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Everything posted by teef

  1. are you done putting the little red x on any comments that are pro bills?
  2. i'm telling people maple syrup is the new water. 8 glasses a day.
  3. pizza subs and now this. you people disgust me.
  4. what a ***** terrible answer gene. ***** terrible. cakewalk *****!
  5. that makes sense. it can be a bit gooey when cutting otherwise. i do trust the pre-shredded mozz that wegmans sells for pizzas. it's definitely fresh, and it doesn't include the ingredients the pre-packaged mozz has that helps it store on shelves better. it's not cheap, but it's the only pre-shredded i'll buy, if i do buy it. good tip though.
  6. nothing specific, but i now know to use only fresh mozzarella. buy the ball and shred it yourself, and notice the awesomeness. the pre-shredded/pre-packaged mozzarella doesn't cook or taste nearly the same.
  7. Can you imagine this place if the jets beat the bills? I’d be happy and terrified at the same time.
  8. no doubt. when looking at this past 2 game stretch on the schedule, i felt the bills would be in great shape if they could split one of these 2 away primetime games. they did, and although losses aren't fun, i'm not worried about this team at all.
  9. oh no. i love the over reaction. it's especially fun to look who started a thread, and immediately know the whiney tone it will have. it will calm down in a few days.
  10. i mean...the bills are going to lose more games this season. it happens to the best teams. the titans lost the the jets and they never should have. i don't know why people let their lives be ruined over this.
  11. i like to think of it as an over reaction week. it's the same people letting us know we're just not good enough.
  12. i was nervous that something happened to mrbluesky. i know he wasn't in great shape, but i thought it was mostly back issues. i knew the senator was sick, so that sad news.
  13. this ended up being my approach as well. it helps the bills when the pats lose, so i was pleased.
  14. i think i brought it up in the shoutbox a long time ago, so this thread was a good reminder.
  15. i'm very confused about how to feel after the dallas/pats game. i hate whenever dallas wins, but it was very satisfying to watch the pats lose the way they did. our fan base has countless losses like that, and now pats fans can feel the same pain. those close games don't always result in a win. ***** them.
  16. i've mentioned this before, but i think we lost row. he posted...a lot, and suddenly went dark. levi is right. he stopped posting on march 16, 2020, which is the exact day everything got messy and closed down in this area of the world. i know he was a really big guy, so i just hope covid didn't do him in. it's always been my assumption for such as sudden stop in posting.
  17. I honestly thought the reason the digg’s stumble was that he was going to taunt a bit, and didn’t realize how close a defender was to him. I’m not trying to be critical…just the first thought that jumped into my head when it happened.
  18. In public, I swear in other languages to seem less boorish.
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