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Everything posted by gomper

  1. Who cares what they say.....have some pride and confidence....F them
  2. To me the most flagrant and useful episode was right before SB36. On the day before the game, the Rams installed some new formations/pass routes that they've never used. Martz is still convinced that the Pats knew exactly what play they were going to run and when they were going to run it. More importantly, for the Pats, the defensive call to combat it.
  3. http://dangerousminds.net/comments/breaking_bad_halloween_costumes_for_kids
  4. bbb is so right. listen to Steve Somers take a call on WFAN. "Hey Steve, how ya doing?" "Fine and thank you for taking the time and go right ahead.." The fact that Schoop thinks this wastes valuable time and takes away from the electric discourse that's sure to follow on his end is laughable. So glad I haven't listened to GR in months.
  5. aj- i agree w/ you on the point that they get into and out of one over the top situation after another. i guess that's part of the appeal though.
  6. Don't think Tylenol will cure Opie's headache lol. love a show that's not afraid to kill off longtime characters.
  7. exactly! you are who you are, try your best to evolve in life and above all...enjoy it.
  8. i guess by knowing yourself i mean being comfortable with who you are and being at peace in how you fit into the world around you. the psychological term in self-actualization. maybe this will help. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-actualization
  9. great movie! people live an illusion promiseed by society and wind up not even being fully alive. once you know yourself, life simplifies itself.
  10. KB and GR are both owned by Entercom. GR feed is synched with the local cable feed and KB feed has no delay. Hey, I stopped listening to GR and have been putting on KNBR during the day. Gary Randidch is awesome! So is Fitz and Brooks. Nice to hear high quality sportstalk.
  11. WWKB 1520 is in realtime at the Ralph.....just turn it off before the awful postgame starts lol
  12. lol!!!!!!.....imagine dueling sounds of porn and gospel? i bet the block party is going to be interesting
  13. http://video.artvoice.com/artvoicetv.php?permalink=0000001758
  14. Good for you Cappy. It was the only thing to do. Heed the advice that has been given you by those of us that have gone before you young man. My 2 cents....don't ever settle. Ever. Don't ever settle for a woman who is not exactly what you want and doesn't treat you the way you want to be treated. Lofty goal i know, but why do you think 50% of marriages end up in flames? Guys and girls close in on 30 and feel the heat to marry because that's what our society pushes us into. Go out and meet some girls and for godsake have an air of confidence. You're a good, soulful guy and if the next girl doesn't see that too then it's her loss and move on. Who knows, you might have some fun "sorting through the pile." And.....as always.....DONT' SETTLE....EVER!!!!!!!!!!
  15. The talk show scene w/ Dick Shaun as the Donahue clone was priceless....and oh yes, i'm tough enough
  16. You're welcome Take...spread the word and pass me a Norbecker.
  17. I know, I've looked but you enjoy the glory again on hulu
  18. Taro-You are the man!!! This movie was hilarious!...not many people have seen this gem. I caught it at 4am years ago on ch. 29 after a long night of partying. We howled the whole way through. A great parody of the beer commercial industry.
  19. http://deadspin.com/5937604/why-your-team-sucks-2012-buffalo-bills
  20. what Roch said. my tuner in my car stopped working about three weeks ago for some reason. i would only listen to GR just to hear the updates (which are poor) and see what the temperature was out in Bills Land. So, no more horrible morning show with the know-it-all but knows not much Jeremy White and the over the hill Howard. No more of what has to be one of the worst shows in history in Schoop and the illiterate, marble-mouthed, cant believe he still has a job, Bulldog. No more of the lame comedy bits by some amateur hack comic producer. No more of the shoddy product they put out. I would go online, digest the info and on Sunday just judge for myself. It's been refreshing to say the least. My tuner is fixed now but i think i put GR on twice to listen to Murph (who just so out classes everyone else on the station that they should be ashamed) Turn them off. Trust me it can be done and you know your not missing anything. It may be the worst sportstalk station in the country with a major sport team. And i'm not talking about comparing GR to such top of the line stations as WFAN or KNBR or WSCR. I mean, i drove through Baltimore Wednesday morning and listened to a morning show (105.7?) that was excellent. Sure, there was plenty of Raven and Orioles talk but you know what? It was very good radio. I listened for 90 minutes. Far longer than I've ever listened to GR. Turn GR off. You won't regret it. PS- JW, i think you do a very, very good job, but you shouldn't lower yourself to pi##ing matches on here. It looks unprofessional IMHO.
  21. all great points about this......so, ill focus on the small things......when he turns off the hot water and says "im out......i'm out"...classic....carefully constructed scene......drama of the highest order......as well done as a series gets
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