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Everything posted by teef

  1. i don't think he cares. it would slow down the thread.
  2. i've asked you more than once why you thought the offense has looked flat, and what you think should be done about it, and more than once you've ignored it. why? because you really don't want to have a discussion. again, you bring up a point, you hear valid reasons, and just continue to hammer home complaints. so...why do YOU feel that the offense if off to a slower start? it bothers you, so what's up?
  3. if this thread keeps going, you're going to see more nuggets of wisdom.
  4. you know this is his game. he'll pick a few random stats and hammer them home, no matter how absurd they are. i think he just loves the interaction. what do you think the problem is, and what's a possible solution?
  5. Just stop. You do this every so often when you feel the need for attention. There’s nothing new about what you’re doing here. You have absolutely no intention of debating anyone. It’s multiple posters giving you fantastic explanations, and you ignoring them. That’s it. That being said…I appreciate the thread. It’s one of my favorites today.
  6. oh stop with the victim role. no one hates you. it's just your thing. you bring up a simple point that's easily explained, then ignore all reasonable responses and just spit out a useless stat over and over. you don't want to have a discussion. you just want to be occupied, which is fine.
  7. how often do you type the word, "penis" that it changed on your autocorrect?
  8. it's a common baseline among wrs. actually, i like it when he posts. i feel we've just taking our first step into the gold mine that is the head of billsfan1972.
  9. no trade anger! it's not quite as good as the game day thread anger, but it works on a tuesday.
  10. so...the anatomy of a billsfan1972 post follows course. the op presents a "problem" that really isn't much of a concern. multiple posters give multiple explanations as to why this problem isn't significant. billsfan1972 then completely ignores them, restating his perceived issue over and over and over, while never listening to reason in any way. it's a masterpiece.
  11. why do you think his numbers may be down?
  12. we've moved on from 300 yard games to this.
  13. can they? my first thought is i'm not sure i love this, (obviously depends on the return).
  14. thank you for your time and sorting this out. you're a valuable member of this community, and your accomplishments don't go unnoticed. gene is all business, all the time.
  15. yeah. i'm sure a guy who just plowed through other huge men to score a td in an nfl game feels super inferior. you came off as petty. just own it. out of curiosity, do you feel all td celebrations are a sign of inferiority, or just when josh allen does it? after all, flexing is a typical td celebration of his.
  16. nah. that's not it. i think it's far more telling that you feel allen flexing after a score is a sign of an, "inferiority complex" while others see it as a sign of fiery competitiveness...something you want out of your quarterback. it's just you.
  17. are you going to give a little red x to anyone that predicts a bills win again?
  18. Oh stop it. You were one of the ones trying to tell us bills fans are jealous of Lamar too. All fans do this. It’s not specific to the bills.
  19. have you seen the posts on pizza subs and mayo on hot dogs? you're preaching to the wrong crowd here.
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