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Everything posted by gomper

  1. Walt is hilarious....i love when Mike says that he's putting words in his mouth and Walt replies in the most condescending tone ever "What I'm saying Miiiike..." too funny
  2. Funny side note from that '09 3-0 loss to Cleveland that set the game back 100 years: Driving home from the game down, yes, Cleveland Dr., the car in front of us threw an object out the window at a stoplight. We look over on the sidewalk and it's a Bills hat lol....Dave: "I guess he had enough" Me: "Don't blame him" I get out and picked up the hat for some reason. I still have it lol
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e231uv5Ae34 I miss him too
  4. When I got one for X-Mas in the late 70's the game came with the Steelers and Cowboys. After a few days the # decals would start to fall off....the unpredictability would be maddening these days but in the mind of 9 year old who loved football it was pure fun.
  5. Ha ha....you boys are funny. I could post what you probably consider "hot". Better yet, I'll describe her: melon breasts and vacuous chatter. The image planted firmly in your brain by some advertising copywriter. Only the honorable can truly view women. Move out of the sticks gentlemen.
  6. ok to each his own.....another of Zoe view perhaps? http://bloodygoodhorror.com/bgh/files/reviews/caps/aodboobies.jpg
  7. Anyone up for Death Proof's own Zoe Bell? http://content9.flixster.com/photo/97/64/94/9764947_gal.jpg
  8. Good catch...wrong click by me....although, i'm sure i won't hear you complain
  9. in honor of the WTA getting into full swing, here's Vera Zvonareva
  10. This needs no words http://www.wtatennis.com/javaImages/f/f4/0,,12781~10679311,00.jpg
  11. Murph is the gold standard.....look forward to it....the rest of the station sucks
  12. Well......speaking of old school.....how about Victoria......:)http://wallcrow.com/images/V/Victoria%20Principal/Victoria%20Principal-0162.jpg
  13. Humor and violence...all rolled into one...enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMu2xNBpyQc
  14. No Doc....it's just the planets way of telling you ur kicked out the universe lol
  15. Western sky- Jupiter is below the Moon and Venus is above it.....Mars is in the Eastern sky......very trippy
  16. Sylvester ans Gare are horrible.....please Terry.....no C team next year
  17. I did....but started again....the hook runs deep.....anyway, more Brie http://static2.dmcdn.net/static/video/546/004/3400645:jpeg_preview_medium.jpg?20111215215101 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-VsGAjYQQamY/TlnxeTfS_EI/AAAAAAAABQU/nPRpT1bUNsE/s400/4.jpg
  18. Did I?....must been the Jamison...lol.....here's a nice American tennis girl....Brie Whitehead http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DpncIva5Vuk/Tlnxc1nKlMI/AAAAAAAABQM/QGEV7uJpxbo/s1600/2.jpg
  19. Actress Audry Dana.....French Women are sooooo yummy
  20. As Gigi said in season 2 of The Sopranos about Boston: "It's Scranton with clams." hey, they think Aerosmith is good...what do they know?
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