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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. Risk Aversion is another way to look at it - I agree, but situationally there were many times he needed to do something different with the ball and his risk aversion prevented it. I believe even TT’s lack of getting to the line late in games and speeding up play calls falls into this problem- he just did not seem to understand the entire situation around him - everything was that one play at that time. I agree that NE game was one that he opened it up, but I believe that was also early and one of his 3 ints games that lead to the more “risk averse” TT you see later on.
  2. He did that, but how many times did TT run all over in the backfield and then step out of bounds and take a 2-3 yard sack rather than throw the ball away. TT also would check down on 3rd down way to much and punt to see another day rather than try to get the first down. The final thing is TT was terrible at pushing the ball late in games when we needed scores. All of these were lack of situational awareness to me and things a rookie picked up in 6 or 7 games and made a difference. The rookie tried to make a play - yes even if it only had a 5% chance of success versus the check down with 0% chance (but it increased TT completion percentage and yards at a useless time).
  3. I am not to concerned - I think these guys are a prepared for most scenarios.
  4. I don’t think he will ever be a HC again. I think he is done. The only thing I will say is that he did seem to get something out of that team for many years including a few playoffs runs. He never accomplished a win in those games, but he did get them there. It was time to move on though - maybe even 2-3 years to late, but right now this is a bad opening to me and they are going to end up with a failed retread.
  5. Agreed and I think one of the hardest divisions in football. My wife and I were talking and I think this is at least 5 years before they become relevant again. Would not touch this job with a 40 foot pole.
  6. If true this is a MEH hire to me. If they get a young innovative OC and McCarthy leaves him alone then great, but McCarthy as HC and OC for the last several years in GB has not been good and his relationship with the QB has been bad. The biggest difference is Aaron is more quiet and laid back - I can see Mayfield going off on him if things don’t go well. So much will depend upon the what the rest of the make-up of the staff becomes, but I think with that division and McCarthy’s game management skills they are looking at some middling years when they have elite talent.
  7. Why - did they need the points? Did you need to take a chance on a blocked kick or a kick-off rather than just kneeling down? The Goal was to get the defense out and have them a long distance away and to give Kyle on last hurrah. The kneel down was just fine.
  8. So let’s challenge this a bit - all drives starting in the first quarter - so close game and lots of time left. On first down the Bills ran the ball 2 times - once for a 9 yard gain on the first play and once for a 1 yard TD by Allen (QB sneak). They passed the ball on first down 6 times (one was a sack) and got a passing TD to Jones. At that point they built a 14 point lead. Then I agree they get an itch and try to run more in the second quarter with the lead - 3 first downs - 3 runs and the half ends tied. 3rd quarter they rebuilt the lead there were 3 first down runs and 4 first down passes with one of those pass attempts ending up as an Allen scramble. They rebuilt the lead to 11 points by the end of the 3 quarter. The 4th quarter - especially early saw the same aggression with 4 out of 5 first down plays as drop backs with one Allen scramble for his 30 yard TD. At that point they were up big and running the clock and ran the ball on 2 of their last 3 first downs. For the game they ran the ball 11 times on first down including a QB sneak for a TD. They dropped back to pass the ball 15 times on first down with one of them being a sack and 2 ending up as Allen scrambles. The passing on first down continued even when they were up 35 to 17 and then the Kyle Williams pass at 42 to 17. I do agree they get conservative at times, but I think they understand the best way to protect a QB is to try and keep them in manageable downs and distances.
  9. It was not just the last game, but keep believing that if it makes you feel better. They have gone for 4th downs over 18 times this year - top half of the league. That number has increased as the offense and Allen has settled in. He has also had (like this week) a few 4th down attempts negated by penalty- like yesterday’s false start or we would be in the upper 3rd of the league. I do not think he is conservative and I do not think he is aggressive- I think he was playing very much into the strength of his team last year and earlier this year - his defense. Once Allen got got his feet wet and showed what he could do (about the last 4 weeks) and they started working things - he has switched focus and been more aggressive. I would never call him Jauron 2.0 because that is just plain wrong.
  10. Guess I would really like a better understanding of the conservative game planning. We go go for it on 4th down - numerous times around the field - yes he has occasionally punted on 4th down around mid-field, but he also goes for it at several places. Once again before the half - he allowed a young rookie QB to throw to try and get points and it cost him a pick, but he still let him throw. What I see is a defensive coach that has some gambler in him, but has a very young and very untalented team and that seems to drive some decisions. Late in the half he likes to run on first down to see what the opponent is going to do. He want to eat some clock and try to ensure that he gets the ball last. I thought this year as the team got experience he has opened things up and taken more risks, but there are some people that have already labeled him a bust and ultra conservative when he has had a very bad team and has made the playoffs once already. Gotta Love it ?
