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Everything posted by teef

  1. the man said the bills didn't deserve to win...
  2. a real man wears that jacket without any pants.
  3. you should have answered, "laying pipe and taking naps". that's what hooked my wife in.
  4. oh no doubt. there were some back room shenanigans going on there.
  5. this is the only cover of thunderstruck that you'll ever need.
  6. he's awful. the only good thing about him was the name.
  7. the first kid. not the christmas vacation/big bang theory kid or the new d-bag. did he accidentally get anyone pregnant?
  8. i wish you had given me a better lead in. this team is only as strong as its weakest link. you're the rusty link bro.
  9. the creator of jolt cola was a memeber at a club i worked at in high school. the guy dropped off jolt by the cases for us. i consider it my gateway drug to cocaine.
  10. and how does she feel about the browns?
  11. At that time, wasn’t it the biggest contract for a defensive player, or maybe a defensive back?
  12. this thread really could have gone in a different direction.
  13. the hat and mustache were far too much of a turn off to watch the video.
  14. that's a good age. if you can, sit in the clubs, as it really limits the nonsense. oddly enough, my daughter asked me when she could go to a game. she'll be six in a few weeks, so i let her know she has to be in the double digit range. that being said, we went to the home opener against the jets in i think 2017, sat in the kelly club, and were surprised how many younger, (below 10) kids were there. it was a good scene though.
  15. the truth is 3. you really don't have to do anything too amazing for 3 to happen. 3.
  16. some of our hardest grades were from cleveland and ny. oh my!
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