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Everything posted by teef

  1. i definitely prefer my back up qbs to be more attractive.
  2. i feel like this is a new level of worry for this board.
  3. think there might be a reason for that?
  4. you started a thread about how you were, "depressed" that this staff wouldn't be able to win playoff games.
  5. i'm worried about some things. this isn't one of them.
  6. i think this is exactly what's happening now. around me us in the rochester area, i know a number of people who are just saying there's an underlying condition when they're perfectly healthy. my brother in law went this morning with some friends. now that it seems to be less of an issue to get an appointment, i'm all for anyone that wants it getting it.
  7. i'm going to start telling my wife this.
  8. maybe it's because you were in a hospital setting. for ours, they put a sticky note on your windshield letting the attendants know when you could leave the lot. very polite, but they were strict.
  9. good for you op, and i agree with everyone...you'll never see people more happy to get an injection in all of their lives. i finished my moderna shot in february, and haven't looked back. that this point, everyone in my immediate family has had the vaccine, so just to be able to hang out without worry has been great. one thing i have heard from everyone vaccinated so far is to how well run the clinics are around here. very efficient and very smooth. mine was done at a county highway dept. i didn't have to get out of my car as we were directed towards a garage. rolled down the window, did the deed, then waited the 15 minutes in a parking lot next to the building. both of my appointment times were at 11:30. one appointment i drove away at 11:47 and the second at 11:48, including the 15 minute wait time. edit: as far as the reaction...i just had a very sore arm. wildly sore actually, and maybe a bit tired, but the next day after the second shot was business as usual.
  10. You always have the perfect answer.
  11. Is every team attractive to you except the bills?
  12. I bet this thread on the jets boards would have more views.
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