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Everything posted by teef

  1. my roommate in college made a deaf kid hear with a fart. he was in a golf tournament, let one fly, and claims that the deaf kid in their group quickly spun his head around and looked at him in disgust.
  2. we love fairport too. there's no better village area, (pittsford is great too, but i just prefer fairport). The restaurants are very nice for a suburban setting. we just moved to the top of turk hill, right across from casa larga. there's a lilac stand with a road next to it we found. love the street...big lots, nice people, etc.
  3. i want to say it do, but was there more than one in the area? i grew up in webster, and we just moved to perinton 2 years ago, so i'm still a rookie to the area. i'll tell you what though...we love the village of fairport. last summer we would park by the library, eat dinner somewhere, then visit the bars in the area. i never knew what the village was like years ago, but everyone says it's been upgraded in a massive way.
  4. i'm shocked that they didn't either. i don't hate tops, but it just can't compete with wegmans. our wegmans is the perinton wegmans, and there's a tops in the plaza over. if i need something quick like beer or cleaning supplies, i'll run into the tops. i just can't stand going into wegmans during the peak hours. it gives me white guy rage.
  5. this 1000 times over. i would had being bothered every time i leave the house. i can't even stand it when someone recognizes me at the gym or wegmans, and i'm a nobody.
  6. i'm completely with you on this. i've seen him play a number of time, and he's a ton of fun to watch. i just have zero idea if any of that will translate over.
  7. i just finished fractured but whole. i'm with you in terms of time. most of my family is in bed by 8, so that's when i play, but it definitely limits to one game at a time. i have no idea what's going to be next. i'm pumped for farcry 5, but it's 6 weeks away.
  8. ditto. after being raised italian catholic, 16 years of a catholic school, and an uncle who is a priest, i'm done. yet, after all that time around priests, not a single one came on to me. it makes a guy feel a bit...less than.
  9. it really is the way to go. i'm lucky because my dad is an accounant, but he's told me countless stories how people have missed deductions they could have submitted, or how bad the H and R blocks of the world have errored on the returns. i suppose if someone's taxes are ultra simple, why not try, but i'm at the point in my life where i have a "guy" for everything...accountant, insurance, payroll, financial planner, etc. i want a rep for everything so i don't have to deal with it. actually, it's mostly so i don't screw anything up.
  10. that show is one of my guilty pleasures. do you remembered that days when they had more than just paternity tests? progerian kids, mega overweight kids, odd couples, etc. i'm going to admit that i'm rather jealous.
  11. donte whitner was tased, (tazed?) outside of a bar in cleveland, wasn't he? there's always that.
  12. it wasn't amusing, nor was it worth a thread. if this thread was a vd, it would be herpes.
  13. for some reason, john cena is on the today show a lot. he just looks out of place. to be honest, he looks like a gorilla wearing a suit.
  14. this is my assumption as well. let me rephrase that...it's my hope as well.
  15. ferg...i saw a request come through a couple of times, so sorry i didn't accept. i stopped playing it about a month ago, and haven't gone back. i was getting through the south park game, but even that's done now. maybe i'll throw it back in. if anyone wants to add me on xbox, i'm Railers04.
  16. i've spoken to some breeders when it comes to the activity level of retrievers, (i'm lumping labs and goldens here) and apparently it can just depend on the dog. as sotier mentioned, you have to avoid the hunting/water dogs. if you get one and don't work them, they're out of control. for labs and goldens, it can be luck. i've heard that most will act like puppies for the first 3 years, and after that, they mellow. if they don't mellow after that period, you're going to have a hyper dog for its existence. our lab turned 7 last monday, and he's as mellow as it gets. i even put invisible fence around 2 acres so he could roam a bit, and he doesn't even need to wear the collar. i just let him out, he hangs around, and lumbers back in after an hour or so. the worst thing he does is steal food, and roll in deer ****.
  17. this a million times over, especially when it comes to kids. i've grown up with both, and have a lab now. our daughter is 2 and a half, and not once have i ever worried about the dog getting aggressive, biting, or being territorial towards here. the worst of it is our dog just gets jealous when i'm with her, and he'll try to wedge himself in between us when we sit. the hair is atrocious. as others have mentioned, beagles are great too. it was my first dog as a child. the only problem was that !@#$er was loud.
  18. i wonder if rob would remember that he retired, and would keep showing up to the stadium for work.
  19. i plan on visiting one applebees in every state.
  20. my wife and i did this trip a few years ago...it's absolutely amazing.
  21. the hardcore/old school pats fans are so different than the "newer" fans. i went to school with some of the guys that grew up in the boston area, and watched with their families even during the bad times. they're great to talk to about football, and are usually supportive of the bills. i got a bunch of text from friends, excited that the bills made it back the to the playoffs. the new pats fans...!@#$ them. my wife is younger than me, so her friends and their husbands are in their early 30s. two of the husbands are "hardcore" pats fans, and they talk **** about it. they grew up in rochester, have no connections to the new england area, and no real reason to be in love with the pats. i understand that those points don't need to be prerequisites for being a fan, but it just rubs me the wrong way.
  22. i was at acceptance drinking for a while, but i find it slowly slipping back into angry drinking. circle of life.
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