me happy on back to back series. I get last night was a game where conservativeness was fine given the opponent but I hated the goal line series after the Tre INT. After such a big play they played soo scared in my eyes and it felt like they should've just kicked the FG on 1st down instead. Yet literally right afternoon they attack and let Allen uncork it downfield and let him on 3rd down go after Kroft in the endzone. I've gotten to the point I think the coaching staff holds Allen down more then Allen does when it comes to his stats and poor play. I am not disappointed with Daboll I think he has done a nice job moving things along this year. BUT if it worked on the second series why did we not do that on the first round through? 6. My wife and I ended up not being there which was an uber bummer but such is being parents. I was impressed with again how well the Bills fans traveled and was jealous not to be part of the celebration at the end. I stayed up past 1 am watching and listening to anything I could. 7. Micah Hyde to me has taken a small step back this year. He has been responsible for being the safety who has missed a few big plays this year (Hurst BAL, Cooper play against DAL, etc). In no means am I saying he has been bad, but the last two years he was a Pro Bowler in my eyes and rewarded as such. This year I think he has just been decent and missed on a few plays that mattered. Perhaps it is just circumstance with things but I wouldn't be surprised to find out he has a small injury or something. He usually is good for a few turnovers and has been absent with those. Still love Micah though! 8. I want Houston come playoffs. I think that is the best matchup the Bills have coming up. I watched all of the Titans Texans game and our front 7 can beat their offensive line handily. Their secondary is not very good, but they can get pressure. I think Buffalo can win like 20-17 in that game. Given me f*cking Houston.
  10. My wife and I are going. We both are very nervous never went together to an out of town stadium.
  11. It is my belief that since WGR550 took over the Bills for all broadcast related things (games, John Murphy show, etc..) they have been forced to change their format a ton. Both the morning and afternoon shows use to be more caller based and they had a lot of producer related jokes like Panther or the many drafts they do which have been cut back or removed completely. I think it was done to streamline and have a more professional presence as the voice of the Bills. If you listen they have far more reporters both internal and guest the regularly are on the show so there is not as much time. My wife who doesn't care to listen to them has grown to love listening to WGR after games. It is freakin hysterical some of the calls. Truthfully losses are better then wins because the places people go are downright astonishing.
  12. KC- Bigger city and market NE- Bigger city and market GB- Season ticket waiting list so long your lucky if after a decade you can get tickets and the stadium/area is a pilgrimage for football fans Buffalo.... we tailgate They don't have to do PSLs. For some reason people just assume it has to be done, its an organizational choice. Higher ticket prices mean the team is healthier and in demand. Having tickets this available at a low price before a game of this magnitude does not reflect the best.
  13. Nope. They traded him because he was not a fit. I do believe he has matured and moved on but at this point he is busted goods given his health. The talent was there had he put the work in to be an all time great but as others said he cared more about being a star.
  14. Few things: -SOS is incredibly misleading. NE usually has a low SOS yearly because they beat the majority of the teams they play and that's the case for most teams with good records. That said I don't disagree Buffalo certainly has benefited from a schedule that is light with DAL and TEN being their only good wins in terms of W/L. I also agree the Ravens have ran the gauntlet and beat anyone good who they've run into. -The Bills defense is not one to sleep on regardless of SOS. Since McD has taken over they have been top 10 or better all three years. The defense does not need to shut down Jackson just limit him enough for the offense to have a shot. That is the Bills best chance of victory though. -While I do have the Bills winning I would expect the Ravens to win most of the time and will not be surprised at all if they win. Their a really great football team probably the best in the NFL. But like you said the NFL is a week by week league, the Bills are playing the best they have all year, and do not underlook the advantage of homefield for Buffalo. I was at the game against GB in 2014 when they stopped Rodgers. The more games you win in a row the larger the target comes for a team to want to knock you out. -I am really excited to see Jackson. After this year I am sure he will have many more great years but it is really cool to see a dude in a year where the expectations are blown away. It's like seeing Mahomes last year. It is still really cool now but there is something to be said for seeing a guy when he is having that big moment. -For the love of god do not let NE get the #1 seed in the post season. Even if we beat you Sunday don't mess this up we all are sick of them haha
  15. I think this is the last big surprise of the season. I say that because after the Bills win there is no hiding from the press and the media attention on what the team can do. The Ravens ride an 8 game win streak into a stadium that will be at a frenzy not seen in 20 plus years. I am a believer the longer you go on a win streak the harder and larger your target becomes. Bills 24 Ravens 20 1st half Buffalo races out to a 14-0 lead buoyed by a John Brown 20 yard TD in 1st and a pick six by Hyde. Jackson and the Ravens respond to get it to 14-10 at halftime after he runs one in from 20 yards out. Second half Buffalo scores on a Singletary run from 5 yards out after a nice drive by Allen who picks the Ravens D at will to get Buffalo up 21-10. The Ravens again answer with Jackson getting a TD pass to Andrews in the redzone to enter the 4th quarter down 21-17. In the 4th Allen and the Bills get down to the Ravens 22 yardline but have to settle for a FG after a penalty negates a 1st down to go up 24-17. The Ravens move down to the Bills 30 yard line with 5 minutes to go but the Bills D holds and forces a Tucker FG to get it to 24-20. The Ravens get one last gasp after the Bills can't finish the clock on offense and the defense holds as the stadium goes into delirium. Allen- 285 yds 21-30 1 TD 15 rushing yards Singletary- 77 yds 1 TD 14 att Brown- 130 yds 1 TD 6 rec
  16. I have heard this before and I think Aikman even said as the Bills went into half time they looked down. I get the history of the 3 SB losses prior but for those who watched the game did it feel defeating that Buffalo only had a 13-6 lead on Dallas into half? Did they leave points on the field that made it feel like they already played with too much fire? The fumble seemed to crystallize the fears, but the halftime portion is decidedly worse if it was that obvious. Also I've heard people rip on Jim for not playing well but if memory serves correctly from what I have learned SB 25 he was fine not great, 26 he actually seemed prepared his entire team around him couldn't do a think from dropped bobbled passes etc.., 27 injured not sure how you judge that, and 28 he was bad. Anyone dispute those descriptions?
