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Everything posted by teef

  1. we're seeing it across the board today. other teams make a few moves, and the fear sets in. the bills aren't a slouch team anymore. other teams should be figuring out how to beat the bills. are the bills without fault? of course not, but this is not the bills of the last 17 years. the only team in this division i'd be slightly wary of is the pats, and thats only if they land wilson or watson, and as far as i know, wilson isn't too likely to go anywhere.
  2. i mean, the bill's wr room is pretty bad ass. i'm not sure we'd be worried what the jets have.
  3. he really, really does. he was nervous about the bell, darnold, gase connection a couple of year back.
  4. i don't think he's damaged goods, and i keep hearing on sirius nfl that he's in the 3, first round picks territory. i just don't want him in the afc east if it can be avoided.
  5. sure, but some fans are like beaten dogs. every time the pats sign someone, it's doom for the bills. right now the bills are the better team, and it's the pats that have to figure out how to beat us. as you mentioned though, it's all about who they open the season with qb with. while we're on it, will people please stop acting like the bills should have lost the first game to the pats. how many times did the bills almost win but blew it when it comes to new england? we weren't allowed to make excuses for bills loses, so why make excuses for the barely wins? buffalo evolved and became the much better season when on. the bills are the better team.
  6. people are already scared of the pats? that's cute. sack up.
  7. how do you feel about him compared to watson?
  8. i was in an elevator with steve tasker before the pandemic. one up that.
  9. i haven't seen much in the way of the bills don't need anyone, and it's true the bills don't have the money, hence needing the more cost effective players, or far fewer signings. concerning not the process for signing somewhere else...with who? gronk maybe, and he did that to himself when he went all wwe on white.
  10. i didn't think that's where you were going with it. that being said, i don't think anyone thinks the bills don't want/need anyone. the bills have set numbers they are willing to/can offer. i doubt they're going to be top offers, so there's a good chance it's a slower FA. I'm sure this office is still being very active though.
  11. So yes what? Why don’t you explain it a bit better to me?
  12. negativity is like a warm blanket to you, isn't it?
  13. as long as the pats don't sign watson or wilson, i'm not worried. i'm not sure if they even have the draft capital to do either, (i'm sure someone will know off the top of their head).
  14. i'm not sure the bolded is the case. it's just so early in this process, and if nothing else, we know that this staff can pull off some pretty unexpected moves. you may end up being completely right with your concerns, but i'm guessing most people are willing to see what's done first. i suppose if you think this is the exact team that will walk out on the field in september, so be it. we'll see more changes.
  15. I think most people are just going to let this play out a bit before the complaining starts. you may think it’s due to posters who, “lack the ability to analytical dissect the point”. I think it’s more due to people being patient and reasonable.
  16. Wasn’t the op the guy who was telling us not to worry, and just relax and enjoy the season this past year?
  17. this kinda stinks, but it happens every season.
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