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Everything posted by gomper

  1. What can you say?....he was terrific....everyone has pretty much nailed the game and I didnt want to start another thread so, three quick thoughts Bad: Wilson not getting enough depth on the Raiders last TD....that should never happen.....ever. Good: On the last Raiders TD drive.... first play...Dareus rushed Campbell and touched him as he let it go at the 5....then pushed McFadden out at the 23....thats hustle. Funny: Whitner biting on the play action and getting beat deep as Dallas came back and won it in OT....but we've seen that before huh? lol
  2. Looking for a classic? Try Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. Hilarious. He couldn't get published, killed himself, and his mother found the manuscript under his bed. Then it got published and now it's considered a classic. You'll love it.
  3. It was and always will be a forward pass.....case closed. I'll never forget kicking the garbage can in half on my back porch.....i think i drank my body weight in Jamo after.
  4. How much more can a guy take? That this organization is cursed is an understatement.
  5. felt it N. Buffalo...i thought i was having an aneurysm
  6. Shut Up And Sing is an excellent film. Censorship is alive and well.
  7. Harlan is very good for basketball when the action and the details come lightning fast but he applies the same approach to football and it sounds horrible. Murph and Kelso on the radio have become one of the best in the League. Some think that Kelso over thinks the play but as another poster said to the effect "if as big a football fan as me learns something ...then job well done." I agree
  8. Listening to some 49'ers talk on KNBR and Mays was working with the 3's and 4's in practice. 49'ers feel he doesn't "totally commited to football" and "lacks good instincts." FWIW
  9. GR is not a very good station by any stretch. As like many of you drear posters, this is the time I tune in with more regularity just to get a sense of what's happening with the Bills. I tuned in on Monday and listened to Bulldog try to tie together the Barnett signing w/ the revitalization of the Waterfront. As much as I dislike Schoop, I'm even more amazed that Bulldog is still on the radio after all these years. He's totally regressed as a broadcaster. He's deviod of any original perspective and sounds like a complete fool w/ his stammering and half-sentences. He reminds me on that idiot at work that keeps getting promoted while everyone else just shakes their heads and wonders "why"? I guess some people make a deal w/ the Devil.
  10. Doesn't cover Te's ? Kidding right?....never seen Donte matchup with a TE in a spread formation?
  11. Dre is so right about his pass coverage. Can't count high enough that one simple shake move by a TE has left him in the dust...and when a miracle does take place and he actually in the area in zone, he consistantly takes the wrong angle to the ball....not to mention the hands of stone he has
  12. i think i need to console Hope...help her through
  13. my heart goes out to you and your family....hang in bro
  14. BTW..that "Blue Sky" was sweet
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0BbYvDwrF8 more Summer fun
  16. any tunes you know just drip Summer?...i'll start http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5GMHzPeEyA
  17. you know, it's funny....on four occasions over the past two seasons i've watch Poz be the feature on NFL Match-Up of how a offense exposes a LB in coverage/ how to roadgrade a LB......another bad draft pick....goodbye and good luck
  18. I'm happy for the US bit I'm bummed I don't get to watch a field full of French girls run around for another two hours. Especially my personal sweetheart Gaeten Thiney #17
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