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Everything posted by JinxedBill1

  1. This is the biggest reason I believe Allen gives us the best chance to win. While the other guys can throw deep, it's not a threat like Allen. That arm is special and requires defenses to respect it.
  2. If Peterman starts the cries for Allen after one bad series will be deafening.
  3. Peterman is our career back up to Allen for the next 5 years. No business starting.
  4. Still a punk. Yelled at my tv "sit down you clown" when they interviewed him.
  5. This is that moment where you just know that the rookie is the best guy to be the QB. For better or worse this is time.
  6. I hate that in interviews he asks a question and then answers it before the person can answer it. Journalism 101
  7. I think a year on the PS would do him good. Kid has talent but needs to develop.
  8. Is it possible something punctured it and it let out a little air?
  9. Agreed but I think with Allen emerging next year AJM will want to be released or traded to compete elsewhere.
  10. I actually think Peterman is the perfect backup. McCarron I think will move on after this year. Allen starts next year. I think AJM is better than Peterman. The ball comes out tighter and with more velocity. I also think its its only fair AJM gets a go with the ones the next game to compare.
  11. They will. I do it every year. I do my week from 1st game to 2nd then use my wives email to do the last two games.
  12. Flyer on 1st round talent with base salary for 2 more years for a 7th round pick and the 5th yr option potentially? Sounds to me like a slam dunk trade.
  13. Personally I think Darnold and Allen will have a Kelly vs Mariono rivalry in a few years.
  14. This piece is spot on about the anthem and new rules. I'm so sick of the game becoming politicized. I just want to watch football, there's enough story in the players and coaches. With the season itself. No no one Cares!!! Fix the rules
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