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Everything posted by teef

  1. my wife has been working with a kid who is spectrumy, (clinical term). at one point, he was loose in the school, so she went looking for him. apparently he was in the faculty bathroom, refusing to come out. she said she could hear him doing something involving water, but it was hard to tell. suddenly the door had opened up, and the kids sprints directly for my wife, with wads of toilet paper in his hands that he had dunked in the toilet. there's video of my wife being chased down a hallway buy an autistic kids carrying wet toilet paper. i would pay handsomely to get my hands on that.
  2. you almost got through a post without mentioning the qb...almost.
  3. how incredible would if be if brady was knocked out for the season from a dildo to the shoulder?
  4. this is going to be my favorite post in this thread. nicely done!
  5. fair enough. to the bolded, i wouldn't expect it but it's certainly a possible outcome. i just can't get completely on board with some thinking sammy would have had a big year just because he's still on the bills. he hadn't yet, and i'm not sure what would have changed. he without a doubt would have made the team better, but who knows how his production would have been. i'm also not sure about this team being a playoff team. new management has a very specific idea in mind of what they want to do. this is a long term project, and moves have to be made accordingly. they might just be over achieving this year due to competent coaching. i hate to say it, but we just have to give this time. this team may look quite different come next season.
  6. my in laws and aunts have the same thing going on. literally hundreds of kids. two was too many for me.
  7. it's very misleading. he completely discounts a win in atlanta, but pumps up a win against the pats who were playing their 3rd string qb.
  8. jesus dude, let it go already. do people really obsess like this over something they have no control over?
  9. who in the world orders a gyro at arby's? do you go to taco bell and order the veal?
  10. this will be our third halloween in this house. the first year we had one kid show up. the next year, we had two. i'm not even going to god damn bother this year.
  11. arby's and applebees was mentioned in the same post. i bet your colon hurts even thinking about it.
  12. i'm not sure if it was mentioned, but those lines looked a bit on the weak side.
  13. even the mention of arby's is too much arbys. arbys is to fast food what applebees is to restaurants.
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