  11. I believe he got to the initial scrum late, but went flying in. There is another flag thrown right after he hits the pile going after Quinn. I believe he was ejected for that and then Quinn swung at his head and grabbed the face mask. I thought the refs did pretty good with the calls to get Alonzo out after his second personal foul and then the two late comers. Glad to see Ike go right at Kiko after the play.
  12. There are other including the CDC - do a search or not - there are cases and there are listed articles out there about deaths. You can choose what side you want to fall on - either way, but there are not just single articles. Plus just do a quick search for Colorado and motor vehicle issues and a ton of marijuana related articles will pop up. As I have said repeatedly - compared to other drugs it is not as bad, but it is still a drug and has all of the same issues every other drug has. To call it 100% safe and say that no one in the history of the world has ever died from overdose was the point of my contention- that is simply not true.
  13. Do a quick Google search of THC overdose or death. For Example: https://www.transformationstreatment.center/resources/overdose/many-people-died-weed/ http://www.poppot.org/2018/04/18/truth-deaths-by-marijuana-overdose/ These do not include the slew of newer vehicle related issues that are being seen in legal states like Colorado. Again It is nothing compared to other drugs, but to say no one has ever overdosed or that it is impossible is just wrong. It also does not include deaths when weed is laced with other things and people have psychotic effects. The facts are that it has been legal in states for a short time and numbers seem to be rising. Now - I could not care less- legal/illegal, use it or don’t, but to say there has never been an overdose or death is just wrong. It is like the argument that it is non addictive- yet people that smoke pot and are forced to stop have relapses, or can’t stop, and have other withdrawal type psychological symptoms. I think there are a lot of good things to be gained from CBD and other cannabinol substances, but it is still a drug and still has similar issues as other drugs.
  14. This is not correct - there have been numerous cases of children and teens that have died from overdose and the numbers are increasing. It is becoming more common as more edibles are being produced and children are getting their hands on it. Yes it is more rare than alcohol, but as it becomes more widespread- the number of cases have increased. It is also been attributed to an increasing number of deaths associated with motor vehicle accidents. It is not impossible to overdose, but the levels needed are quite high. THC is also becoming the next Vitamin D - the most recent miracle cure. Doctors attributed everything from mood changes to cancer to diabetes cure to Viamin D and because you produced Vitamin D from the sun - the thought was no one could overdose. Then they started doing studies and found it was not much better than placebo. We will see how THC fares. We know that CBD has some positive effects, but does the added THC have any real effect.
  15. I do not see him getting into coaching. I think he wants time with his family and a coach spends even more time than the players away from family teaching and watching film.
  16. I totally disagree about the roster. The roster is squarely on the previous GM that overpayed for guys and then gave stupid contracts. The decisions by McDermott and Beane were made to begin cleaning up the mess - getting rid of underperforming players on larger contracts - Like MD. Using assets that they did not see here long term (Watkins) to get other assets. Yes the lack of talent was because of decisions by this regime, but were made to clear up previous decisions that were poorly made. The rest of the post is mostly hot garbage - great have them draft Mahomes two years ago - what do you think he looks like in a Bills uniform. He was raw and needed time to sit - do you think under TT he learns what he learned with Alex Smith having a career year. Do you think that without all of the talent that KC was getting for years for Smith that Mahomes would be successful throwing to KB, Jones, and the injured Clay. Also how would he have looked starting in the middle of his first season in a Dennison offense rather than getting to sit and learn under a Reid offense. My feeling is we would be sitting here talking about a bust at QB and when do we move on. I have the same issue with JuJu and Vander Esche. Both of them are fits as pieces on their current team. Is JuJu significantly better without Brown, the TEs, and experienced QB getting him the ball in Pittsburgh. Does he have just pedestrian numbers with TT and the motley collection of QBs throwing to him and are we questioning why we did not draft Jones because he ends up on a team like LA or Pittsburgh. Vander Esche is a typical MLB and I think would be a good fit, but I understand the Edmunds pick. They are looking for more of a coverage deep LB and Edmunds fits that better than Vander Esche.
  17. The defense definitely had it moments where it dominated and I think they have a chance if given time, but I think they were surprised to get Rosen and now want a offensive guy to work with the young QB. I do not think that was really the plan, but now they are adjusting. It is sucks for that staff.
