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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. Overdorf navigated through “cash to the cap” during the height of the drought. It must feel pretty amazing to take on the free agency with the gloves off these past several years.
  2. Man I remember when options like this were not even available at the starting QB position (preseason 2013 comes to mind). The times they have a changed…
  3. No complaints here. Solid vet who can win games if needed to. I was warming up to the idea as Barkley being the back up but it couldn’t hurt to have a camp battle for that spot if they do bring him in also.
  4. Probably one of the best pro football reporters in our time and before his departure from the company one of the few reasons I would watch ESPN. Very sad news.
  5. Ok I will admit it now. That unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for head faking Tyrod back in 2017 was BS.
  6. I had Josh Allen as the 5th QB ranked in 2018 draft. That is why with deep regret I am announcing tonight I will never take a position as a GM in the NFL. 😢 Having sad that man we nailed it with Allen and then some.
  7. Great first day of oxymoron free agency. Addressing some early losses with adequate replacements.
  8. LMAO didn’t his “last” touchdown thrown ball go for like half a million at auction?
  9. I am too hungover for what is going on in this thread right now between the Mckelvin reference and the search for a number 1 CB I thought I time traveled back like a decade.
  10. You know I never have seen Tim Graham and Dunkirk Don in the same place at the same time…. 🤔
  11. Awesome he is not going to the AFC and it should be a really fun game next season when we play them.
  12. I know it was a joke referencing a Thurman Thomas tweet which generated a lot of chatter from around 2008 when he said the Bills were going to make a “splash”.
  13. “Splash” eh? Was his source Thurman Thomas?
  14. Would have liked him instead of Torell Troup back in 2010 but whatever…
  15. I am a no but I think he is an awesome person and we will always have September 25, 2011.
  16. Man if ever there was a time to say TLDR…
  17. I also once made the argument that a team didn’t need an elite quarterback to win a super bowl just a top defense. I cited the 2000 Ravens and 2002 Buccaneers as proof. Those were obviously the exceptions and not the rule. I also didn’t realize the Brady effect where the league was going to make so much as farting 3 feet from a QB a penalty.
  18. I like the post “My Buddy Went to a Fortune Teller”. That is either one bad fortune teller or the poster really buried some leads there.
  19. Decent points. I would probably be one of the fans visiting Sofi for the first time if that were to happen. I just tend to think Thursday games throw a curve ball on team performance. On the other hand I have a feeling the team is going to be chomping at the bit to get back out there and make a statement after this last season.
  20. I am about to be that guy. I really hope we don’t get that game. I would rather have those two extra days to prepare for our opener and it not be against the defending Super Bowl champs. Maybe I am just a little sensitive from losing to the Steelers at home in September.
  21. Just keep the Arena League jerseys in the dumpster of Donahoe era bad ideas and I will be happy.
  22. Really sad to hear the news. I remember he was on the team at or around the same time with Pat Williams and I used to confuse the two when I heard their names.
  23. Man he is a Lord of the Rings type journeyman with the number of teams he has been on.
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