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Everything posted by teef

  1. that's why i can't stand them. it was so bad the last two years that we have to check the kids for ticks when they come back from playing in short grass. it's gross. it's awful. my dog was sitting next to me after a walk, and i could see these very small insects crawling on him...deer ticks.
  2. they ***** probably do, but they love my yard. last summer i was looking out of our back kitchen window, and i saw something move by the back edge of our pool. i went to check it out and sure enough, a baby deer was chilling out in some landscaping. i was in the very back corner, so it had to walk into a gated area, cross over a bunch of stone, and find a place to rest. i had zero idea what to do so we googled it. apparently mother deer will drop off baby deer in a safe location when they scavenge for food. gone when i woke up the next morning. my yard is now a ***** daycare center for deer.
  3. one of those tweets is correct. i have to imagine those things can get out of control in terms of numbers if there isn't some hunting involved. god know how many deer we see just casually crossing the road and eating the ***** in my yard. they even stare and snort at you if you come to close, like they own the place.
  4. I’m just happy to be spending time with everyone here.
  5. just exactly how short are the men's shorts going to be? should i be doing more squats or what?
  6. I think we need to first know the true purpose of the boat. Is it a boat for water sports and fishing, or is this a hookers and cocaine boat?
  7. i honestly thought he was convicted a while back. if i remember correctly, he was raping old women too. it was a very sad, twisted story.
  8. if you include food that you are currently cooking or eating, i think you will have covered the spectrum.
  9. people should just do what i do, and only use social media to post shirtless pictures of themselves.
  10. we still quote this on occasion.
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