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Everything posted by teef

  1. there is a lot of energy directed towards someone so unpleasant to look at.
  2. This is why I only write sexy comments in emails. Even if they’re racist, they’re flattering.
  3. please get permission next time. i'll let this slide.
  4. @Gene1973really went out of his way to approve certain posts! come back to us gene. we need you here.
  5. i have a great mental picture of everyone screaming spooky boos, and cole losing his mind.
  6. i was going to say something really filthy about corhnole and my wife, but decided not to. i'm maturing.
  7. is there cocaine involved? then yes.
  8. the guy unintentionally made this into something far bigger than it needed to be. he did this too? good lord.
  9. he must not be. to cancel a football meeting over this? give me a break.
  10. why in the world would he not just address the team, explain what happened, use this as a life lesson to the guys and move on. i feel like he could have diffused this quickly, and he's just falling apart. some guys just shouldn't leave college.
  11. i hope this team would go into this game angry after last year. exactly. after looking at the schedule, these to games are the hardest stretch...and it's only two games.
  12. i think fans will be more "understanding" of a loss to KC. an away game to a team that really needs this win right now. with tenn, i have no idea what happened last year. they just weren't prepared for it. i don't see that happening again.
  13. it certainly would raise red flags, but it may not be the end of the world. this team could still evolve into the second half of the season. who know...they have some "easier" teams, they get wins and get into a roll going into the playoffs. the bills really need to split these games, but even if they don't, it's not a total disaster. just a total disappointment.
  14. i just don't think buffalo has played anyone hardcore enough to be considered the best team at this time. that's not a knock as you can only play the teams on your schedule, but these next two games are big. that being said, even dropping these games wouldn't be the absolute end of the world. i assume it would definitely mean losing the one seed, but you never know.
  15. i just hope we win this sunday, and everyone has a nice time!
  16. This season is still a baby. I think there’s going to be a lot more evolution as the season goes on.
  17. I live the 1pm game time. It breaks up my Sunday’s perfectly. I get the allure of the prime time game, but…my bedtime. Do you live on the moon?
  18. the biggest issue going into sunday is that the game with interfere with my bedtime.
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