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Everything posted by gomper

  1. On the plus side he has been thrown into the fire and as a previuos poster said, let's give him a full off-season and camp before a judgement can be made. On the negative side, he seems to be lost a in pass coverage. maybe some of that is the rookie factor but when I see a LB who can't make up that deficency with speed..well, it is a big concern.
  2. I agree with DC....it seems really strange that a check that big would be allowed to clear without at the very least a pedestrian inspection. God knows, the hoops I have to jump through to access my meager account, not to mention the post 9/11 rules about obtaining a money order.
  3. http://www.firstrowsports.tv/watch/96225/1/watch-buffalo-bills-vs-tennessee-titans.html
  4. I'm in N.Buffalo....know anyone Frez? 96 Altima.........something is up with it ...I just don't know what......thanks in advance bro.
  5. My car....well, she's got issues......I need the fantastic braintrust here to refer me to an honest place that won't bend me over the counter and violate me. All I know about cars is you put gas in them and they run....other than that and a few obvious issues, I really have no clue. The car sounds like a popcorn machine when it starts and it has all kinds of peculiar quirks. So, please help a fellow out with a solid recommendation. Thanks all.
  6. I haven't listened to this D-bag in a long, long,time. He has a face you'd love to punch doesn't he? I will say this, he fits perfectly on that station.
  7. Give Scott a nice ovation....remember, we have class in Buffalo. The fans in Chicago (Bartman), Boston (Buckner) and Philly (McNabb, etc) are animals. We are not like them...it's what makes us special.
  8. This is a line I use often....Phil: "There's no scraps in my scrapbook"
  9. The intervention was priceless How about the one when Phil was talking to Veto's son : "You look like a Puerto Rican whore"
  10. Paulie - "You’re not gonna believe this. The guy killed 16 Czechoslovakians. He was an interior decorator." Christopher - "His house looked like ****." - Paulie hit a yard worker in the head with a shovel making him let go of a rope, causing another guy in the tree with a chainsaw to fall to the ground. Feech, who hired the yard crew brings this to Tony. Paulie, giving his side of the story says, "He jumped out 'da tree and come at me with a chainsaw!" - Silvio at Vessuvio's, "Where'd he get this bread... the bread museum!" - Paulie at dinner in back of the pork store, "The average man's sh*t house... piss all over the floor. You go into a lady's bathroom, you could eat maple walnut icecream off of the porcelain."
  11. I was just watching the episode with the premiere of Cleaver. They ask everyone to turn their phones off and of course Pauly doesnt. I love when you only hear his side of the conversation: "What? the Guatemalans?...tell them to put it in the trunk."....lol...God's knows what that was about. And of course Tony's best line ever from season one after Jr. tries to take him out..."Cunnilingus and psychiatry got us to this point." Priceless.
  12. There is so much to say about this show and I wish I had the time....brilliant, timeless, masterpiece...they all apply. Every season has its own artistry. I recently did a Duffs-Sopranos bender. I watched "Luxury Lounge" about three times in a row. I love when Tony climbs down from a mountain of ernest to give Artie advice on his slumping restaurant...."two-fers?...how about a salad wagon?...that means a free spagetti and meatballs if you bring in another cheap Gomer douchebag?...this is a fine dining establishment...i'll give it back to the bank before i turn it into a !@#$ing IHop"....LOL...being in the restaurant business you have no idea how true that is. My friend and I always are quick to quote the great Jonny Sac when every a concensus of opinion arises on any matter: "What is this? the !@#$ing UN now?" God, i could go on and on
  13. The greatest TV show of all-time. It's so worth buying the complete series. This isnt said enough...it was also very, very funny.
  14. Are you people out of your F-ing minds? It raises awareness and $$$ for a great cause.
  15. I listened to the whole show today. While I did enjoy it and find him totally refreshing compared to usual drivel on GR, he really needs to let the show breathe a bit. I know he's trying to make the best possible impression but at times it seemed like he was getting paid by the word. All said, I really did enjoy it. Whether change is in the air at GR....one can only hope because the station is a civic disgrace.
  16. I thought he was alright.....certainly better than the clowns they have on now. But then again, a test of the Emergency Broadcast System played over and over again would provide more insight and entertainment then the idiots who do shows there now.
  17. At least you're honest. That being said, the jury is still out for you pal. The rest of us sufferred through some of the worst football ever known to man. 6-3 Browns game anyone? We've gotten beat down by the awful coaching/personel decsions and then kicked in the head and told to enjoy it by ownership. Now, just because the girl has dropped 100 lbs and looks good...you want her back. It doesn't work that way. now you have to put in the time to win her back.
  18. i thought the same thing....as Brady threw his arms out doing his best "no mas" impression.....when you get a free shot take it
  19. Thanks NyQil...it was beautiful wasnt it?
  20. Just a thought.....on the INT did anyone notice that the play began with the sky overcast, then the sun came out as Drayton picked it off and by the time he hit the endzone the field was aglow in brilliant sunshine. Maybe its all those Dead tours coming back on me but I thought it was soooo fitting. Well done boys
  21. This is exactly the kind of game we drafted Dareus for. He has to own Solder because if you dont get pressure on Brady with 4 you're done.
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