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Everything posted by teef

  1. i understand this idea, but i just feel it's wishful thinking. i still don't think sammy has show to be elite in any way. he has the talent to be, but until his play backs that up, i just don't buy it. he hasn't shown to be a guy to take over games, and i especially don't think he'd be that guy with taylor throwing to him. that jax defense had this offense totally stifled. i don't think having sammy here would have put them over the top at all. i just remembered taylor being shut down too often. the pick has value no matter who we take. again, i think getting anything for sammy was a good deal. i hope he does well in kc.
  2. i'm not quite at 80,000. the car is acting quirky, so it's my time to bail. that's good to know about the similar offers. it happened to my dad too. he has a corvette, and actually won a corvette. he decided to sell one off, went to three different places, and they were all almost the exact same. it's good to know that you got the top end of the offer. i'll have to see if i will. my daughter will be 3 in june, and we have a son being born in late may. i'm doing the kid thing later in life. i'm tired a lot.
  3. why? to over pay for production? between his numbers, and his attitude at the time, he wouldn't have been paid by the bills what he can get from the open market. you keep acting as if sammy was elite. he wasn't. he's just being paid like one now by kc. it still doesn't make him the best. i hope for his sake he does well, but this could totally blow up in their faces. if sammy has yet another average season, what will your excuse be then?
  4. do you not understand? sammy would have hit the open market, and do you really think the bills would have signed watkins, a guy who they were already lukewarm on, and didn't have great numbers, that kind of contract? they were able to get a 2nd for christ's sakes! well worth the trade. don't get me wrong...i'm glad for sammy. he doesn't have to worry about money anymore. he may have been the worst. i don't know why sammy getting a shockingly big contract proves anything for people. what if his numbers are average again next year? what excuses then. i think there's scenario where watkins can put up big numbers, but i'm not sure kc is it.
  5. oh no. he was wildly upset by the trade. i get it, but he was over the top.
  6. Why? Because he was one of the ones screaming loudest against the trade. He even went as far as telling us that the reasons Watkins numbers weren’t special was because Goff was a worse qb than tt, and that Goff was being coached not to throw to Sammy. The bills did the right thing by trading Sammy and getting the 2nd. The people that won’t admit that they were wrong about criticizing the trade, are the same ones who are excited they guessed his contract correctly. Big !@#$ing deal.
  7. this is starting to be a joke. i have no idea why some people are beating their chests over this. why...because you predicted sammy would get paid and he did? big deal. i feel it's the same people who were complaining the loudest about the trade are the ones who are trying to take this as a win for their side. it's really not. the bills were smart to trade sammy for a second. there was zero possibility that they were going to pony up this kind of money. kc decided to overpay for production at this point. the bills made the right decision, and the people that screamed the loudest were really just wasting their time.
  8. no scott. no one said that the wrs are fine, and the tyrod was the only problem. we was a part of the problem, but this is just scott talk. did you also really just say that posters thought dennison was fine? people were calling for his head. i like to refer to this as scott talk.
  9. as long as this doesn't stop the bills from trading up to get their guy, (which i can't imagine it would) i'm fine with it.
  10. awesome input guys. a lot of it is what i expected. i've actually spoken to someone who worked for subaru that i know, and she brought to my attention the kbb deal that buffalo gal mentioned. i'm going to start test driving this weekend, and see if there are any incentives. i like dave's suggestion of making the deal first, and then seeing what the trade in is worth. never thought of that. i even have a second car to trade in, mostly because i never drive it, but i've had two accidents with it, involving the front and back ends. i'm not sure if it's even worth trading in.
  11. i know it's early, but it is pretty surprising that no numbers have been floated out there yet.
  12. i was just wondering if we had some local experts that know how the game is played when you trade a car into a dealer. i know i could get more selling it on my own, but i'm not dealing with that bull ****. that being said, it strikes me that they try to give you lowest possible value that a site like kbb will list. my car is in very good shape, ( i always pick that as the condition when checking online...not the top choice, but second from the best). great features, clean etc. what's my best method for predicting the value, or is there any way to squeeze a bit more money out of a dealer?
  13. good for poz. to play that long and make a fantastic living...a total success of a career for him.
  14. for some people it's the only thing they know.
  15. do you honestly hate everything the bills do? good lord.
  16. it would probably take a year or two to really know as the new qb develops. the timing was just off in regards to a new sammy contract and getting an effective qb.
  17. absolutely. there was no way the bills were going to pay sammy that kind of money, so at least they got a great pick in return.
  18. wow. well...good for sammy! i appreciate it any time a guy gets paid. i can't tell if kc is going to be a perfect fit, or a potential nightmare for sammy.
  19. the bills were moving on from tyrod, and still managed to get a very solid pick. taylor may even be in a better situation for him now. both sides can win on this one. the trade was great.
  20. i miss the days of vinny testaverde. there's a ring i'd throw my hat into anytime.
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