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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. It was pretty noticeable that Brown was really struggling out there. He's been inconsistent all year. I know he had some injury stuff and you always wonder if that plays a part that we don't hear about. That said, I think his performance this season will have Beane searching for RT candidates through the draft and free agency. Brown has shown some flashes but overall just far too inconsistent.
  2. Meh, never been much into the "Bills/Bengals Bros" thing. Yeah, they helped Bills into the playoffs back in 2017 but I don't even know if there's any players from that roster on their current roster. It's da playoffs. And I don't like 'em. Don't like 'em one bit. Sick of 'em, really. Lot of them seem to have big mouths. That makes me hope the Bills go out there and piledrive those orange rat sonsabishes right thru a table. Much like Abraham Parnassus did to H.R. Pickens they must CRUSH their enemies into the ground! Grind their bones into dirt!!
  3. I dunno how in the blue crapsicles this dude keeps getting jorbs, or at least interviews. The only times he's looked any sort of successful was when he had a HoF QB running his offense. Every other endeavor he's had has been big cacapoopoo. Edit: That said, go right ahead and hire that guy, Jets.
  4. They've invested five years in the dude and he's entering his prime playing age. I really think they're gonna push hard to retain him. And if they can't reach a deal they can at least franchise him. I think he's too important to this defense. He and Milano play well off each other and Tremaine is such a presence over the middle. He's just a steady, solid player.
  5. I'm hopeful Shakir wins the slot role next season and goes off so half the board can stop lamenting the loss of Isaiah Hodgins.
  6. Is there a fart emoji we can add for responses? Ya know how you can leave a check or a barf face or a beer mug, what have you. How 'bout a fart? Cause that's what I think when I read this. My brain sees it and eventually just starts making a big ol "tthhbbpplllttbblltltl" noise. Farts.
  7. Aye yi yi. 🤪 Where's Brandon Reilly? How about Chris Hogan?! Da'Rick Rodgers? Robert Foster? Crap happens.
  8. Phantom?! Sir, I have it on good authority that #97 farted near #8 and told him he was a booger eater. Man's lucky he wasn't ejected!
  9. It's one o'dem lil plastic tables they stick on da pizza.
  10. That 26Shirts guy said it, I think. When the team signed free agent LB Nick Barnett he made mention of "they got some kinda Mafia up there in Buffalo" and I remember that's when the term started to catch on a lot more. Del (26Shirts guy) also coined the "Legend of Kiko Alonso" hashtag that got hot for a minute. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the moniker but it seems to have stuck.
  11. Schlomo was entertaining his first two years or so but since then he's a cliche machine that exaggerates the crap out of everything.
  12. Ya know, just when it feels like we've hit rock bottom someone hands us a shovel. Yeesh. Hope Murph recovers!
  13. All fair points. What I've been wondering is if they're limiting the offense intentionally these last few games in order to keep some things in their back pocket for the playoffs. I wonder if that's why they have the inconsistency. Doesn't seem like they're doing anything super creative, not a lot of misdirection or pre-snap motion, but they're able to score enough to win despite stalling out on several drives. Just makes me wonder if they're like, hey that's fine, we still won and we didn't have to bust out our big money plays. I could be totally wrong and they could be out there running their big time stuff and just not doing it well. But I feel like once the playoffs start we'll see the offense spark a little more.
  14. I've always gotten weenie-douche vibes from this guy. McCorkle, youse a punk. Look at that face and tell me you don't at least wanna hurl a few eggs at it. He's a walking fart.
  15. For sure. The real kicker is how one of those two schmuck teams is gonna stumble bass-ackwards into the playoffs with like a 8-9, 7-10 record. I know they wanna make division play important but I dunno, teams at 11-6 or whatever shouldn't have to sit home in lieu of a 8-9 team just because they won their poopy division. And if the Bucs get in the media will pee themselves over, "Tommy's in da playoffs where aNytHiNG cAn hApPeN!" It all comes back to the media for me and just how much I can't stand them turds. Ah well. Go Bills.
  16. I like dis guys idea. Singletary and Cook have become a really good combo. I'd like to see it remain intact. I know salary cap and all that but yeah, Singletary and Edmunds are on my "please find a way to keep these guys" list.
  17. I guess now he can go back to carrying Doug Marrone's books from class to class.
  18. Nice throw, Tua. I just don't see it with that kid. His mechanics look awkward, yeah he can be accurate but he's got next to zero zip on his throws. Lot of stuff looks schemed open for him and he still misfires. I dunno. Not to knock the guy or anything, just don't see it.
  19. Worried? Nah. Irritated, sure. Pretty annoying when it's 3rd and 17 and the D is like, "You need 17, you say? Here, take 22, a few extra just in case!"
  20. Way back in the Flutie era I went to a Raiders game which the Bills won and boy there were some irritated Raiders fans exiting the stadium that day. Went to the 2013 opener against New England and walking outside after the loss these college aged girls, probably six of them, just being loud and vulgar with kids near and everyone was just like, "Nice, real classy." Same game tho, two moron Bills fans in the row behind us got into a fight before the game even started. Had beer spilled on myself and fiancee at the time. I'll never understand the schmucks that get plastered that early in the day and then can't even watch the game because they're complete disasters. Sat next to some Packers fans in 2014, the game where Jordy Nelson dropped a sure TD and Broccoli Rambo picked off Rodgers twice. The fans were cool. Afterwards I think I said something like, "We rarely get to enjoy a big win, at least you guys still have Rodgers!"
  21. I dunno man, they seem to fare alright against mobile QBs. Lamar hasn't exactly had the best games against the Bills. Fields has his moments but I dunno, I'm not really concerned. Ever.
  22. Mac getting run over is really what makes it. The effort there is pretty sad. I mean I know it's Jones but you gotta give a bit more effort than that. It's wonderful watching the Patriots suffer. Couldn't happen to a nicer team.
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