  17. I read this today. He probably did touch a nerve a bit given the lack of respect he showed to the team. 8-3 going in as underdogs and they were ignored. Kings own lead up "little engine that could" shows the disconnect until the Bills curb stopped Dallas. I still read Kings FMIA column but not to the depth or fervor as I did when he was with SI. He has become part of the media football giant that doesn't think. Mark my words most weeks he focuses on the same grouping of teams PHI, NOLA, NE, SEA, PIT, SF, and IND. Even when one of them are bad he gives them more press then they deserve. His love fest for Chip Kelly with Sam Bradford borderlined with obsessive. I am pretty sure he has given more writing space to the Phins this year then the Bills. A Bills fan wrote in leading up to the season asking why he has not said much about them and his own words "their not exciting" and "back when Rex and McCoy came they had more to cover". Mind you that team finished 8-8 with the HC fired a year later whereas this one is ascending with a good young QB, but the truth was straight up said he only cares about about what is exciting not the actual league. That is my issue with anything NBC related right down to the lead in song and video clips. They have their favorites and play for them regardless of reality.
  18. yep. im decidedly pissed for that and now I really have to consider selling my tickets for this game
  19. Bud I was tripled layered and the scarf they gave me froze to my face. It was not a dream come true it was a great one time experience and I am cheering for a dome now haha
  20. I'm going to the Ravens game. If this is the weather I'm staying home lol I was at the snow bowl front row and for as amazing an experience it was, it is also one I never one I want again and may have converted me to wanting a dome.
  21. This is getting tiring. Once a season fine its fun and all, but I'm tired of the red. Why must they mess with a good thing.
  22. Never. Per Bills Ravens agreement 1997 neither team is allowed to win in the oppositions city. Buffalo only was allowed to win in Baltimore in 99' as punishment for the Ravens moving from Cleveland.
  23. With Goff the problems come down to two big things and one not as big thing: 1. Offensive line. Look at how much better any QB does if the offensive line can give him time. Part of the reason Allen has developed so well and Darnold has been stagnant this year comes down to what each has in front of them. I am a big believer that a great offensive line can make a below average QB competent etc.. and for young QBs a bad offensive line can create awful habits that are very hard to remove. I do not want to undersell how much this matters. 2. This was reported on last year but Goff in the 12 games leading up to the Lions game in 2018 was moving at a high clip of 3800 yds 27 TDs 6 INTs 66% completion percentage. Since then in 14 games he has thrown for 3500 yards but 60% completion rating with 14 TDs and 15 INTs. The Lions only rush 4 and played a man coverage that took away the quick easy reads. The Lions did the same against Mahomes this year which he credited as being tough and the same to Brady when they beat NE last year. Other teams copied that big time and Goff has not responded very well to it. It is something he may be able to overcome... but with an offensive line that is well offensive he does not have the time to process other reads forcing bad decisions or dead plays. Goff does not have the mobility recent draft picks Allen, Jackson, Mayfield, Mahomes, or even Wentz to a lesser extent do who can make something out of nothing if things break down. 3. Not as important of a point BUT Goff benefits tremendously from having McVay tell him what looks a defense is giving and where to attack before the 15 second black window comes in. Defense's have picked up on this and started disguising schemes or not showing them until that blackout window comes into view. Again probably something that can be coached out to improve, but it is very noticeable how much teams have caught onto to some of the things the Rams do. In general I think the Rams are a classic case of everything kind of breaking all at once. Gurley is not the same as he was in years prior, the offensive line is bad, Goff is having issues reading coverage's as defenses have found new effective wrinkles, McVay has not been able to adjust his offense to these new schemes to the extent he has in the past, and they have been missing some big names like Cooks and Woods to help out. I won't completely penalize Goff for having issues with the injuries that offense has faced to key skill guys. Just about any QB has seen regression when your top targets are out. I don't think Goff at any point has been a Top 5 QB, but I do think he has certainly been effective enough to be near top 10. Next offseason and year will be critical though for the Rams and Goff. Thanks to all the draft picks the Rams have traded they are going to have to hope they can find some value free agents and get lucky in the draft. They need everyone healthy and McVay needs to evolve his scheme a bit. I think Goff certainly has a good chance for a long future, but there are some real warning signs and things he has to improve at.
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