  18. Neither Opioids or Marijuana in moderation are an issue, but just like alcohol or other prescription drugs - when abused they cause problems. The issue is that opioids are being abused and people are bringing in tainted drugs like laced Fentanyl and it is killing people. Many people (including NFL players) could use CBD oil for treatment and get many of the same effects - especially with quick absorbing oil under the tongue that gets into the system as fast as smoking weed, but you lose the good feeling associated with weed. The difficult part is why is someone taking or using the weed are they abusing it or taking it for management of illness. What studies are showing in states that have legalized pot use - is that the number of “high” drivers and accidents are up because they are looking for it now and it is becoming a huge issue. Another issue is that until there is good long term benefits versus risks analysis done and the actual rate of addiction is determined- everything is just people’s opinion. I always hear people say well pot is not addicting and that is bull as can be shown by the number of people that continue even when it will cost them their job or livelihood. The drug may not be as addictive as something like opioids, but the feeling created becomes something you crave and that becomes addictive. There are also studies being done looking at how feelings of anxiety and depression initially become better, but after long term use - the feelings get stronger making user crave more drug and faster between use doses.
  19. CBD could be used - it typically has very low levels of other cannabinoids and THC that is in the drug testing. Plus at the NFL level the THC cutoff is quite high as they raised levels. In reality if players wanted to actually treat illness they could do it with CBD oil and most likely never get caught if they are getting the oil from a respectable company that removes as many impurities as possible. The problem is that players are not using it for illness - even if they try to use it as an excuse. They are getting high and that is banned.
  20. Seantrel smoked Weed before he ever had Crones Disease. He was suspended multiple times for weed abuse going back to college. If it was about the disease he could of worked with the NFL for an exemption, but he did not because it was not the CBD to treat the disease he craved - it was the actual pot and the high feeling. There are treatments using CBD that can be helpful without getting the high feeling.
  21. As of this moment - please tell me exactly how many former Panthers are on the roster and active on Sunday? Star is your answer and that is it. You also have Anderson on the roster until the end of the year. It is not like we are some hotbed of Carolina Players.
  22. I think it was a total miscalculation by the FO staff. I do not think they felt there was a shot at one of the top 4 QBs - so they signed Bradford for 2 years and were sort of going to go for it. They hired a rookie HC with a veteran OC and a familiar DC for the HC. I think they felt the defense was good enough and getting a veteran QB to go with Johnson and FITZ - they had a chance to be competitive- especially if they got a playmaker in the early rounds. The issue was when both QBs started to drop the entire mindset of the organization changed - now they have a rookie QB, a veteran QB that was not playing well and it switched to being all about the future. Therefore if you have the young QB they are going to try and switch it up and no they never gave him a chance. I think things would be totally different if they had not taken Rosen - because the Arizona defense was never the issue and they are going to totally change things up on an aging defense.
  23. I would not mind bringing in Wilks - would prefer to see Al Holcomb come in as DC in either case - I like him over Wilks and Frazier.
  24. Of course teams are banged up - this happens every year - later in the season with scores of tape to watch and the ability to game plan and really understand what is being accomplished- the defenses begin to react and we start to see more and more close/low scoring games. As each game becomes more important and as players are slowed down and the weather further impacts teams - defense becomes more important and offenses struggle. The Playoffs ratchet it up even more and to get to the Super Bowl you typically need at least one game where your defense pulls you through. What I find interesting is the Super Bowl can go either way depending on how long between games and how familiar the teams are. If two teams are familiar and there is enough tape - defense is a bit more dominant, but lack of familiarity leads to offensive advantages. For example the switch from Wentz to Foles last year changed the entire Philly offense and Philosophy giving them a bit of an advantage especially being super aggressive. Defenses tend to play more basic coverages and attack less against the unknown. You need both a good offense and a good defense to be successful, but to say as people did early in the year - defense is dead and this staff should be fired for trying to build a defense - that has been proven to be wrong. As to the offense not being turned around - the Bills through their own choices had very limited money to spend and recognized where they were defensively and that the offense would get new life with the QB. Since you do not know who you are getting in the draft - it is very hard to build an offense around an unknown. The WRs, OL, TE, RB needed for JA is very different than Josh Rosen or Sam Darnold. By the time the Bills had drafted Allen - most of the WRs had been signed because free agency comes first. What we saw is that the team recognized what they needed on offense and what they could get and their offense has been getting better with the limited people they could get during the season. Give them a chance now that they have money and knowledge of their QB to build around him. I do not think they will be complete after one off season, but I think they can improve the offense and keep most of the defense - they can be good and then they can keep growing.
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